Who can be an English football role model?

There are no good role models if what we're after is a guy who takes his vitamins, says his prayers before night and helps old ladies across the road.

I think most people look at their footballers as role models on the pitch and not off it.

I think Rooneys a good role model because he works hard, scores goals, tracks back, but then he's got that streak where you think he'll break a players leg if they dare tackle him and try to dribble for a bit.

The Michael Browns of this work could donate all the money they earn to charities and take a bullet for (insert universally loved figure) but because I think he shouldn't be in football because he's a dirty ****, all the good is taken out of consideration in my eyes.
I just don't understand why someone who is paid so much, is adored by young kids up and down the country, and when allegedly he cheats on his wife with a hooker using the money given to him by the public i.e the fans, and the reaction by some is "boys will be boys".

Footballers are more inspiration to young kids than Firefighters, Police, Prime Minister etc etc, so how can we sit back and just let them run a mock?

I'm sorry for thinking that their should be some morals for public figures who have such an impact on young lives.
They play football for christs sake. Its really sad that childrens role models these days are footballers or celebrities. I couldnt care less what they get up to. We have just had massive problems with MPs being dishonest, unashamed ***** and you are worried about someone who kicks a ball for a living not being squeaky clean.

The people who run our country have done much worse.
They play football for christs sake. Its really sad that childrens role models these days are footballers or celebrities. I couldnt care less what they get up to. We have just had massive problems with MPs being dishonest, unashamed ***** and you are worried about someone who kicks a ball for a living not being squeaky clean.

The people who run our country have done much worse.
They play football for christs sake. Its really sad that childrens role models these days are footballers or celebrities. I couldnt care less what they get up to. We have just had massive problems with MPs being dishonest, unashamed ***** and you are worried about someone who kicks a ball for a living not being squeaky clean.

The people who run our country have done much worse.

But that's the point Footballers are looked up to by kids. Is it wrong to assume that the biggest stars of the beautiful game can't act morally?

Ok then, let's just allow them to get up to anything. Ruin lives, give kids wrong impressions on what is right or wrong, no consequences to their actions and continue to worship them without any care for what impact they are having.

I apologise again for thinking that footballers can have any moral conscience.

Is it wrong for me to think it's not ok to be a public figure and do such things without any consequences to their actions?

You don't like the Premier League. We get it already.

:confused: When did I say I don't like the Premier League? I love it. Very odd.
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Arf, sorry, I had you confused with whatever-his-name-was that used to moan about Premiership clubs not helping out the little leagues.

Or was that you? I don't know, I'm off back to bed.
Arf, sorry, I had you confused with whatever-his-name-was that used to moan about Premiership clubs not helping out the little leagues.

Or was that you? I don't know, I'm off back to bed.

Nope not me, though I'm sure I probably have spoke at that once in my life time.

I'm a big Premiership fan, and football at all levels.
In a lot of ways Beckham is the ideal role-model. The guy had no pace, little in the way of natural ability yet with the right work ethic and lots of practice he became one of the worlds biggest players.
In a lot of ways Beckham is the ideal role-model. The guy had no pace, little in the way of natural ability yet with the right work ethic and lots of practice he became one of the worlds biggest players.

I've been trying to figure out what my opinion on this is, so I can post here, but I realised in honesty that I do not give a ****.
The only reason I would care about where Rooney was sticking his ****, or if any other footballer was behaving disgracefully (which for a footballer is their normal behaviour) is if it is going to affect what he's doing on the pitch.

I think we assumed that Rooney has been through such a barren patch was that he was nursing some persistent injury...but if it transpires that he was off form for reasons pertaining to these allegations then that is poor and he shouldn't have been involved at the World Cup. If it's going to affect him when we play Switzerland in a couple of days, he absolutely should not play. I don't think John Terry was the same John Terry on the pitch after the scandal involving Wayne Bridge's girlfriend came to light.

Maybe we should expect better from such highly paid people who are in the public eye, but people who look to footballers to be role models for their kids are ****ing demented. Be realistic, the vast majority of footballers are scumbags, we know this. It's just idiotic to expect them to be anything else, even considering their charity work (which let's face, is not much of an imposition for people so wealthy). I remember when the whole Raoul Moat thing was going on, after he'd shot himself they interviewed some crazy woman (in a Chelsea shirt lol) who'd bought her kids up to Newcastle for his funeral because she thought Raoul Moat was a shining example of a virtuous man. I want to punch those kind of parents, they have the responsibility to teach their kids how to behave, not footballers or murderers...

Other members of the public are doing things that are equally as bad on a constant basis. A couple of family friends of ours recently left their respective husbands and wives and children and shacked up together. I do not understand how they as parents could do that to their kids, let alone their partners. I'm pretty sure they didn't get the idea from a footballer!

Maybe we should hate our news media for being so invasive in the first place. I don't care what a footballer gets up to in his pathetic, sordid, private life, because it should be just that. Anyway tl;dr rant, apologies ;)
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Interesting this has finally cropped up.

I was told this a few months ago and it alledgedly has been common knowledge amongst professional football players. I actually got this information second had from a championship player a friend of mine is mates with.

They also alleged that Colleen knew all about it and allowed it to happen.
he's a footballer for gods sake. Yahoos top story, will fans forgive roo for cheating?!

wtf? who cares about that - what about the world cup performances? have we forgiven him for that debacle yet? or is the entire of the squad and ESPECIALLY capello to blame?

as a man utd and england fan i care about how he plays on the pitch not what he does in hi spare time. and btw rooney is a terrible role model on the pitch. if he was ever anyones role model - then more fool them.
None are real life role models and shouldn't be. They play football, thats it - who really cares about what the do off the pitch? Just a lot of people getting offended on behalf of someone else.
Surprised no one has mentioned James Milner yet, don't think he has done anything to tarnish his reputation as yet.
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