What's your personal GOAT ? (Game of all time)

Such a tough question to pick one. If you held a gun to my head, I'd probably say World of Warcraft. It's been years since I've played it regularly but I think it was the pinnacle of gaming for me. I have loads that are top tier though that I could quite easily pick too.
Not specified PC in the OP so I'll go for Street Fighter II: Champion Edition.

That machine ate months and months worth of my pocket money.
Console: Mario Cart tied with Street Fighter II Turbo
PC: Oblivion tied with Skyrim.

Sorry, but I just can't choose an outright winner.
One of those questions that's very hard to give a confident answer to, but I'll go with Quake Live.
I'm going to go for a first-time experience with my overall favourite genre, a semi open-world FPS with some RPG elements.

It's extremely close and although I'm very tempted to say Stalker SOC, I'll go with Deus Ex. If SOC had come out earlier then I may have selected that.

That was the first time I'd played something that took the experience to the next level. I still have the original boxed game, something I can't sell - at least not yet.
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Very, very hard to narrow it down to just one game. I do however think back to my time playing Morrowind for the first time and just miss how encapsulated I was with it. I was maybe only 11 or 12 when it came out so everything left a big impression on me, I had a few faltered starts then hit the right chracter/playstyle and was just all in.

Every now and then I'll listen to the ost and it still gives me goosebumps, even just hearing random sounds gives waves of nostalgia, I can still hear the sound of those stilt strider things echoing in the distance :D.

I've tried to reveist a few times but have resigned myself to the fact that the experience will just never be the same, it remains unplayed these days never to be tainted.
I'll say Freespace 2. Got really into it, almost felt like I was actually a pilot in the Alliance fighting the shivans. I think the graphics were awesome and made the large space battles great, and the atmosphere was perfect.
So many great games over the years: Choplifter, Elite, Doom, Wing Commander, Worms Armageddon, Freespace 2, Far Cry, etc etc.

But if I had to plump for just one it would be Borderlands 2. It's just so satisfying. Interestingly, neither the Pre-sequel nor BL3 clicked with me.
According to steam play time: sniper elite 4 with 1174 play hours.

Also put a lot of time into everquest, but a combination of first child (who's just turned 17 !!!) and many friends leaving for WoW meant it was past its peak for me.
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One I'd certainly consider is Final Fantasy VII on the PS1.

Bought the console purely for that game, was so hyped up for it, and wasn't disappointed.
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