When was the last time u prayed ?

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Sleepy said:
I can question whoever I want, its a basic tenant of the principles of this countries democracy. Of course they don't have to respond or even listen but I do have the right to question.

unsurprisingly, you have missed the point. by all means, question religion, as i've said...but you cant call someone's beliefs into question. as in "omgz, God isnt real, you Christians are all wrong" because it's none of your business.
tbh the thing I find most offensive about this thread is that sic seems to think we need defending like we are weak or something

If we are offended by a post WE will say so, its like all this racism rubbish
DiG said:
tbh the thing I find most offensive about this thread is that sic seems to think we need defending like we are weak or something

If we are offended by a post WE will say so, its like all this racism rubbish

oh blah blah blah, i'm not defending you...this is what i believe in. this thread is ****ing ridiculous.

/door hits ass on the way out.
about 7 years ago now, just before my first english GCSE exam,

I got an E (and tbh I think that it was more good luck than good planning)
Taking the thread back on topic and away from this petty bickering...

The last time was at a friend's funeral last year.

I'm not an athiest and neither am I a bible basher - I have my beliefs but that's about it.
[quote="Sic]i have plenty of problems with lots of posters in this thread. and their styles. and it's mainly due to the fact that everyone has their eyes so wide open, and they're so informed. like i said before, you cant show me proof that religion is right OR wrong. so i dont believe either, but i am quite happy to accept views from both sides, which is something that a lot of people need to really think about in this thread.[/quote]

I do hope that you're not refering to me siccie old boy. I didn't mean to offend anyone at all, but I do have some strong views regarding religion. I'm pretty sure DiG doesn't mind talking to me about it as I don't mind talking to him about it. I wasn't questioning his faith or anyone elses in the slightest. I'm pretty sure DiG believes in what he does for a very valid reason and I accept that. I know it's not in my right to question his faith, but if you read my posts, i'm questioning organised religion not his belief. I do this because I disagree with it, and these are my own opinions based on observations. DiG has even agreed with me to some extent on this. The fact that i'm having this discussion is allowing me to learn things. I may be right on some things, I may be wrong. How am I supposed to learn more about the religion / what people believe if i'm not allowed to question it?

If i've caused any offence, seriously - I apologise, but if you read my posts, i'm saying what i'm saying and giving reason for it. Perhaps someone with faith will be able to see where i'm coming from and explain to me, but I do honestly find a lot of religion is rhetorical rubbish.

We don't know what lies ahead of us or what happens when we die, it's impossible to know. So why do we have to waste a life to a religous doctrine if we don't want to? All I want from life is to live a long, happy life and be good to my fellow man where possible. When I die, I want people to think well of me. In the end, that's all anyone really has of those who've died - is their memory.

Religion is ultimately only ever about finding comfort and solace in things we feel that we cannot control.
iCraig said:
I totally agree with sic, you don't believe in regilious faith, thats cool. Neither do I, in any form or fashion.

However you have absolutely no right to question their beliefs. It is their life and their beliefs, do not belittle it, do not slander it, do not mock it.

If you don't believe in religion, fine, but do not go spouting that it doesn't exist just because thats your opinion. Same as your "Love is a myth" thread.

You seem to think that your opinion is automatic fact, and you argue with anybody who thinks different.

Its so odd to read posts from somebody like you, I'm not really having a go at you, but I'm rather bemused as how you can sit back and simply state that religion is a lie.

You do not know what lies beyond us, you do not know how our world and life as we know it, is constructed.

Same as above Craig, you've got the wrong end of the stick.
Nix said:
We don't know what lies ahead of us or what happens when we die, it's impossible to know. So why do we have to waste a life to a religous doctrine if we don't want to?

Exactly, you don't have to. But some people choose to "waste their life" and you should respect it. Their beliefs, end of story.
Nix said:
People only pray as they hope there is something more to life and death isn't the end, it's that simple. You think you're better than me because you believe in something someone 2000 years ago fabricated. The truth is you're a fool.

Sorry, but the truth hurts.

Just a random selection of one post that didn't seem like you were showing somebodys faith any respect. Your opinion is respected, if you think religion is false, fine. So do I. But you talk to us as though you know you're right and your opinion is fact, etc etc.
Then you're just interpretating it the way it wasn't meant to be percieved. I've already apologised anyway, so why need drag this out? I respect what you're saying iCraig, but I really feel you've got the wrong end of the stick here.
Ooooh it's like an episode of Eastenders on here today :D

As far as I can tell, the only one throwing the toys out is the one sticking is oar in to what was a reasonably contructive arguement. All gone belly up now I'm afraid. Time for the thread to go bye byes perhaps?
I don't see it has bickering Ol!ver, it isn't my thread to close.

I see it as an interesting discussion tbh.
Didn't expect it to be 8 pages long tbh. Nor did I expect it to turn into an argument of your right for having faith and non believers are fools with the counter argument of Believers are fools and anyone who does etc etc etc.

Im happy for this to stay open as long as there is respect for each others opinions and reasons for belief or non belief. After that its really upto the Dons
To which god or goddess?

I pray a lot informally and formally at each major pagan festival. Sometimes the gods are fickle, sometimes not.

Hey ho, life goes on. Tempted to have chin wag with the Christian God but I dont think I'll get an answer! :p
I havent prayed since I was very small, when I got into the older years in Primary School I didn't pray, got really bad looks from the head teehee :D
Im not religious or anything but the last time I prayed was when I found out im being crippled by my spine. I dont even know what I prayed to, hell it was to anything that would just listen. Anyone who tells someone that its pointless to pray even in the face of massive adversity is a narrow minded fool tbh. With my mindset a few months back I could have commited suicide when thinking about my situation but ive got through the worst of it and I believe it helped me.
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