When will the censorship of anything criticising immigration stop?

the German government condemns a book as 'racist', as it states that muslims immigrant from Turkey do not want to integrate: ?

Perhaps it condemns the book for reasons other than, or as well as, that statement?

And if you really wanted to put a stop to nationalistic, 'jingoistic' or tribalistic displays, football matches would be the first thing to ban.
Why? what has their religion got to do with anything? It's irrelevant to immigration. All of germany could convert to Islam if they chose, they couldn't suddenly become Turks.

You really need to understand how Muslims work. :rolleyes:

Its there religion first, country second.
You really need to understand how Muslims work. :rolleyes:

Its there religion first, country second.
I don't give two toffees how they feel about it, it's not relevant to a discussion on immigration. Do they have a turkish passport or a muslim one? :rolleyes:
And incidentally I think you'll find a lot of Muslims are fed up of being classified as Muslim rather than British, whichever way around you put them.
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I don't give two toffees how they feel about it, it's not relevant to a discussion on immigration. Do they have a turkish passport or a muslim one? :rolleyes:
And incidentally I think you'll find a lot of Muslims are fed up of being classified as Muslim rather than British, whichever way around you put them.

If you say so.:o
Are you going to answer why they were singling out one player?

Trying to claim that all those boos were just 'turkish on holiday' in the away section of a football stadium is ludicrous. Show me another time when Turkey have played another away game and brought with them that much support?

Also, even if you are again going to claim that there are 'no immigrants', why are they singling out that player? What does that tell you about general Turkish view on immigration into another country?

Don't bother, people like Tefal are intent on burying their head in the sand on this issue, even if it makes them look ridiculous. A stadium full of Turks on holiday lol. If it was the German fans booing Ozil then doubtless this would be significantly different and totally unacceptable.
It's been said time and time again by muslims on here and by muslims I know, what makes you think different? You've still not said why you think religion is relevant to immigration, other than for scaremongering.

All the ones I have to tolerate go for Islam before England.

One unnamed religions does not want to mix with other religions.
Germany is the powerhouse of Europe with the best economy. Germany also has allowed in the highest percentage of immigrants than any other Country in Europe over the last 30 years or so.

Whats the problem?

Looks like yet another thread thinly disguised as an anti-immigration thread is actually an anti-Islam thread.
All the ones I have to tolerate go for Islam before England.

One unnamed religions does not want to mix with other religions.
Like I said, irrespective of what order they want to be called it, Muslim British or British Muslim they are still British, get over it.

It still has absolutely eff all to do with immigration. You can't emigrate to a religion, you emigrate to a country. Nationality and religion are completely distinct things and in no way mutually exclusive. There is literally nothing relating to religion in this discussion apart from throwing in the word muslim for a bit of racist furore.
Should it not be just British?

I dont use Christin British.

So it still stands, Muslim first, country second.
In regards to immigration they are just british yes, who gives two hoots what they call themselves? What does it matter to you?
Despite being born in England I'll avoid at all costs calling myself English, I'm British and of Scottish descent. Does that matter to you? Is it relevant if I moved to Australia? No I'd just be british, whatever I called myself.
When ignorant racists stop hijacking the immigration debate to try and make their views presentable, at a guess...
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