Poll: Which Next Gen Console will you buy? - New Version

What will you buy?

  • I will buy both consoles

    Votes: 125 12.1%
  • I will buy an Xbox One only

    Votes: 138 13.3%
  • I will buy a PS4 only

    Votes: 565 54.5%
  • I will buy neither console

    Votes: 88 8.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 120 11.6%

  • Total voters
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In all honesty I'm still confused about whether or not Kinect can/cannot be turned off. Do they mean you can go into the options and turn it 'off' and still play games, use the dashboard and video features etc just fine. Or do they mean that you can turn it off but half the consoles features and games stop working ? If it all works ok with it turned off then why the need to have it plugged in, surely it wouldn't be much of a stretch at that point to just allow the console to function without Kinect, and maybe offer a cheaper SKU without it bundled in.

Again, MS see the Kinect as an integral part of their future vision, so they want to make sure everyone has one. Why offer an SKU without Kinect if this is the road they're going down?
We should have a poll and see how many people use their kinect and would actually buy the bundle with it if they came separate, don't know one of my friends who ever uses theirs, I only got mine due to the star wars bundle :p
This is why I don't fully agree with it, as I don't think it's been used well enough as it stands. However, looking forward (not backwards :p), with every Xbox One owner having a Kinect, that is vastly superior to the original, is it beyond reason to think that there could be some really good innovations using it? I don't think it is.
Then why the concession to be able to switch it off? If, for example, Germany had such an issue, then just be as transparent as Blackberry has been forced to be in certain countries. I dont particularly agree with that, but if you really believe that its that essential to where MS need XO to go, then being able to turn it off wouldnt have been an option or would have been the last resort.

Honestly just like the whole DRM issue, if it had been that essential/integral then MS wouldnt have caved in so quickly. I see Kinect being one and the same thing...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Obviously I'm not privy to MS's internal thinking on this, but I think they're allowing you to turn it off because they know how many people will see it as an invasion of privacy if you can't turn it off. We've already seen plenty of people in here worrying that Kinect is going to spying on them fapping.

That's just my educated guess anyway, that it comes down to each user having control over how much (or little) information Kinect can see.
Well I mean someone gave huge sale numbers for the original kinect so I mean it seems like the market was already there, although how many of those were bought then shelved or came bundled who knows
The sales figures, which were something like 22 million units I think, only referred to how many were sold to the actual retailers. I don't think there are any concrete figures to how many were sold beyond that, or indeed how many were sold back to the users afterwards.
If MS really had this vision, do you really think they had the real inability to communicate it, or is it moreso that it was all some hyperbole to ensure they got DRM and Kinect through. Im undecided, but that indecision speaks volumes to me...

Considering how bad Microsoft's communication was regarding everything else, I would put nothing beyond their PR departments (lack of) ability.
That doesnt really answer my point, was that lack of ability because they truly are amateurs even considering their past achievements, or more they didnt know how to spin their 'vision'?

I think its a worthwhile question as I dont think MS, as a company, are actually that stupid and if their vision was as astouding as people here keep mentioning then surely it was an easy thing to speak about? We would be dumb not to understand and grasp it surely?

I wish I knew the answer. The fact that MS have been forced to change their policies now means we may never find out where they intended to take us. I don't understand why they couldn't share their own long-term goals with us though, it might have made some of their policies more appealing to some if they could see where they were heading.
Agreed, though Im more of a pessimist in that I dont think their future was that customer-centric. Hell I dont even think Kinect is there for gaming. My reasoning why they were never that forthcoming where they wanted to go.

ps3ud0 :cool:
I think MS probably see Kinect as more of a family device if you like, but I'm certain they're hoping developers come up with some amazing ways to use it in games. They are probably asking their own studios to do just that so they can justify it to gamers as well as general families.
It's great that Sony allow you to remove this spy software. Unfortunately with XBone Microsoft will not allow you to do as such. In fact you have to keep the spy camera attached to the console for it to operate.

No thanks
I'm sorry, but referring to it as a spy camera is just really childish. How many times do you have to be told it can be turned off completely?
If it can be turned off then why does it have to be connected at all times for the console to work?
I honestly don't know. MS haven't explained that one. I can only assume its because of the way the OS currently works, it has to be connected. I will not be surprised in the slightest however if a patch is issued that will let you remove the Kinect if you want to.
i dont think it really could ever be turned off completely. they said that. but then .... they said you can walk in the room and say xbox on. so its still monitoring to some degree... they are having a bit of a pr, marketing disaster. they should stop trying to pull a fast one on people
I've already said it can turned off, MS have already confirmed this.
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