Where is the first floor?

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Because a poll would imply that democracy works. And if the Team USA First Floor Creationists win, it will become official forum policy and we will all have to renumber our buildings.

Can always scupper it by adding "bacon" as an option.

What I don't get is that when the twin towers were knocked down the Americans called it Ground Zero.
Why is there no poll ?

Put the American lovers in their place on the 1st floor and the true, intelligent people, firmly on the ground floor.

A poll would be useless. There would be a pancake option rendering the whole point of the poll null.

If there were two options only, yes. But the mods think they're funny and wouldn't be able to resist it.
so if I build a house, how can I do anything other than put a floor down first?

You can't build a second floor first.....well, I guess you could get a time machine jump forward a week and lay your first floor second.....but in doing so, would there be a first floor as you have jumped over that week?

and then you put a floor on the foundations....which would be your first floor would it not?

What if this fundamental 'first floor' the builder lays of yours is the second basement level, below the entrance which will be at ground level?

Surely with your system this should then be floor 1, with the ground level now being floor 3 and if a further basement level was constructed it would be -1, nice way to confuse everyone.

Your system (and I mean yours, not the American system) relies on chronology of construction rather than a relational datum point such as ground level.

I'm pretty sure you're trollin' now anyway
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I was on holiday in France and the lift had letters. C was the ground floor. WTF.

I dunno if you noticed but they don't speak English in France, they use a language called "French".

In this "French" language, they say 'rez-de-chaussée' (literally 'street level') for their ground floor and so their elevators use 'RC' to denote it. It's usually shortened to 'R' though but I guess 'C' would suffice.
I still don't understand why people can't work out that our numbering a system is based on what is above or below ground level. I.e 0/GF/GL is the ground and the next floor up would be 1st as in 1st floor above the ground level floor (in whatever way that is determined).

Oh and the people arguing how can you have zero floors ^ that answers what the 0 on the buttons means :)

Always thought that street level was 0, And anything above was 1st 2nd etc..

Not sure about below-ground though...
Why should that matter.

Lower Ground is stupid as well. It's not Lower Ground. Just like Ground isn't Ground. It's the 1st floor.

It's called The Ground Floor because it is at Ground Level. Therefore it is The Ground Floor, any thing below is Lower Ground Level or Basement, any above is Floor 1 to however many....

Completely irrelevant. The discussion is related to floors of a building, not a ladder.

The ground floor of a building is a floor like any other floor. Your analogy is completely broken because the floor is not the ladder.

A better analogy Bob is on the 10th floor of the building, he walks up 2 flights of stairs He has visited 3 different floors on this trip (10th, 11th and 12th). The bottom floor of a building is a valid and equal floor like anything else

Thread is getting too long to keep up, but can I ask this.

Bob has now visited 3 floors and is on the 10th floor. This we agree on.

He now goes down in the lift 10 floors to the lobby...... which floor is he on. Or simply 10th floor - 10 floors = ??
Under the American system he wouldn't be on the 10th floor but the 11th floor so he'd be on the 1st floor.

So now you are saying the Americians called the 11th floor the 10th floor, so why dont they call the 2nd floor the 1st floor and the 1st floor the Ground floor??

EDIT - This is GD, I better explain I'm just pulling your leg otherwise I can see someones head exploding.
A few seconds before this poor plonker went splat!!

You walk into a building, you know you have to go to the first floor.

But do you need to use a lift or stairs to get to the first floor?

How the heck did this thread get to 11 pages?

Anyway, question can't be answered.

It's possible the building has entrances on the 1st floor. You could therefore have entered on the 1st floor, and not need to use a lift or stairs.
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