Who can be an English football role model?

Let the companies figure it out.

I couldn't really give a toss who the new golden boy of England is, and I really don't buy this idea of them being role models for kids. I didn't give a stuff what my favourite players were like off the pitch when I was a kid.
This is a big reason why I just haven't found it in me to support England's football escapades over the years. Why and how can I when the team is full of utter scum bags? Cheating on their wives, crashing cars, hitting women, 'forgetting' a drugs' test, being David James etc. etc., are all serious issues. Not only that, but the very top level of English players are largely arrogant tossers, I fully understand it being part of the reason why for so many years Wenger avoided them.

To be fair now though, it seems there are a few good English chaps. Walcott off the pitch seems to be a good pro and well spoken, polite too. Wilshere seems alright on interview. Joe Hart appears on the pitch to be a decent lad.

Very pessimistically though, I have to confess that I'm just biding my time for them all to invariably do something retarded.

Scholes - Is he role model material though? He's never really been in the lime light for good (or bad) reasons. I guess that's a product of very quietly getting on with the job. Has a few red cards in his time too.

Beckham - are you kidding?

Ferdinand - missed the drugs test and got banned for a lengthy time. Yes nothing was found, but still it unfortunately happened. Look at Henry, his status and image at Arsenal was untouchable. He was "the man". A few years later against Ireland - ..and well, that's that. Going to open a whole can of worms here as well, but I just don't think the English public en masse will naturally want to take to an English black role model.

Lampard - cheated on his wife if memory serves correct?
Hasn't Lampard been caught multiple times parking in disabled bays/talking on his mobile whilst driving by the press?
Hart and A Johnson seem genuine people and are young enough to be 'Golden Boy'...i think that the best role model in football has to be Giggs though....Lampard has had affairs before hence why his wife left? He was involved in taking people on unofficial tours of Cobham training ground for money werent he?
Wilshere has already ruined his chance after being involved in a bar fight (supposedly the peacekeeper) and accused of taking a few upskirts ;)

Hart or Walcott for me.
If these men want to s**g about then fine, but why get married and start popping out children?

And how the hell does Rooney keep finding these women to sleep with him, they'd have to pay me 10 times what she got before i'd go near him. (Although shes probably got that selling her story now)

Coleen knew what he was like before she married him after the other allegations, its their son I feel sorry for, he hasn't asked for any of this.
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