So I'm sick as a pike and want to use the time recovering in bed to catch up with some shows.
People are constantly telling me how good this show is, but aren't there like 2 or 3 iterations? Where on earth should I start??
TBH only the mini series and the first season is really that good - the rest (some exceptions aside) you just keep watching hoping it recaptures that.
It has moments of brilliance, but they're fewer and farther between the longer it goes on.
Two words: Pegasus and the orbit drop
The entire Pegasus plot is crazy good, and the drop is badass.
Two words: Pegasus and the 'drop'
The entire Pegasus plot is crazy good, and the orbit drop is badass.
The show was awesome, still one of the best. I know people love to bash it: 'too slow' 'too random' 'too much boxing' 'the reveals were crap' 'ending made no sense' 'starbuck' 'Agathon turned into a right bitch' etc etc but all that aside it holds a very special place in my heart.
Yeah, I'd agree with that.
Got a bit too spiritual/philosophical toward the end for my liking, but that's just my opinion, ymmv.