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When the Gpu's prices will go down ?

Reality is they will all be EOL and out of stock before next gen comes out and never reaching this imaginary MSRP that people think is real. Then they are replaced with next gen at the new fake MSRP and real street price will be 1.5x-2x and if miners are back and a good mining card 3x will be the street price as we have seen this gen.

Sadly new reality for gpus and pc parts now. Look at the 3080 stocks, you might as well say they have gone EOL since the 3080ti came out and won't be back to normal stock levels until the 3080 Super comes out if that even comes out. The hints are there that the 3080 is EOL just has not been said officially yet.

Im not so sure. There is a lot of stock around not selling now. This is in stark contrast to spring, where it was literally impossible to find any GPU above a 1050 in stock for months apart from the FE drops (which lastes minutes). The last FE drop had cards in stock for up to an hour.

Ive been keeping tabs on it on various sites and the silly priced stuff isn't getting sold (or at least they appear to be taking a while to shift).

As long as mining profitability stays low, and if ethereum profits drop through the floor, supply will catch up with demand. There isn't an infinite amount of people wanting gaming GPUs.
Would have to agree stock is pretty easy to find and widely available all seem to be LHR now just priced silly

People are still buying them I guess not as quickly though but surely will get to point when no one will wanna pay that high and people who willing to pay that high will have cards as long stock keeps coming through
Would have to agree stock is pretty easy to find and widely available all seem to be LHR now just priced silly

People are still buying them I guess not as quickly though but surely will get to point when no one will wanna pay that high and people who willing to pay that high will have cards as long stock keeps coming through

There wont be an infinite amount of people who want LHR cards at inflated prices. At some point soon, i think supply will outstrip demand at those inflated prices. At the moment, there are probably still a lot of people desperate to get hold of a card at a semi reasonable price so things priced only a bit above MSRP are getting hoovered up quickly. Can't last forever though. Also, the profit from scalping is reducing more and more so hopefully the people just buying for a quick profit will be gone soon too.
Gamers definitely don't buy with these prices.
Only miners and scalpers with the idea to resell it later for profits do.

AMD has to ban the mining option from its drivers, for the sake of sanity and loyalty towards us, the gamers.
Looking at auction site for sold recently at the 3080 basically selling the same as you can find at retailers selling them for so doesn't seem worth scalping

Only ones that seem worth scalping are the ones you can get with Nvidia Fe drops
Won't, at least not any time soon.
Won't mention names, but clearly shops still price gauging: Was looking at a RX6800, was £829 10+ units, which I don't think is worth this much, went to check the prices for the 6800XT. 2 minutes later, the £829 went to £859.
Clearly the prices of a product, already in stock, won't be affected by any supplier's increase.
A RX 6800XT watercooled, £1049. 3 pieces left, went to £1149 when last 3 items available. Unless the supplier decided to increase the price on something you already took delivery.
Not a single shop, it's happening across the board.
Simply wait and watch the panic when stocks starts to pile up.
Production will carry on.
Eventually prices normalize.
Meanwhile, unless you can profit from a GPU, invest the amount being charged over MSRP and invest on another hobby while waiting for it.
Looking at auction site for sold recently at the 3080 basically selling the same as you can find at retailers selling them for so doesn't seem worth scalping

Only ones that seem worth scalping are the ones you can get with Nvidia Fe drops
Notice that too.
No point paying the same price without any warranty.
About the drop, some time ago the 3090's was live for few hours.
Now is like watching the sky for a falling star.
Reality is they will all be EOL and out of stock before next gen comes out and never reaching this imaginary MSRP that people think is real. Then they are replaced with next gen at the new fake MSRP and real street price will be 1.5x-2x and if miners are back and a good mining card 3x will be the street price as we have seen this gen.

Sadly new reality for gpus and pc parts now. Look at the 3080 stocks, you might as well say they have gone EOL since the 3080ti came out and won't be back to normal stock levels until the 3080 Super comes out if that even comes out. The hints are there that the 3080 is EOL just has not been said officially yet.

EOL = End of life?
Purgatory has it bang on. AIB cards will never reach anywhere near msrp. 3000 series is end of life and I suspect production of cards will slow down as manufacturers and retailers won't want to be left holding lots of 3000 series stock in 2022 especially when Nvidia are saying the 4000 series will be a huge generational jump like Pascal was. That said I expect the next gen to be even more expensive than current
Purgatory has it bang on. AIB cards will never reach anywhere near msrp. 3000 series is end of life and I suspect production of cards will slow down as manufacturers and retailers won't want to be left holding lots of 3000 series stock in 2022 especially when Nvidia are saying the 4000 series will be a huge generational jump like Pascal was. That said I expect the next gen to be even more expensive than current

How on earth are 3000 series cards end of life :confused:

There are models in the line up that came out only a few months ago and there is likely a year and half till the 4000 series, and probably at least 6-9 months before a 3xxx refresh.
How on earth are 3000 series cards end of life :confused:

There are models in the line up that came out only a few months ago and there is likely a year and half till the 4000 series, and probably at least 6-9 months before a 3xxx refresh.
I think he just got out of his time machine after returning from 2023, maybe.
How on earth are 3000 series cards end of life :confused:

There are models in the line up that came out only a few months ago and there is likely a year and half till the 4000 series, and probably at least 6-9 months before a 3xxx refresh.

I think he means 3080's, or he didn't read what I said right. 3000 series are not EOL, but the stocks of 3080's is showing it maybe EOL after the 3080ti came out and maybe replaced with a 3080 Super in the future to take the place of the 3080 and of course raise the price to current levels while doing that (so to price correct the 3080 in one swift blow with a super that will be £850).
I think they meant that all 6000 series and 3000 series would eventually get EOLed way before the next generation appears in order to stop the prices from normalising.

But, at those "reality" prices, the cards have virtually no value. It's 100, in some case 200% over the MSRP, which is the worst situation for the GPU market ever recorded.
I think they meant that all 6000 series and 3000 series would eventually get EOLed way before the next generation appears in order to stop the prices from normalising.

But, at those "reality" prices, the cards have virtually no value. It's 100, in some case 200% over the MSRP, which is the worst situation for the GPU market ever recorded.

That doesn't make much sense really. As a process matures, and as fabrication of chipsets goes on, they most of the time get cheaper to produce.

Why would the manufacturers therefore just simply not make them anymore, other than to heavily artificially manipulate it? Surely they dont think people are that stupid, and that could backfire massively and lose them decent profits in the interim.

They quite obviously were profit making from the start at the RRP, and Nvidia aren't selling all those FE models at a loss out of the kindness of their heart.
That doesn't make much sense really. As a process matures, and as fabrication of chipsets goes on, they most of the time get cheaper to produce.

Why would the manufacturers therefore just simply not make them anymore, other than to heavily artificially manipulate it? Surely they dont think people are that stupid, and that could backfire massively and lose them decent profits in the interim.

They quite obviously were profit making from the start at the RRP, and Nvidia aren't selling all those FE models at a loss out of the kindness of their heart.

I am afraid "heavily manipulate it" is exactly what they never stop doing.
It's either their simulations of the market show that they would make higher profits with these inflated prices for a certain period of time, than selling them at the official MSRP with much larger quantities for a longer period.

Otherwise, your point about maturity of the process would have meant a reduction of the street prices below the MSRP< which hasn't happened yet.
I'm currently in full pig headed mode. I have an issue paying above £300 for a GPU, especially when I have now had the experience of a Series X and all that offers. I've also found cloud gaming to be a reasonable halfway house so I'm going to continue to be Captain Tight Fist for the forseable. My last GPU was 2018, a 1660ti which is still doing fine at 1080p with one or two exceptions. My Kaby Lake I5 is huffing a bit with some titles, but overall there's a balance to my setup.
I will get the Radeon RX 560 4GB for £150. Will serve as a temporary solution until better times come :D
It's better to have my PC up and running than having it in its box without a graphics card at all.

Will wait for better times.
I am afraid "heavily manipulate it" is exactly what they never stop doing.
It's either their simulations of the market show that they would make higher profits with these inflated prices for a certain period of time, than selling them at the official MSRP with much larger quantities for a longer period.

Otherwise, your point about maturity of the process would have meant a reduction of the street prices below the MSRP< which hasn't happened yet.

Yes but that's only because of the mining frenzy. Things are still settling down and it could take a bit more time. This whole situation came about because at rrp you could likely make your money back in months from mining, effectively making the cards free. That then lead to a further problem of no stock at all which meat scalpers saw the perfect opportunity to buy for a profit.

So essentially you had the normal market of just gamers which inflated due to the cards being almost free (effectively), serious miners all over the world hoovering up pallets of cards, and scalpers looking to turn a profit.

Once the big time miners and scalpers are no longer interested, and the mining ROI turns into years rather than months for the average Joe, things will get back to normal.

I just don't believe there will be enough people still waiting to spend ludicrously inflated prices on gpus.
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