When are you going fully electric?

That wasn’t my point but nice work mentioning you have an i3 and ipace again :cry:
sorry.... not sure what your point was then... and i only mentioned my cars because i expect other cars would be different, esp the shorter range ones

there are many people here with far nicer cars than mine so i assure you it was not some weird attempt to flex.
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Although the temperature does effect the battery in my Polestar, I can usually offset that with preconditioning except when I’m coming back from work etc. so overall it doesn’t make a huge difference.

Having to use the heater is what takes me from 4 m/kwh to 3 and under - that thing sucks electrons…
Although the temperature does effect the battery in my Polestar, I can usually offset that with preconditioning except when I’m coming back from work etc. so overall it doesn’t make a huge difference.

Having to use the heater is what takes me from 4 m/kwh to 3 and under - that thing sucks electrons…

You cant ignore preconitioning as energy concumption when saying it doesnt make much difference to i assume the in car consumption of the car.
sorry.... not sure what your point was then... and i only mentioned my cars because i expect other cars would be different, esp the shorter range ones

there are many people here with far nicer cars than mine so i assure you it was not some weird attempt to flex.
My point was people say no impact in winter. Then go on about magic range increases in summer.

No one here, just the general gist of the evangelical fb groups
I see someone at Tesla superchargers is still working. The newly installed ones at Gloucester services appear open to all both North and South. Thats great as next to their own but probably explains the higher prices to other sites.
The pricing is pretty consistent across all MSA sites whether they are open or not. They are consistently higher than non-MSA sites.

They have other sites next to other chargers (e.g. Banbury) and they are priced consistently with other non-MSA sites which are priced lower.

There is the odd exception of course.

A new V4 site in Cornwall opened at the end of last week also.
How is the car charged lol. Yo

It’s not free energy so it’s deluded to think preconditioning hasn’t ’cost you anything’. Sure it’s not dropped the battery %

Of course it’s not free, I never said it was. Thank you for jumping straight to the insult though…

My point is that the car’s efficiency figures worked out on-board only take account of what the battery uses when it’s operating, not when it’s plugged in and turned off, so they only preconditioning that matters is that when it ISNT plugged in.

We’re talking about efficiency of the battery, not the cost of running it.
Of course it’s not free, I never said it was. Thank you for jumping straight to the insult though…

My point is that the car’s efficiency figures worked out on-board only take account of what the battery uses when it’s operating, not when it’s plugged in and turned off, so they only preconditioning that matters is that when it ISNT plugged in.

We’re talking about efficiency of the battery, not the cost of running it.
Where’s the insult? Has danger mouse upset you today or something?
I think you guys are misunderstanding the comment. He is saying the maths presented excludes the initial pre-conditioning.......so if a cycle is 1 precondition + 1 journey, then this maths is excluding 1 full precondition...
I think you guys are misunderstanding the comment. He is saying the maths presented excludes the initial pre-conditioning.......so if a cycle is 1 precondition + 1 journey, then this maths is excluding 1 full precondition...

I gave up trying to explain it after I was called delusional and a clown…
I gave up trying to explain it after I was called delusional and a clown…
I said it’s deluded to think the energy used to heat a battery before a journey shouldn’t be counted as part of that journey.

If the car doesn’t count it then the guy programming is deluded if he thinks the efficiency calcs are correct. Also I’m not convinced putting loads of energy in to ‘save’ energy actually maths out.

So yes it’s deluded to think it makes no difference after running a 6kW heater for 20-30mins just because the car hides it from you

Edit :
Since you added the haha. This is exactly what happens hence the fuel can analogy used. The trip meter is ignoring the energy used to warm up the battery. Fudging your trip consumption to look better but ignoring the 2kwh you paid for from the grid ( probably as a more expensive time ) rather than just using the battery.

You then end up actually paying more just to pretend your car is more efficient because the 2kwh came from the house for say 50p rather than the battery at eg 15p(charged at ev rate overnight)

As I said. Deluded to think that 2kwh came from no where or that some how it’s better than from the battery. Only marginal cases will it ever make sense to preheat from the grid. (Eg you have a trip that’s going end up with you arriving at 1% battery )
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Fisker - new jersey seems same temperature as uk atm , so little redemption there, but maybe Fisker cabin has a bigger heat capacity -
begs the question of which ev's have the best heat pumps/ insulation, to minimise winter vs summer range variation (whats the U value on a model3 roof)

e: VVVVV ok my bad meant rivian as simon remarked - hadn't looked back at prior page.
it's the cabin heating that is predominately impacting winter range though, in non-polar uk I thought
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