When was the last time u prayed ?

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vonhelmet said:
That's one way of putting it. Most of it is true, but it's down to the spin you put on it.

The other way of looking at it is that God is holy and just, and can not tolerate any sin, but that doesn't go over too well with humanity.
Quite, people don't seem to realise that God doesn't HAVE to be kind and just and loving, he COULD be a real mean person and send everyone to be punished for no reason

His love is not a right, its not something that we are entitled to, its something we are given
iCraig said:
I totally agree with sic, you don't believe in regilious faith, thats cool. Neither do I, in any form or fashion.

However you have absolutely no right to question their beliefs. It is their life and their beliefs, do not belittle it, do not slander it, do not mock it.
I'm not knocking on their doors and trying to convert them to my way of thinking, I didn't even start this digression from the OP. However on a discussion board I do have the right to express my views. If as you said I'd behaved I imagine I'd have been banned yet I'm still here so maybe I don't behave in the way you accuse me of.
If you don't believe in religion, fine, but do not go spouting that it doesn't exist just because thats your opinion.
So my opinion should be censored?
Same as your "Love is a myth" thread.
You seem to think that your opinion is automatic fact,
Its so odd to read posts from somebody like you, I'm not really having a go at you, but I'm rather bemused as how you can sit back and simply state that religion is a lie.
Please show me a cite for that
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Sleepy said:
So my opinion should be censored?

you're missing the point. people's beliefs are just that, it may be your OPINION that they are wrong, but it is not your RIGHT to question them!! it's their choice.

i swear if you dont start to understand what i'm saying to you soon, i'm going to eat my desk out of frustration.
Wondered how long it'd be 'till this happened. Believers I know NEVER have a problem with this kind of conversation. It's usually non-believers who think that it's taboo to question God/Religion.
this isnt what i was calling into question. questioning God/Religion is only natural, but the way people go about it in their trolling, holier-than-thou (for want of a better phrase) way is what i have a problem with. surely questioning God is one of the biggest parts of religion that lead believers to pursue it?
Sic said:
furthermore, i recently went to a funeral ceremony in a Roman Catholic Chruch. am i Roman Catholic? no, i am not. was i welcomed into their church, and MADE to feel welcome? yes, i was. i was also involved in their ceremonies, and even though i don't have a faith, they still welcomed me in to celebrate the young man that lost his life. too many of you are focusing on the negativity associated with religion, when it's not about promoting hate, it's about spreading love. and what can be bad about that, in a world like the one we live in?

I completely agree with you on the above... though I also think that a funeral is a gathering of people to show how much they respected/loved someone. When my uncle died at 30, I didn't go to church to show that I believed in anything. I went there because everyone went there to say goodbye. I knew what a great man he had just started to turn into, thats all I wanted to show.

Personally, If believing makes a person happy, more satisfied and puts them at ease then I'm all for it. As long as they don't preach it to me then they can believe what they want to believe (or maybe know is true). Everyone in this world is entitled to their own opinions, their own beliefs and as such I wouldn't criticise someone for it.

Completely OT : How many pages is this on now? I have 80 reply view on and it must be huge :eek:
Sic said:
this isnt what i was calling into question. questioning God/Religion is only natural, but the way people go about it in their trolling, holier-than-thou (for want of a better phrase) way is what i have a problem with. surely questioning God is one of the biggest parts of religion that lead believers to pursue it?

Again, I do hope that's not aimed at me. I don't particularly see any trolling, just expression of strong views, which you will always get on the subject. Yes perhaps the odd post steps out of bounds, but I'm sure everyone here can accept that, at the end of the day, we are all going to differ on this. I refuse to go along with religion, but having a friend who is a Vicar, I can see why some people do. It's a comfort to them. In today's world where so much bad things are happening, they can congregate and do whatever it is they do, far away from it all. The only time I have a real problem with it all is when they don't live in the real world, but that's probably a completely different matter. ;)
-Mike- said:
I completely agree with you on the above... though I also think that a funeral is a gathering of people to show how much they respected/loved someone. When my uncle died at 30, I didn't go to church to show that I believed in anything. I went there because everyone went there to say goodbye. I knew what a great man he had just started to turn into, thats all I wanted to show.

Personally, If believing makes a person happy, more satisfied and puts them at ease then I'm all for it. As long as they don't preach it to me then they can believe what they want to believe (or maybe know is true). Everyone in this world is entitled to their own opinions, their own beliefs and as such I wouldn't criticise someone for it.

judging by your previous replies to this thread before i stumbled upon it, i had a feeling that you might actually get it. your last paragraph has probably summed up what im trying to say, but i get angry with ignorance and subsequently may not make as much sense as i intend to.

Ol!ver said:
Again, I do hope that's not aimed at me. I don't particularly see any trolling, just expression of strong views, which you will always get on the subject. Yes perhaps the odd post steps out of bounds, but I'm sure everyone here can accept that, at the end of the day, we are all going to differ on this. I refuse to go along with religion, but having a friend who is a Vicar, I can see why some people do. It's a comfort to them. In today's world where so much bad things are happening, they can congregate and do whatever it is they do, far away from it all. The only time I have a real problem with it all is when they don't live in the real world, but that's probably a completely different matter.

you're too paranoid!! i see strong expression of views without any viable backup for them. and it's all been done before. "i hate religion" "religion should be banned". why? it makes people happy.

what makes you think you're living in the real world now?

edit: let's not get started on religion causing wars, shall we? that's a whole different, unrelated can of worms that i cant be bothered to go in to.
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judging by your previous replies to this thread before i stumbled upon it, i had a feeling that you might actually get it. your last paragraph has probably summed up what im trying to say, but i get angry with ignorance and subsequently may not make as much sense as i intend to.

So for the first time we agree on something? :eek: I think this should be kept somewhere before it gets pruned also, it makes for great interesting reading. However I think we all have to realise, that you shouldn't try to destroy someone elses beliefs just because you don't agree.
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Ol!ver said:
Wondered how long it'd be 'till this happened. Believers I know NEVER have a problem with this kind of conversation. It's usually non-believers who think that it's taboo to question God/Religion.

It's the same way that it's usually white middle class pen pushers who always kick up a fuss over perceived racism when the people they claim to be defending don't have a problem.
Sic had you ever considered that just because someone doesnt conform to a faith they can be equally are fervor but in the opposite direction?

Personally I try to keep my religious views to myself - however I do like to express them in threads such as these (even if its off the beaten track somewhat now).

Sic you realise you arguement also applies to someone who gets high on crack everyday? If this was happening to someone wouldnt you try to talk them out of it? I strongly abhor religion and the fact that I have to see lives wasted conforming to a way of life that is unnecessary usually because it was rammed down someones throat at an earlier impressionable age.

You may call me a kid but that is simply you reaction to someones differing view point.
-Mike- said:
So for the first time we agree on something? :eek: I think this should be kept somewhere before it gets pruned also, it makes for great interesting reading. However I think we all have to realise, that you shouldn't try to destroy someone elses beliefs just because you don't agree.

hehe, dont get used to it...im not scared to bite your head off in another thread in 5 minutes!!! ;)

loopstah said:
It's the same way that it's usually white middle class pen pushers who always kick up a fuss over perceived racism when the people they claim to be defending don't have a problem.

do you just go round stating the obvious all day? what's your contribution to this thread? i would put it down to people with that sig ****ing me off today, but CBS has it, so it cant be that

Noxis said:
Sic had you ever considered that just because someone doesnt conform to a faith they can be equally are fervor but in the opposite direction?

yes, i have considered it, but even those people dont have a right to question other people's faith! seriously, how many times do i have to say this?!

Noxis said:
Sic you realise you arguement also applies to someone who gets high on crack everyday?

no it doesnt, you havent got a clue what you're talking about. religion and crack are not the same thing. i mean, really...at what point between that thought entering your head and you typing it did you think "hmmm, that seems like a worthwhile contribution, i'll write that"?

Noxis said:
If this was happening to someone wouldnt you try to talk them out of it?


Noxis said:
I strongly abhor religion and the fact that I have to see lives wasted conforming to a way of life that is unnecessary usually because it was rammed down someones throat at an earlier impressionable age.

if they're happy with their religion, then surely they should be allowed to carry on with it. if they're not, they'll reject it and that's their choice, too. just as it's your choice to abhor it.

Noxis said:
You may call me a kid but that is simply you reaction to someones differing view point.

edited. that was unnecessary
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You seem awfully eager to jump down the throats of people who don't follow religion or believe in God.

The faithfull in this thread aren't going to be too worried about the same repetetive "Religion Sucks, God is mind control" stuff that always gets churned out in these sort of threads but you seem to be fighting a fight that doesn't need to be fought.

The religious people in this thread don't need you jumping to their defence. If we can't put up with a bunch of atheists questioning us on a forum then we can't have much faith in the first place.

Do you think religious people are that weak?
loopstah said:
You seem awfully eager to jump down the throats of people who don't follow religion or believe in God.

The faithfull in this thread aren't going to be too worried about the same repetetive "Religion Sucks, God is mind control" stuff that always gets churned out in these sort of threads but you seem to be fighting a fight that doesn't need to be fought.

The religious people in this thread don't need you jumping to their defence. If we can't put up with a bunch of atheists questioning us on a forum then we can't have much faith in the first place.

Do you think religious people are that weak?

it's not a case of whether they're weak at all. i'm just putting across a viewpoint that isnt being put across. the logical one which people seem to have missed amidst all their ignorance!
Sic said:
yes, i have considered it, but even those people dont have a right to question other people's faith! seriously, how many times do i have to say this?!
It doesn't matter how many times you say something if you're wrong then you're wrong.
Sic said:
you're missing the point. people's beliefs are just that, it may be your OPINION that they are wrong, but it is not your RIGHT to question them!! it's their choice.
I can question whoever I want, its a basic tenant of the principles of this countries democracy. Of course they don't have to respond or even listen but I do have the right to question.
i swear if you dont start to understand what i'm saying to you soon, i'm going to eat my desk out of frustration.
If you do please post piccies.
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