Which sports/events do you think should be dropped/included?

8 May 2007
I think anything that has massive international tournaments, stuff like football and tennis, shouldn't be included as they already have enough coverage and money.

And what about the women's football? It's not just male teams that compete in the Olympics.

I don't see why sports should be dropped just for being "too popular" anyway. Athletics also has massive international tournaments.
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13 Feb 2003
Got to agree that I would drop Olympic football too.

Football has enough tournaments as it is and I think even big football fans look down on it, as it is not taken quite so seriously as they can't really pick the best squad they want.

I also think that if you are going have a tournament for a massive team sport like football, why aren't there other big team sports like Rugby and Cricket?

I think one of the Olympics biggest strong points is getting behind sports you probably would never watch, so its nice to discover something new.

I'm not too sure what I'd add.
I heard something about Kite Surfing being added, I've not seen much of that, but I'm sure it would be interesting.

Be nice to see some more Mountain Biking events.
A proper Down Hill race would be good and I'm sure would draw a lot of interest because of the danger. 4X races were also good, but they've gone for the BMX races instead. I've always looked at BMXs as being a sport for doing huge tricks, rather than racing, which is why I think bigger 4X bikes are more suited to it.



27 Dec 2011
Surrey, UK
I think it should be limited to sports that showcase some form of athletic ability, be it strength, speed or natural technique - and only sports with the use of an instrument that uses kinetic energy at most (such as bows for archery). I disagree with the use of rifles in shooting and horses in equestrian. In shooting, the rifle is making the projectile move, there's not a lot of athleticism in pulling a trigger, I'm sorry. I like to shoot myself but I wouldn't call myself practicing an Olympic sport. This differs to archery in the sense that archers have to use arm and back muscles to continually pull back and release the bow. That actually gets tiresome after a bit, it's certainly more physically demanding than holding an air rifle on a stand.

As for equestrian, especially dressage. 75% of that sport is the horse's physique and intelligence. It's not a showcase of human performance (which is what I thought the Olympics was).

Football and tennis are just that, so in my opinion have every right to be in the Olympics, regardless of whether or not there are bigger and better tournaments.
Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
I also think that if you are going have a tournament for a massive team sport like football, why aren't there other big team sports like Rugby and Cricket?

Cricket doesn't have enough participants really, there are only maybe 20 nations in the world that play it to any sort of standard (and half of those aren't competitive really). Football is played by the majority.

To answer the question I think Squash should be included, shame it isn't as a friend of mine is ranked inside the top10 in the country so might have stood a chance of competing.
9 Jan 2011
I definitely think football should either go, or be rethought(should go imo). I thought the whole point of these Olympic events was to find out who the best in the world was, but the teams participating are not allowed to play their best players!

Next Olympics- 4x100m relay, but you have to choose 1 runner who has never raced before!
5 Jul 2003
Drop anything where the best players don't turn up or care, meaning tennis and football out (although tennis is a bit more interesting this year).

Add more random hyper competitive sports that I don't see outside the Olympics. Like that wall running jumping thing in mirrors edge.
10 Mar 2005
mmm...baseball - I wonder what nation is asking for that?

I think football and tennis should be removed.

I think squash is a good shout for inclusion - not really sure why it's not in already?
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