When is lunch for you at work?

I get to decide in my role but today it's now so 2pm, tomorrow is likely when I have my gaps between meetings too so hopefully around 1-2ish
Anywhere between 1430 and 1830. Any duration between 1 and 3 hours. Varies from day to day. It's usually split shifts rather than lunch breaks. I have my full working week in 4 days now, which I think is generally better. Very long days (up to 13 hours) but 3 days off a week. Swings and roundabouts. The split bumps up how much I spend on Amazon, though. I'm very pleased with my Kindle (paperwhite model - better screen than the standard model and not too much more expensive IMO) and it's so very easy to buy more books. You've read the first couple of books in this series...would you like to buy the remaining books in this series with just one touch? Yes, yes, I would! There's another bunch of money spent.
Prefer it to be at the later end of work lunchtimes, means I don't feel starving during the last hour of work, so eating at about 1:30pm.

Sometimes meetings get booked for 1-2, so occasionally have to eat at 12:30. Hate that.
as late as possible really - if I'm on 'pm shifts' starting between 1300-1600 I'll take a sandwich and eat it not long after starting - dinner when I get home late at night
If I'm doing early starts (4am ish) I'll wait and make bacon rolls/paninis etc once home...
used to work at a call centre with rota'd lunch breaks...would always try to get stuck on calls etc when on the early lunches, the later lunches broke the day up much better
I go for lunch at 12, eat a sandwich or something equally small then (weather permitting) go for a walk around the block which is roughly a mile.

Hate sitting down for lunch when the majority of my day is spent sitting, plus it helps clear my head :)
12:30 or 1 (ish)

Edit: For the thrills, today's lunch was a ham salad sandwich including lettuce, tomato, cucumber, hoisin sauce and psycho juice hot sauce 70% habanero (which isn't particularly hot)
Generally 13:30-13:50, could take as much as I want between 11am and 2pm, but would have to make it up at either end of the day.

If I start about 8:30, that means only about 2h40 to do after lunch, which I can generally manage before getting sick of it all. If I took lunch at 12 and had to do another 4 1/2 hours it'd just be a waste of time for all concerned :p
Shift work so not the same time every week, but usually about 4 hours in.

That's what it should be, but we instead work it so we don't get an official break, instead either start couple hours later or finish couple hours earlier. So 6 hour shifts instead of 8. Most days. Love it.
LOL, skip your lunch and knock two hours off your day

Edit: typo
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Depend when I have meetings, but typically between 12:30 and 14:00.
I like to aim for 1400/1500.

It was a habit I got into many years ago and now it has just stuck with me. I work in IT and I found if I had lunch at the same time as everyone else I'd often get lots of work related questions thrown at me. So I started going for lunch when the staff room was sure to be empty or close enough to it.

It also had the benefit of making my afternoon very, very short.
I have a mate who had a similar mindset, late lunch means a short afternoon, but I never really bought into that, because it means a long morning. Personally I don't see why an afternoon that drags is worse than a morning that drags (especially if it means less chance of getting hungry).

When I used to work in an office however I did like going out for lunch at 'unusual' times however because it meant less queues to buy stuff, although leave it too late and it sometimes meant less food to choose from.
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