What's your personal GOAT ? (Game of all time)

For all of its flaws and issues, PUBG is probably my most enjoyed and most time I've sunk into a game. Could also have something to do with the squads of people involved in also.

I've put 2000 hours into PUBG now playing it again a bit after a few month break.

The game is 95% just frustration, in nearly all respects.

But..... But that 1 game you get every now and then that you really struggle the whole way through and pull a win with plenty of kills is the most rewarding experience.

It's not my GOAT, but it's up there.
Original Counter Strike, from Beta 7.1 all the way through to source.. wasted so many hours of my teenage life playing that game!
Still gotta be Morrowind, I can recognise that objectively there's a whole lot of questionable choices with it mechanically but there's a magic to it (probably at least in part stemming from where I was at in my life when it released) that no revisit in ESO, no return to Solstheim in Skyrim can replicate.
Another vote for original wow here. Just so much to it. Any og bladefist horde here?

A close second would be Cs 1.6 + mirc but I was only on an isdn line at best when most others were on 512k and eventually 1mb. Stood no chance.

There's so many amazing single player games, but they lack that social interaction and group element to be as memorable to me.
Half life.

Was bought as a leaving work present. Had no idea about it. Was blown away when jumping out of my skin.
Showed what games could be.

I lost 2.5 years of my life, along with a (probably doomed anyway) relationship to this game. Some would say its not good that a game can have affect your life in that way, arguably for the worse - But when I hear the login splash screen music from the 'Second Genesis' period of the game (circa 2002 - 2003), it gives me goose bumps even now (gotta seek it out on Youtube of course if you wish to replicate this!). Left it behind for the sake of moving on with my life, but I've never come close to re-creating the feeling of awe that it gave me in those early days - what a ride it was.

Lots of other games have eaten up big chunks of my time of course, but in a more balanced way!
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