When was the last time u prayed ?

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James J said:
Im not religious or anything but the last time I prayed was when I found out im being crippled by my spine. I dont even know what I prayed to, hell it was to anything that would just listen. Anyone who tells someone that its pointless to pray even in the face of massive adversity is a narrow minded fool tbh. With my mindset a few months back I could have commited suicide when thinking about my situation but ive got through the worst of it and I believe it helped me.

In fairness though it helped you because it meant you didn't feel alone, not because there's anyone listening.
Yesterday morning on the way to work.

"Dear god, please, PLEASE i will do ANYTHING if you let me win the lottery on wednesday so i never have to see another ******* van, or parcel, again. Ever".
Ol!ver said:
In fairness though it helped you because it meant you didn't feel alone, not because there's anyone listening.

In fairness? Lol are you attempting to tell me how I felt at that time? *shakes head*

Nix said:
I don't feel I need to chill as i'm quite relaxed :confused:

I know what you're saying about cults and things but i'm saying organised religion has caused more trouble in this world than anything else. More often then not it gives people an excuse to persecute others.

My outlook on life is similar to yours BUT I don't follow any religion.
I don't declare myself as theist, atheist or even agnostic. I'm probably more agnostic than anything else as I need to see proof or see some form of evidence before I'm persuaded or declare something as fact.
As far as i'm concerned, if I live a happy, long life, am a nice person and did good things, why on earth will any God - if one exists punish me, purely because I didn't conform to any religion or pray?

I don't know how He works, I don't know if there is a heaven or hell, but I see God and His way the way I see it, through my eyes God might be ok with me if I where to kill someone to take his money, or rape a woman because I want to have sex with someone. Religion is simply trying to get people living together peacefully, and, if the threat of going to hell works on some people, obviously they will use that.
I am not suggesting you are not a nice person, I don't know you so you could be the best bloke in the world, but just because you think that what you say or do are ok doesn't necceseraly mean they are.
Well to be perfectly honest, everything we consider good or bad is ultimately derived from what our society deems acceptable or not. As culture is much a part of society and religion a part of culture, you can assume that religion's directive is derrived from what society deems acceptable too. Afterall, like I said in an earlier post - all religions strive for the same thing, but they're different because of the culture/society they exist in.

pryo said:
Religion is simply trying to get people living together peacefully, and, if the threat of going to hell works on some people, obviously they will use that.

I agree with you completely, but I do live peacefully. I guess I pretty much conform to the ten commandments and the law so why would a God find it within reason to send me to Hell on the one clause that I never declared he existed because I never saw the proof? This is just how I am, I don't like clinging to things without evidence to support it, an omnipotent God would or should know this is how I am too.
paul@ said:
Ah it's lucasade.

What a waste of my time.

I've just read through this thread again and seem to have missed this. What do you mean "Ah it's lucasade" I can assure you i'm not posting under 2 accounts, this other guy just copied a link to the owl picture on my webspace. And What exactly is the problem with me?
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