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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?



13 Mar 2008
Greater London
Sadly for me not able to access Members Market for another 2-3 years at least at my rate of activity!

Take a page out of Grim5's book. Make thread of news articles you read about online here. Also slate best in class hardware for months on end in said thread, then go buy one yourself :D

Yes, he actually did that with the Alienware QD-OLED monitor. Hilarious :D
22 Nov 2020
You can still get £300+ for a broken 3090 looking on a certain used site so even if it did fail which is only a 2-3% chance then you can still recover half the outlay.
Not sure that’s going to sway many. Also the hassle of selling a broken 3090 leaves a lot to be desired let alone the £300 loss.
21 Mar 2023
I just hope they don't keep crippling the BUS each gen. 4070ti has a 192bit BUS I believe, half of what the 3080 had.....

that was such a strange decision, almost no reason to even do that? The fact that the 4070ti was originally called a "4080" as well I believe, but with slightly less vram.

Quite the strange decision from nvidia, but I hope they wise up going forward
15 Oct 2019
Not sure that’s going to sway many. Also the hassle of selling a broken 3090 leaves a lot to be desired let alone the £300 loss.
I've bought and sold many used cards over the years and never had any issues, its a great way to get more performance for your money especially in times like these when buying new is such a rip off.
28 Oct 2009
I just hope they don't keep crippling the BUS each gen. 4070ti has a 192bit BUS I believe, half of what the 3080 had.....

node improvement alone gave them enough performance increase , having higher bus would make it perform better at 4K, think they want people to buy 4080/4090 for 4K

but crazy they wanted to flog it as the 4080

I dont have issues with the 4070ti peformance at 1440p its the pricing , its just gonna get worse down the stack we go

so what I paid for the 3080 (£649) I will likely have to pay slightly more to equal its performance this gen ?
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7 Dec 2010
There are second hand cards with warranty out there you know? :D

I got my 3080 Ti from a reputable member here and it had over two years warranty on it. Not that I am expecting it to fail, GPU's rarely do.

I have never had a GPU fail and even my retro graphics cards from back in the mid 1990's and up to now still work to this day. I only ever had one fan on one graphics card fail and was an easy replacement. Never had a full failure apart from that fan and even that was one of them open blade fans that was like 3cm and fixed to a small heatsink in all the years of owning graphics cards.

Only full failure I remember was an asus motherboard back in the day and a Chaintech motherboard that just played silly but again that one didn't fail and guessing just teething issues on the new platform at the time. One Seagate hard drive I remember too but that had a known issue and I got it back up and working by accessing it over serial coms and a few commands, but spinning rust is always on deaths door even from new so just bad luck with that and a bunch of Hitachi deskstar "aka deathstar" drives but they had known issues as many of here will remember. Nothing else really thankfully.

Most electronic devices either fail in the first few weeks or months or work till they are not needed and used anymore, great example the retro gear I have all works just stopped using them back in the day as things moved on and now they are classed as "retro" and they still look like new the day I purchased them, you just have to keep electronics stored correctly in dry conditions and in a protective antistatic bag with some of them gel packs you get when buying new stuff.
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7 Dec 2010
21 May 2021 this card was on sale here. I grabbed a screenshot because the price was !?!? how much?
When I came back to the site 10 minutes later, they were sold out.

Exactly people forget 3090s were selling for over £3k at one point and £2k was their average price for a long time threw that mess back then. Then people forget they were £1400 for the FE (impossible mission version) and every other AIB was like £150+ more from day one for the cheap AIBS and the expensive models were well over that and close to £2k.. Then people complaining is £600 for a used 3090 expensive LOOOL, my answer is grab it as soon as you can for that as nothing for that price new even comes close, just of course make sure not mined on and if it was has it been looked after and comes with remaining warranty in that case.
7 Dec 2010
Has local memory evaporated of the obscene pricing during covid peak?

You would think the current pricing of gpus,motherboards,ram etc would be a reminder. Especially now as people are upset with items sold at actual msrp and not scalped as they were for over the last 2 years. People forget most gpus were over two times the msrp back then and what most of us had to pay that couldn't get the unicorn FE gpus.
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