[TW]Fox;13202737 said:
Read some of his other threads including the comedy goldmine that was 'I have £2 million quid please spec me aa £150,000 spceial car' in Motors then it starts to become a little more clear
Actually Fox, I did post a thread about all his previous posts but I thought it wasn't worth it and I didn't want everyone else to think Ill thoughts of me.
But screw it, he's got some problems for sure.
No girl, just a job!.
A will for my soul mate i've known a month..
...with all the money I have
But it doesn't matter, spend spend spend spend
FAO: Life isn't about money.
This out of nowhere!!!
I need to sneak money on to a plane!
Some really horrible people here. I know what i am doing. I trust her. She trusts me. No matter what i say now some of you will just find a way to make it seem a bad thing and you are just trying to say that she is a lieing visa-wanted ***** who i ordered off the internet.
FU ChrisJSY.
Oh, ok.. I was putting thing into perspectives and you get all aggressive?
Seem like you can't take any criticism and advice.
1. You where going to do it on the London Eye today? How long did you decide you have to learn russian to ask her mother to deciding not to propose today and what happened to mauritius. This doesn't add up.
Why is getting married a big rush?
Are you seriously telling me that you can't be together unless you get married by end of next year, or is SHE telling you that? This is a genuine question as to why you are rushing.
I agree with you!
4.You say you know getting married is a big deal yet, you say
So what, its only been 1 year, if it fails then we both learn a hard lesson,
That's not how you get into a marriage. Also just so you know if you get divorced because it doesn't work she gets some of that bling bling blaow that you've supposedly got.
5. Never had a girlfriend in russia? No, I have not but I've got a girlfriend outside of the eu. But that doesn't stop you two meeting up every month does it.
Lastly, 7. You say there's no evil intentions and you're just a boyfriend and girlfriend in love, no different from any other couple blah blah etc.
But we are just airing caution to the wind because every single relationship starts like this. When it goes down hill you don't expect it. If you're not married it's easier to get out, if you are it's HELL.
BE CAREFUL, That's what i'm trying to say beneath all the Sherlock Holmes digging up past thread stuff.
I'm sorry I offended you but sometimes people need a reality check from the masses of people who've been in your situation.
But simply, you want to get married to be closers with her/live with her?
Good luck J.