When are you going fully electric?

Has a reliable charging network ;)

On Friday I stopped for a quick toilet break at Reading services. Spotted a line of brand new Gridserve 350kw ABB chargers. Great, I thought, I’ll plug in for 5 mins while I nip to the loo.

First charger wouldn’t accept any payment, moved to the charger which took payment but the handshake failed twice. I gave up after spending longer trying to get a charger to work than it would have taken me to actually nip to the loo. Complete waste of time…
Has a reliable charging network ;)
I said which the Polestar doesn’t have ;)
This was last May :p

If I don’t need the SC network and charge at home for 99.9% of use, what more does the Tesla offer on the tech side? [apart from a light show and fart noises]
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What does the Tesla do/have which the Polestar doesn’t?
A consistent experience - an app that works every single time rather than deciding to respond as it likes, it's been nice not to have the LTE connection just randomly not working, charging works every time - my polestar was so bad that my wife wouldn't charge it because if you didn't face the sun at exactly the right time the port would error out.

Maybe it was just my polestar experience but the Facebook group was full of the same and a colleague actually returned his it was so bad.

Tesla isn't a patch on the ride / acceleration however but that's my spec
A consistent experience - an app that works every single time rather than deciding to respond as it likes, it's been nice not to have the LTE connection just randomly not working, charging works every time - my polestar was so bad that my wife wouldn't charge it because if you didn't face the sun at exactly the right time the port would error out.

Maybe it was just my polestar experience but the Facebook group was full of the same and a colleague actually returned his it was so bad.

Tesla isn't a patch on the ride / acceleration however but that's my spec
Sounds like you had a bad experience
I’m in the Tesla FB group and that’s full of issues too - most recently wipers which don’t work properly, since the December update, and the ‘Tesla Vision‘ being pap
Sounds like you had a bad experience
I’m in the Tesla FB group and that’s full of issues too - most recently wipers which don’t work properly, since the December update, and the ‘Tesla Vision‘ being pap
Tesla vision is a huge improvement over radar. I don't even remember my last phantom brake. I can do hundreds and hundreds of miles with no concern. My previous VW setup was from the stone age in comparison.

Wipers are mostly fine, with the odd weird period, they miss a manual sensitivity adjustment. So yeah not that good.

I can't really chime in on what Polestar does it does not have. But for me Tesla works as follows:
1. Enter/Exit car with phone in pocket, 100% of time, no issues.
2. Auto heated seats, steering wheel and AC. Literally never adjust anything.
3. All routes just add in charging stops, taking into account chargers being used and if any are broken. Will re-route if a charging spot becomes busy.
4. Spotify just works.
5. I have full access to the API so returning home unlocks my house door. The night before work I have automation to set a higher charge and pre-heat/cool.
6. Has built in dash cams, I can view them remotely.
7. Easy entry seat/wheel automatic profiles.
8. Per person profiles, Inc seat, steering wheel, YouTube etc.
9. Can teach it to always fold mirrors at tight locations.
10. Range route planning is basically spot on, takes into account elevation, wind, temp etc
11. Super efficient, despite the temperature. Cold weather makes surprisingly little difference. I assume due to the octovalve.

Like I said, I don't really know what the Polestar has.
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Tesla vision is a huge improvement over radar. I don't even remember my last phantom brake. I can do hundreds and hundreds of miles with no concern.

100%, this. Vision is an order of magnitude better than the old radar version but it doesn’t stop people moaning about it constantly because it no longer allows you to set an inappropriate follow distance to effectively tail gate the car in front or use it above 80mph.

A valid criticism is that it doesn’t work great in diabolical weather but you really have to question as to whether one should be using such a system in such weather.

I’m also in the tesla Facebook group and there is a very small but very vocal minority of people who will just moan about literally anything, much of it being user error. I’m not talking about ‘you are holding it wrong’ type stuff I mean down to frozen windscreen washer fluid and LED headlights not defrosting themselves being somehow Tesla’s fault.

At the end of the day, the Polestar and Tesla are very different takes on the same thing. If you want a hatch back you wouldn’t even consider the Model 3 and the Model Y is not exactly a looker.

There is one thing, the Tesla is considerably cheaper. They had some inventory Model 3’s up the other day for £38k for an SR+ and LR for £46k. Bargain in the current car climate IMO.
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I said which the Polestar doesn’t have ;)
This was last May :p

If I don’t need the SC network and charge at home for 99.9% of use, what more does the Tesla offer on the tech side? [apart from a light show and fart noises]

Oh dear, don't you know better by now than to say anything remotely negative about Tesla? You just need to accept there is obvioulsy NOHTING any other EV does better than a Tesla. :D

Joking asside your post was a bit trolly and you have nobody to blame but yourself ;)

I would not consider a Tesla because I just don't like the bland boring interior. The rest does not matter as I do all my charging at home and living in Northern Ireland means no SC network. All the tech stuff listed by FerretBoy is nice if you need it, to me it's utterly pointless. Here are the reasons I instantly removed Tesla from my list of considerations.
  • Lower build quality
  • Worse road and wind noise
  • Bland boring and cheap looking interior
  • Harsh suspension (even my coil sprung I-Pace was more comfortable than the Model 3 I tested)
  • Range and efficiency is not an important metric for me
Tesla has a lot going for them but they are a good EV, not a good car. When all things are considered IMHO.
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Wow... I realise making massive assumptions then posting ignorant conjecture is the cool thing to do on the internet these days but I think you may well have triumphed with this one :lol: So you claim to know where i live, where i was heading to in cornwall, what else I was doing there that involved my car and which grade / version of the Q4 I have? Amazing!

Just going on the facts you supplied. You said you live in Devon and are going to Cornwall. No conjecture there. :p And there is only one Q4 and its a 300 mile range.

even if you lived on the border of Devon, the furthest you could have possible travelled is to lands end and that would be 155 miles.

Thats all. If you had said you were going to Cornwall from York then I could understand it more.
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Tesla vision is a huge improvement over radar. I don't even remember my last phantom brake. I can do hundreds and hundreds of miles with no concern. My previous VW setup was from the stone age in comparison.

Wipers are mostly fine, with the odd weird period, they miss a manual sensitivity adjustment. So yeah not that good.

I can't really chime in on what Polestar does it does not have. But for me Tesla works as follows:
1. Enter/Exit car with phone in pocket, 100% of time, no issues.
2. Auto heated seats, steering wheel and AC. Literally never adjust anything.
3. All routes just add in charging stops, taking into account chargers being used and if any are broken. Will re-route if a charging spot becomes busy.
4. Spotify just works.
5. I have full access to the API so returning home unlocks my house door. The night before work I have automation to set a higher charge and pre-heat/cool.
6. Has built in dash cams, I can view them remotely.
7. Easy entry seat/wheel automatic profiles.
8. Per person profiles, Inc seat, steering wheel, YouTube etc.
9. Can teach it to always fold mirrors at tight locations.
10. Range route planning is basically spot on, takes into account elevation, wind, temp etc
11. Super efficient, despite the temperature. Cold weather makes surprisingly little difference. I assume due to the octovalve.

Like I said, I don't really know what the Polestar has.

So the Polestar can't do 3, 6 and 9. Also it's less efficient than the Tesla (9). Point 5 there is no API access but it can do the rest.
  • How much battery % do the built in dashcams suck up per day?

  • Are you paying Tesla a monthly fee for the connectivity?
    Polestar it's free for 3 years and i've not had a problem with it dropping out.
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So the Polestar can't do 3, 6 and 9. Also it's less efficient than the Tesla (9). Point 5 there is no API access but it can do the rest.
  • How much battery % do the built in dashcams suck up per day?

  • Are you paying Tesla a monthly fee for the connectivity?
    Polestar it's free for 3 years and i've not had a problem with it dropping out.
Dash Cams: 5% a day comes to mind, I'd need to validate that, but sadly it keeps the car awake. I don't have them on all the time, i.e. I have other security measures at home. So it auto disables them at home.

I pay the monthly fee. But you don't have to, it's £10. That lets me do everything without tethering my phone. Without it you loose:
* Traffic visibility on map (it's still taken into account for routing),
* Satellite views on the map.
* YouTube, browser etc, unless you tether to phone

I forgot the API also lets me track everything, so have all the numbers, all the time. Questionable value, but I like the map of everywhere I've been!
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64K$ rhetorical question is how has Tesla vision been fixed to identify correct distance of motorbikes -
had a **** in a modelX try to kill me yesterday, as I put in other thread, squeezing through a gap - even his cars Lidar should have said verboten, and taken control.
Tesla doesn’t have LiDAR… they don’t even use radar if it’s got one equipped.

It’s probably just a **** driver and nothing to do with Autopilot. The automated systems are overridden by manual input not the other way round.

I’ve driven probably 8-10k miles on autopilot at this point and I can’t say it’s ever wanted to run over a motorcyclist.
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I'm thinking of pushing to get an EV Salary Sacrifice scheme setup up in work..

Assuming I want good pricing and max savings passed on, any recommendations for which company to approach?

I know this is very LTTP on this, but better late than never!
Tesla doesn’t have LiDAR… they don’t even use radar if it’s got one equipped.

Of course they don't now that's the point/problem (he's a United States senator) -similar to the other cost cutting on parking sensors you've just also elaborated in the model3 thread -
and, as you say there, (in a similar vein) do you want a (ex) 60K car where radar can't identify if there is a something close in the fog on the motorway.
spending budget on an enhanced AI software & associated silicon, when basic safety is compromised.
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