When did you last have an Alpha Male moment?

If fixing something is considered being an alpha male then I am the alphaest of aplha males - I own a ford :D
Last night after I got in from work I made Tea for the Misses, Me & the Kids Washed up and put away, got the kids ready for bed, put them to bed vacumed the living room, hallway & kitchen, also cleaned all the Kitchen worktops....... Made a brew for the misses I cracked open a few Beers and then tapped up the misses for a bit of nookie :-)

She was happily generous in pleasuring me :-) BIG Happy smile on my face today lol
out on sat night, chatted up a girl, was a bra fitter but has a new job now "I do miss people groping me at times though" with a cheeky wink. I didnt hesitate. Turned round to see friend with open mouth. got number, seeing her next week.

This doesnt happen to me often, so if you think it isnt alpha, dont ruin my moment and say so. :D
I had a poo that lasted half an hour this morning. Can't get more alpha than that...

I jumped down 10 stairs at once today, and I didn't even ask anyone's permission first.

Ah, childhood and feeling invincible. Used to love doing that going down the stairs :).
fitted a shower on tuesday, never done any sort of DIY in my life, when i was done i wiped away all the blood, tended to my bruises then stood, chest out, hands on hips and admired.

then the flood started.. so after battling with that and got it all fixed, and resumed the alpha position..
Basically she said I was the one guy she's met that she would go straight for.

If you have Facebook, search Emmer Keogh.

I have no idea why she likes me though :D

Oh the temptation to message her this thread to find out if the quote was true .............................

Today in the workshop, got 6 people to go in search of:
..a sky hook..

...The interweb is amazing (btw its for aid climbing)

^ I have no idea what you just said o.O

A Sky hook:

In action:

They are almost the scariest thing you can use when climbing :)

I have endless Alpha moments - I'm renovating a house.
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