What's your most embarrasing moment - ever!

i'm pretty sure i've done some bad things in my life, but don't seem to be able to remeber any right now so i'll tell you a mate's unfortunate incident:

we were at a slightly dodgey local drinking hole and he decides to stagger up the stairs to the toilet, a while passes and he doesn't return ,even longer passes and someone comes down and talks to the bouncer who goes up stairs and drags my slightly shocked looking mate out the pub and tells him where to go. Turns out he'd manage to fall asleep, mid flow standing up at a unrinal, head resting on the wall... Hes not entirely sure who "put him away" but we defernatly didn't get dragged through the pub hanging out luckily!
fatiain said:
Sorry to harp on Scuzi, but I see the guy from your "Hello I'm Scuzi" pic in my mental picture. :eek:

Yeah, I was wearing my lovely white jacket and dickiebow at the time ;) I was pulling the crap out of my beard for ages too ;)

I'll be wearing this to the next meet to help others with such visualisations:

ElvisFan said:
My Grandma caught me shocking off when I was fourteen.

That's not so strange until you realise that due to us moving house we were staying at Nan's and I was sharing her bed. :eek: I woke up in the middle of the night and HAD to knock one out, and thought I could do it without disturbing her.

Big mistake :o :D

Had me laughing for ages :p

Just one question though. Once u were nearing the end of of shocking off where were u going to shoot to? Not all through the sheets i hope :eek:
My most embarrassing moment happened on my first holiday away with my mates in Magaluf. I came back from the ***** to find a few mates talking to a rather fit group of girls and I decided to join them, so I strolled over trying to look cool and lent the table my friends were at and it promptly collapsed and I fell face first onto the ground taking a table full of drinks down with me also. I lay in a shocked state for a few seconds while I bathed in the alcohol and the screams of laughter erupted from around the bar. Needless to say I didn’t pull that night…

Another one on the same holiday (not a good year) I decided to take a running jump into the pool, but alas, slipped just before I was about to jump and ungracefully landed on the edge of the pool and crumpled into the water.

That’s a top notch story Scuzi, gave me a good giggle.

A couple of weeks into my new job I was going to pay a visit to one of our local stores for the first time. So I walked in and asked for the store manager and over he comes. I shake his hand and introduce myself then reach into my wallet to show him my id as I need to go in the back etc. Anyway upon doing this I also pulled out condom (you never know ;)) which landed on the floor between us. :o

He's rather camp too but he's been very helpful ever since... :p
I've had far too many to type on here :D

One that stands out though was something that happened to me years ago.
I used to work as a care assistant in an old folks home and used to help certain residents get dressed in the morning. Anyway, one morning I'm helping this sweet old biddy to get dressed and as I'm trying to button her skirt up at the back I tell her that she must be gaining a bit of weight as it is quite tight on her. Eventually I get it buttoned and zipped up and get her to turn around so that I can make sure she is looking okay. As she turned around I could see the reason why it was so tight on her ........ I had tucked her paps into her skirt :eek: :D
The thing was, she never even noticed :D
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KingOfAquitaine said:
This isnt specifically me but my gf anbd I were sitting with my parents when her bag started to buzz. She was sitting a bit away from me and apparentyly hadn't noticed so I siad loudly "hey ** phones ringing", the reply was "no its not, I have it here" to which she then turned bright read and my Dad burst out laughing ^_^
ROFLMAO almost spat my drink out!!!
Aliboy said:
I've had far too many to type on here :D

One that stands out though was something that happened to me years ago.
I used to work as a care assistant in an old folks home and used to help certain residents get dressed in the moring. Anyway, one morning I'm helping this sweet old biddy to get dressed and as I'm trying to button her skirt up at the back I tell her that she must be gaining a bit of weight as it is quite tight on her. Eventually I get it buttoned and zipped up and get her to turn around so that I can make sure she is looking okay. As she turned around I could see the reason why it was so tight on her ........ I had tucked her paps into her skirt :eek: :D
The thing was, she never even noticed :D

Damm thats a good one.
Post some more :p
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