Footballers are not role models because of the things they get up to nowadays.
But when almost all young boys look up to their favourite players so much to have these so called adults act like this is disgusting.
Saying they are "average guys" does not make it acceptable that someone in the public eye who is paid hundreds of thousands of pounds funded by you and me, can act in such a way. Are you saying he can continue to be the face of kids computer games and splashed across kids magazines?
I'm sorry but these players have no moral code because they know they can do whatever they like and will still be idolised by fans and paid huge sums.
Do we all just sit back and say boys will be boys while your son or daughter has Rooney or Terry printed on their backs?
Not sure you have a point, because they are paid, they can't behave how they want?
A LOT of people cheat on their wives, husbands, girlfriend, etc, etc, thats life, theres no code that says you go to jail if you bang someone else, its called personal choice. Its a woman/man/girlfriends choice to stay with you or leave you if you cheat, thats life.
Are you going to disown your kids if at any stage of their life they do something wrong, if they cheat on their wife will you never speak to them again? No, because its a relatively normal thing to do, why if hundreds of millions of "normal" people cheat on their wives or get drunk in a bar, can't they, because they get paid higher than average? Is it therefore ok for those who get paid peanuts to play football to act that way?
This is simply where bad parenting comes in, if you leave your kids to be taught what good behaviour is by famous people in the news, you're a bad parent. If you're a good parent and teach your kid right from wrong, they still might cheat on someone in their lives.
This is the other problem people have, there are millions of role models through the ages, you don't have to base your idea's of success on EVERY part of every one of their personality, you might model yourself after Rooney's drive and determination, you can be impressed by Mel Gibson's success and acting ability, and not choose to copy their bad behaviour, and as parents, thats what you should tell your kids.
How many rolemodels in life have bad sides to their personality, all of them, why? Because we all do, no ones perfect, pretending they are is ridiculous and teaching your kids to ignore peoples issues is again, bad parenting. Bono has his downsides, he's a ****, most if not all of the greatest people in history had their flaws, great inventors who were womanisers or drunks, drug addicts, etc, etc.
Also this utter rubbish, nowdays, the good old days, people do talk rubbish. Bobby Moore, in football terms, English and success you don't get much higher than Bobby Moore, the guy who cheated on his wife, left his family to shack up with the other bird, was a drunk and pee'd all his money down the drain...... yup, footballers used to be completely different back in the good old days.