When are you going fully electric?

I asked this in another thread but didn’t get an answer.

What effect does loading up an EV with four adults and a bootfull of luggage have on range? Take a battery car with a theoretical range of 300 miles, add an extra three adults and their luggage for a week away and what’s the realistic range going to be?

I’d like to know the answer for both summer and winter. So best and worst case scenarios.

As above, nothing you’d notice.

The biggest impacts on range are speed, wind and rain/wet roads. 2/3 are aero related and the latter is due to the increased rolling resistance of driving on a wet road.

That’s about it really.

Obviously towing anything ruins both aero and rolling resistance.
Why is it different to ICE cars? If I’m four up and loaded up with luggage, it makes a huge difference to fuel consumption.

You have a weedy engine.

Remeber all the mass in ICE is used to heat brake discs too. 100kg extra in a BEV is more like 45kg impact to ICE due to the bi directional powertrain, ie regen braking. Also pretty linear efficiency from the motors unlike ICE with the variability of gears and volumetric efficiency based on the road load.
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I’ve been EV only since June and can’t say I’m ever going back to ICE. The whole experience has been really good. The car is very comfortable and has loads of performance when I want it. It’s nice to have a charged up car everyday so no trips to the fuel station. Whenever I do really long journeys and do need to use fast chargers the car plans it all out for me and once I’m there I plug in and watch some YouTube/Netflix etc. it’s done in no time.
I’ve been EV only since June and can’t say I’m ever going back to ICE. The whole experience has been really good. The car is very comfortable and has loads of performance when I want it. It’s nice to have a charged up car everyday so no trips to the fuel station. Whenever I do really long journeys and do need to use fast chargers the car plans it all out for me and once I’m there I plug in and watch some YouTube/Netflix etc. it’s done in no time.
Have you had a brand new ICE before out of interest ?
I guess my next car will be electric.

I don't do much driving, 4/5k a year.

I drive a BMW 5-series (f10) in a lovely space grey and cream interior. M-sport w/ 19" wheels.

It's a 66 plate with 29k on the clock that I've had it for over 3 years.

I imagine I'll drive it for a few more years due to little mileage (even diesel costs aren't prohibitive cost wise) and then get an electric.

What I do know is it won't be a BMW. Quality of car aside, the front grill looks horrendous to my eye on the newer models, I'll never buy one.

Love the f10 m-sport saloon. Perfect styling to my eye.
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Remeber all the mass in ICE is used to heat brake discs too. 100kg extra in a BEV is more like 45kg impact to ICE due to the bi directional powertrain, ie regen braking. Also pretty linear efficiency from the motors unlike ICE with the variability of gears and volumetric efficiency based on the road load.

This - the extra energy you use to go up a hill and get up to speed is recovered* going down the other side and slowing down, whereas in an ice it is just lost.

* obviously it's not 100%, but it's quite a bit, up to ~80% iirc depending how heavy footed you are
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I've had several top marque brand new ICE and a brand new EV. Other than the noise maker the EV is superior in every other way bar the charging/range equation.
Was really to the person saying they would never go back.

Ignore the cabin tech. You prefer what on the EV ? Would you ever go EV only ?
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Was really to the person saying they would never go back.

Ignore the cabin tech. You prefer what on the EV ? Would you ever go EV only ?
For us the change from Q7/A8 cars to EV has been the complete lack of engine noise, instant torque, cheap home charging, remote heating/cooling and not poisoning environments as we go through towns and villages. Yes, there are many nice ICE cars out there but overall I would never spend my money on an ICE car again - there are just too many nice EVs coming/already out to do that.
As above. While I will consider an ICE (only in some kind of hybrid form) again when the lease runs out on my EV, I think it would be very unlikely I'd get anything other than a pure BEV again.

My usage pattern is almost entirely infrequent, random, short journeys which are absolute torture for an ICE, both mechanically and for efficiency, so a BEV suits probably 98%+ of my usage. Charging infrastructure (or lack thereof) is the only reason I'd consider an ICE again but I do long journeys so infrequently it probably shouldn't factor in at all (but we all know that little nag at the back of your mind...).
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