What's your personal GOAT ? (Game of all time)

I'm a bit torn on this as there's a couple games that could easily have this title.

Has to be MassEffect. First game that I played through four times back to back was ME1; great story and setting. ME3 was only let down by the ending and the Citadel DLC is one of the best. ME2 was the weakest though. Have played them so many times now.

Runner up would be Final Fantasy XIV for the story throughout the expansions. I do believe it has the best story arcs.
Baldur's Gate 2. I got it during the school holidays so I was able to put in 16-hour shifts every day for the first week after getting it.

Honorable mention has to go to Ultima Underworld 2. It's obviously very dated now but, it was brilliant at the time.
Got to be Unreal Tournament, spent hours playing this with an Anglo/Dutch clan, the game was way ahead of it's time and nothing I have played since has captivated me so much.
Battlefield 2 - Spent hundreds of hours on this... between 2005 and 2008. It had a certain feel to it that I just didn't find in the later iterations.
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