Who am I? Who are you?

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Arcade Fire said:
I've just been through and read everyone's - some of them are pretty interesting. I read Haly's short bio with a fair whack of curiosity.

Should I be scared yet? ;)
Morba - Mark

Not sure why im going to bother writing more but i will for the hell of it.

26, born at the BRI (Bristol Royal Infirmary) to a 19 year old mother who didnt want to have me. She already had a 3 year old son (my half brother) and tbh didnt want him. Born into a completely crap life of abuse and all sorts, my brother needs therapy as does my mother (shes a therapist herself! haha) and i probably do aswell, but i try not to think about it.

Primary school i done well, by the 6th year (whats that? 9/10 ish?) i was doing maths books from secondary school etc. Carried this thro to secondary school where i was top set for everything (that had sets). My only issue was doing the work, once i showed once that i could do it i became lazy and didnt feel the need to keep showing that i can do the work, for this i dropped into the 2nd set for maths for all of 2 weeks. This gave me a kick up the ass (that i deserved) and started showing i could do the work again, needless to say the 2nd set maths teacher got bored of me making the rest of the class look stupid so i was put back up again. Went on to do ok in GCSEs.

Went to Bath College to do sports science, got a few coaching awards (FA / RFU / BAWLA and a few others), represented the college at rugby (loosehead prop) / football (left midfield or centre back) / table tennis / judo and Hockey (this was more a fun thing at first, our rugby game got cancelled and half the hockey team didnt turn up one week, so a few of us filled in, we ended up playing the whole year!). passed the course with Merit.

Worked as a barman at Riverside in Saltford (where we were currently living) and Quasar in Bath (one of the best jobs i will ever do im sure, the staff were a great laff, and all those fighting games!!!!!!!) while at college.

Got my door license, went n worked the doors for a bit while doing event security (glasto / dreamscape / festival of sea were the bigger events, got to meet loads of stars / dj's and great people), then started working at a place as Head Doorman for about a year. This job lead me to Wales, the door company (from London) were starting a contract in Wales but had no representation at all and they knew that i was wanting to find a place with my wife to be, so i went to Wales and bought a house, started the job off then left to find a proper job.
Walked into T-Mobile to see what they had open (call centre had opened a few months before i moved over), i started as a CSA on 6 weeks training, 2 weeks after training i moved into a technical role and from there it has grown. Have had over £20k of training in the last 3 years on Genesys stuff and some other little things and had a few payrises (earn more than double that a normal CSA starts on now, so not done bad ;] ), which in itself has gave me the opportunity to find a new job (hope to have an interview confirmed next week) for even more money.

Got married in October 2003 out in the Dominican Republic, the most amazing time of my life for sure. Amazing place, great time :D (needless to say we went to the south of the island (caribbean) not the north (atlantic) which is notoriously crap).
Onto our 2nd house after making a nice profit (75% or so) in a much nicer area, we have made 50% on this house already minimum :D
However were in plenty of debt, but nothing that we cant afford :]

We have our first child due 5 days ago, so waiting on this new chapter of our lives to start. I think its the first child in our family (my side) to be born into a loving relationship in 14 years.

Plenty more to me than what it says above, but then people who want to know that are friends and know it anyway :]
I'm Paul Born, 15-01-71 Manchester.

I was born with a Hole in my Heart, deformed hands and a severe speech problems, my Parents were told to expect me to not survive the night, I was 3 months ,or perhaps longer, premature. (This was 1971!)

Today, I'm a 6ft 3in Trucker! I weigh 16 stone, and thankfully, have more or less overcome my speech problems, most people assume I have either a heavy cold or, I'm just muttering a lot.... :rolleyes:

My heart condition has'nt worsened, although going on a cross-country marathon back at school nearly killed me (!)

Today, I smoke like a chimney, drink like a fish and live like I'm on borrowed time..... Perhaps I am.

I have a beautiful Daughter , Shannon Louisa, who is the reason I get up in the mornings!

Alas, Divorced from her mum & recently split with Fiancee of 6.5 years, thanks you bitch, you've left my Daughter grieving for her lost "step mum!!"

Basically, driving all over the country in trucks isn't a good idea for long term relationships it seems.......

Things are on the up, I hope!

I'll be getting my "CPC" soon, meaning I can migrate from being a truck driver to a truck manager......

I tell things how I see them, lifes too short to pussyfoot around.

Gary. 34 years young.

I live in Bonnybridge, near Falkirk, Central Scotland with my partner Lesley. We haven't got married yet, although we have been together for about 15 years. She's been getting a bit "broody" lately, so a wedding might be on the cards next year.

I currently work in Central Scotland Fire and Rescue as an operational firefighter. Been there since Feb 1990. Based at Alloa Fire Station, I'm an RTA and USAR ( Urban Search and Rescue ) specialist.

Before that, I was a Radio Telegraphist in the Royal Signals.

I have one younger brother and a little sister. Think both of them may well beat me to getting hitched shortly..... :rolleyes:

My mother and father live in Alloa, my father was in the Fire Service for 28 years, retired as an L/FF and has since started up his own driving school, which has been rather successful for him.

I'm into motorcycles in a big way ( see siggeh ). I have had over 15 bikes in the past, my current one is an Aprilia RSV Mille 1000. I've had it for just over a year. Previous to that, I owned a ZX-6R Kawasaki.

I like watching any bike racing, I'm also an average sport climber, but dont get out nearly enough to do it as I would like to.

Other hobbies include tinkering around with PC's, I'm known in my work environment as a bit of a "whizz" when it comes to troubleshooting them and subsequently, I find a lot of systems landing on my lap from other Fire Stations to get fixed.....lol... :D

I'm heavily involved in the online Half life mod Day of Defeat. I've been a member of the webstaff on Valve's DoD forums for a few years now as a moderator there, and I'm currently beta testing Day of Defeat:Source.

We have a cat called Tash that eats and looks like a Doberman.

I like red wine and a good single malt.

Errr.......cant think of anything else to say. Think I've covered pretty much everything.
Mr.Orb - Dave
I am 17 years old and was born in Exeter Devon in 1988. I lived in Seaton (small seaside town in Devon) for 8 years then moved up to Swindon, Wiltshire. Worked at the Vodafone HQ for work experience, testing new phones and doing some Macromedia Flash work. Currently in college at the moment studying AVCE Art and Design. Still unsure what I would like to do in Uni... well still unsure what I want to do in life :rolleyes: . Might do a multimedia course up in Edinburgh.
I am into PC Gaming, Webdesign, driving, cycling and Computers.
creature - Chris

Im 18 years old, and was born in Lister Hospital in Stevenage in 1986. I have lived in Langford all by life, and moved house once, granted it was just down the road. I currently work part-time in Halfords on Thursday and Friday evenings. I'm studying Media and Geography A-levels at college, and aim to go and do Artificial Intelligence at Newport University. My main intrests are PC and Console gaming, football, tennis and cricket, although I do not play for a team. And i'm also a lanky *******
Belmit is also Chris.

Born 18/11/1980 in Nottingham, I have in fact lived most of my life down South in Hampshire. I've lived in Alton for 12 of my 24 years, and continue to do so in my parents house now that they've moved to Kentucky. My local is the French Horn.

I studied Computing and Management at Loughborough University between '99 and '03, taking a year out to work at IBM in Weybridge. I now work on the IT Helpdesk at Winchester University. This week I am mostly doing a training course on Windows 2003 Server in Reading, taking the same train as newsreader Alistair Stewart (except he's in 1st class, or 'The Crumple Zone' as I prefer to call it).

I spend my spare time doing Hapkido, playing the guitar/writing songs and keeping fit. I'm also a big movie fan.

In the future I will turn my songs into musical gold and find fame and fortune. With a bit of luck my mate (and drummer) Tim, who is currently in hospital enduring his fifth year of cancer treatment, will be there with me, riding on my coat-tails as only a lowly drummer-boy can!

With my money I will buy a solid gold house and a DeLorean.
*sits down with a nice bottle of wine* If your ready then I'll begin......Once upon a time *zzz,zzz,zzz*

My name is mark and I have just turned 30, I live with my girlfriend Louise and our 2 year old son Nathan.
I'm from a broken home, parents got divorced when I was 9 and my little brother was 2 years old. We moved into my mum's new fellas house with him and his 4 kids, which was in a bit of a dump called Ince. At one point when one of my sisters had a baby there was 8 of use sharing just one room (always a friend of my step family's sleeping over)
As bothers and sisters we used to get on really well (the older ones) and started to go out clubbing when 'Rave' hit the scene. We used to go to Bowlers in Trafford in Manchester. I used to love it just for the people as I was into stuff like Hawkwind, Zepplin,Gong etc
From there I ended up on the slippery slope of pill popping, dope smoking, taking copious amount of acid, you get tye picture. We were all like that and didnt think there was anything wrong with it. This went on for years, and managed to keep an steady job through it all
I ended up working in a factory, were most of my family worked, although I hated it I stuck it out for as long as I could, I ended up with an Ulcer through all the stress of my current employment and stuff from the past. I was 21 then.
I decided to up sticks and start again in Bowness on Widermere in the lakes as a waiter, I had friends in Barrow so I still had people around that I could visit. I'll not even go into what went on up there :D :eek:
Moved back home 6 month later started a job at Specsavers Chorley, ended up getting sacked as my bosses suspected me of taking drugs (by this time I was going 3/4 nights without sleep) I had just started going out with Louise and she was devasted and disgusted that I had let this happen (even though she was as bad as me but wanted to stop) She ended up telling her Dad why and she kicked me out, I was gutted. The only way that we would get back together was if I could stay of the drugs. Which I did for 4 month and I'll never forget kissing her on the stairs at my brothers 18th birthday party :) So have been drug free for 4/5 years now (I think
We found out in 2002/3 that Lou was pregnant we couldn't believe it. Although our baby died at 6 weeks, and this was in her 12th week. We was both very, very sad and lost.
In our misery we really got into playing Julian Cope, read some of his books, and he really lifted our spirits (head on was the book) In some of his songs he sings about stone circles and we felt the need to go to one (Arbor Low in Buxton) It felt like we had mourned the death of our child and was ready for the future.
Not long after Lou told me she was pregnant and we had a little boy of 10Lb30z on the 6 Aug 2003.
We took our Nathan to Arbor Low last week, he was a terror, but it was nice
nikebee - i am nik.

i live in a pretty small seaside town called tenby, in south pembrokeshire (wales). it's a tourist town, thats quiet and peaceful in the winter (apart from the annoying ch@vs and townies) and busy as heck in the summer. estimates say we go from 6,000 average to 60,000.

i'm 19, and lived in tenby my whole life. studying avce ict in pembrokeshire college, and regularly think about killing the lecturers due to them screwing us around so much that they've put my first year of A's and B's down to a second year of D's and E's :(
its annoying because the stuff is mind blowingly easy as well, its just the lecturers are crap and can't motivate us.

i met my best friend, (who is more of a brother) in college... and my amazing girlfriend there too. we've been together for just over a year or so. the three of us are currently looking for a flat to move into.
my girlfriend lives in milford haven, which is about an hour and a half of a bus ride away... or about 30-45 minutes by car. so we see each other in college, and on weekends when she stays at mine.

i'm 1 of 3 kids... but we have two seperate dads. my brother and sister were born and raised in sweden (for the first few years of their lives anyway) and their father lives there and doesn't see them at all. perhaps once every 5 years lol. my dad lives in pembrokeshire, manobeir i think... but i can't remember to be honest - we rarely see each other. i'm always working, or in college... and he's working too.
incase you didn't guess, my mum and dad are seperated.
my sister lives in ireland, and is getting married next year - she's 30 now... i think
my brother lives in america, married and his first kid is on the way :) - he's 31 i think...i'm not very good with ages
i see my sister every few months when she comes to visit (she's coming down tomorrow for the irish bank holiday which is cool), and i've only seen my brother twice in about 5 years or so... my family is quite poor really, but we have enough money to get by and treat ourselves to little things once in a while...
my mum is disabled, syatica and austiaparosis... (no idea on how you spell those) in the spine... crumbling bones... bad kidneys and a list the size of japan wrong with her.
she's a great person, and well liked by everyone she meets... although me and her have very different personalities so we don't often get along.

i'm scared of large groups of people, meeting new people and people i dont know.
i have no idea why though.
i tend to spend most of my time working, sleeping... or on my computer.

my two main loves, besides my best mate and my girlfriend are music and computers.
i'm extremely passionate about music and could talk for hours about it given the right oppertunity. i prefere accoustic and moderate rock music to most other things, but am pretty eclectic. silverchair, alice in chains, jeff buckley, the dissociatives, abstain, james taylor, smashing pumpkins, jack johnson... are but a few of my favourite artists.
i play guitar... well i'll say learning to play guitar really, because i dont think you can ever successfully say you can "PLAY" and instrument, because theres always something new you can learn. i'm good at the style i play, and rarely stop playing.

i also loves all animals, especially cats (and big cats too) :)

my life isn't anything amazing... but its enough to keep me happy.
i'm sure i could write some more things, and go into detail about them... but it would only bore you or depress you
besides, i dont think i'm that comfortable with a this many people knowing this much about me anyway...

oh and i have an irrational fear of umbrellas :o
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Removed because it can still be found on a web search of my name, and I posted it on here because of the anonymity (sp). If you really want to read it, email me...but I can't see why anyone would haha.
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I'm moz, I ordered stuff from ocuk at christmas (DFI lanparty UT 250gb / xfx 6600GT / xp -120 / enermax 420) and couldn't join the forums becuase my only email was gmail and hotmail. Upon playing counterstrike earlier this morning I encountered someone from these forums, and I returned to sign up. I'm 17. :)
saitrix - I am Daniel Thorpe

I live in Loughborough, nowhere near the sea, but hey you can't have everything. It's quite a large town really, especially when the uni students are here. I still live at home with my parents.

I am 17 year old, was born in Leicester on the 7th December 1987. Went to school at the usual age, gone through school and i am currently at college just taking my AS levels. I am studying maths, further maths, physics and product design. As you probably can guess i like maths, weird for some people to think that some people accually enjoy it.

In the future i am hoping to stay on and do my A2, then onto University. I am interesting in doing an Engineering course as i have always like to know how things work, especially planes and cars.

My parents both work, with my mum being a receptionist at a local doctors practice. My dad work for BT where he tests out communitcation systems, can be with broadband sometimes.

I enjoy making things and working out how to get things working which would help explain my hobbies. I like remote controlled cars and planes to which i own multiple. I have taken an extra liking to the thoery of brushless motors and how they work. I am looking at building motors even for my planes in the future when i know enough. I also do slot car racing, it can be very rewarding when you do well in it but also be cheap. As you can see all these require building and tinkering which i do. When i get a hobby i will stick with it for a long time, i do not find i change interests too much.

My grandad loves that both my brother and i are looking at going into engineering. My brother is studying aeronuatical engineering right now so i am finding out lots of interesting information. My grandad use to be an engineer before he retired. At one point he inspected the large construction cranes, at other times he has inspected lifts. I lately found out just for 2 whole years straight he just redesigned these certain gears for a company. Using his knowledge he has always tried to help me as much as possible with my remote controlled cars and planes, for instance he helped my mesh my spur gear correctly after i had just stripped one.

I use to play the Clarinet, started when i was 8 and stopped playing it at 13. I got up to grade 4 before i stopped, but i have kept it just incase i feel i want to start again. I did enjoy playing it but it was the amount of practice needed that put me off in the end, a shame really.

Well thats all i can think of right now, think thats enough to bore anyone :p
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Carzy that was such an interesting read.
It's amazing how well you're doing academically after all the things you've pulled through. Goes to show that single parent families and families that have been disrupted aren't all bad (as my sociology book likes to tell me).
I really admire your courage through everything you've been through and I think you (and your folks) should be really proud. :)
Wow, your post really did have me gripped.

All the best with uni and your future, I'm sure you're going to excel :)
Jenjey said:
Carzy that was such an interesting read.
It's amazing how well you're doing academically after all the things you've pulled through. Goes to show that single parent families and families that have been disrupted aren't all bad (as my sociology book likes to tell me).
I really admire your courage through everything you've been through and I think you (and your folks) should be really proud. :)
Wow, your post really did have me gripped.

All the best with uni and your future, I'm sure you're going to excel :)

Hmm, wouldn't really put myself in a courageous category to be honest, I was a pain in the arse when I was younger, pretty much ADD without the diagnosis haha. Thanks for the kind words though, that's sweet of you.

My name is alcoholic and I am a John, aged 29 born in Falkirk.

I grew up in a small village that was originally my grans house in the Clyde Valley. Loved growing up there as my mum's house was right on the River Clyde, very scerenic. My dad left my Mum when I was 6 months old to work in Saudi Arabia on the oil pipelines there. My mum had a hard life also looking after my gran who was poorly for nearly 30 odd years. I have a big brother 10 years my elder, more like my dad than brother sometimes. Me and mum never really got on and I was somewhat the blacksheep of the Family :D

I left shool with mediocre exam results, and went straight into a YTS job with the council, where i stayed for 2 years, before moving to working with Councillors in the same Council area, was a great job. I met my missus Anita (who was a student nurse at the time, who came from County kerry in Rep of Ireland) on a blind date in Edinburgh. Moved in with 6 months after meeting and took a job in Edinburgh working for all 32 Councils in Scotland.

Didnt really like Edinburgh too much, too far from my mates, I suppose, but started work in the New Scottish Parliament working with Committee's (possibly the most boring job I ever had). Decided in a career change and went to College and moved to East kilbride (just south of Glasgow) couldnt finish college though as money wasnt just adding up. Went to work 4 years ago with my Big Brothers company in Glasgow and have worked there ever since as a Tech for Alarm systems and CCTV.

I have had diabetes since I was 10 and stopped me from doing the things as a job that I wanted. I was a pretty fit and active kid, whose only goal in life was to join the Army, couldnt do that now :( I dont have great control of my diabetes, never have, but it doesnt stop me from living my life.

I got married last year over in Ireland and 13 days ago, had our first child (Amy), I tracked down my Father 6 years ago, to discover he was living in Scotland again anf had remarried, and that I had a little brother and sister I never new about. I am very proud of them though, one is particulary good at football and the other is doing well at singing. I get on with my Dad, but still have reservations about him leaving in the first place and my big brother wont talk to him. I only told my mother that I had met him 3 months ago, took a great burden off my shoulders. My mum say's she wasnt suprised and it went as well as I could have expected.

But life is good, I live in a 3 bedroom ex-council house with wife, daughter and my two cats. I love gaming and computers, and have done all my life.

Thats about it for me.
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