Who has right of way in this mini-roundabout situation?


Ignore the existence of orange car and pretend it's just the yellow and green car. Doesn't the yellow car have right of way? Yes, you give way to the right at a roundabout but the green car isn't to the right, it's simply on the opposite junction.

You're making a horrible mess of this.

If the orange car isn't there, then the green car has right of way. The green car, doesn't need to give way to yellow, as the yellow car is not turning right, so the green car can always go.

The yellow car however, must give way to the green one if the green one is already there, as the green one is turning right, and so yellow gives way to anything already on the roundabout (green).

All this is assuming that yellow doesn't arrive before green. In which case, yellow can go, as there is nothing to give way to (as green has not yet arrived at the roundabout).

/edit - there's also no reason why green and yellow can't go at the same time, assuming yellow is able to clear the roundabout without obstructing green. I'm not sure if that's what you're trying to describe? But this is different to 'right of way'. If there was a crash between yellow and green, yellow is almost certainly at fault.

Or do both cars have the right to go? Because if they both went at the same time and at a reasonable speed, they wouldn't actually hit each other, since the distance the yellow car is travelling is shorter than the green car.

Assuming both arrive at the same time (and still ignoring orange). Most people would take the approach that green goes first. As green doesn't need to give way to yellow, even if yellow was there first. In that example green can always go, so should go first if there is any doubt.

If you bring Orange back into the equation, then assuming all 3 'arrive' together, then it is slightly less clear. Orange gives way to Yellow, Yellow gives way to Green, Green gives way to Orange. In this situation, I'd suspect that Yellow is more likely to go first, as they have the most time before the car they give way to gets to them. But really it just ends up being a case of any of the 3 proceeding with caution and all 3 being aware that anyone else may begin to go.

I've lost count of the number of times I've been at a mini-roundabout where there's been some kind of stalemate because no-one knows what to do, myself included.

Oh great Lords of motoring etiquette, enlighten me.

but basically this sums it up:

The car already on the roundabout has right of way, end of story*

*Of course its not end of story otherwise there wouldn't be such a huge debate. It is almost impossible for two cars to arrive at exactly, to the nearest millisecond, at the same time. One will have arrived just before the other. What usually happens is neither can work out who was first so both dither for a bit before somebody then goes.
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Yes, if you are the yellow car, you wait for the green car to go. If you arrive at the same time and see the green car, you let it enter the roundabout first then see which exists it takes, if it takes your exit (where you are from) then you go, if it takes the orange at exist, you follow it after its past you.

That's the way it works, not rocket science is it?

If the green car and you approach the roundabout at the same time I can't see why I would have to wait for that car to do it's business, if the green car was already on the roundabout then yes, I'd wait.
If I was the yellow car, I'd give the green car right of way.

Giving way doesn't mean stopping for no reason though. If you can go across the front of them without causing them to change speed of course then do it. The purpose of a roundabout is to keep the traffic moving smoothly, not for everyone to stop and wait at the entrances. People who stop when there is ample opportunity to enter without influencing anybody are a big pet hate of mine, some of us want to make progress.
However if it's a mini roundabout (which is what the picture suggests) then Clarkey, your solution would probably result in a crash.

How? The other car is opposite. If you both arrive at the same time then you could continue at speed and clear the roundabout before they have even started turning, they are going to be going much slower in order to make the turn. No crashing or anything remotely close to crashing needs to be involved.
If the green car and you approach the roundabout at the same time I can't see why I would have to wait for that car to do it's business, if the green car was already on the roundabout then yes, I'd wait.

Because it has the right of way, being on your right.

Neither car has right of way in that case, as they're both equally to the right of each other. there is nothing stopping the car on the right doing a 180 turn. Just comes down to each drivers judgement based on each cars speed as to whether they will impede the other vehicle by proceeding onto the roundabout.
i would say yellow ihas right of way unless green is on the roundabout already, as the green car would need to cross the path of the yellow car, owness would be on the green car to make sure he was safe to cross over the other cars path.

in a claim, if there are no witness it would be 50/50 as both drives have some responsibility :)
What's shocking? Are you seriously telling me that if you were the yellow car and green car approached that roundabout at the same time that you would sit there and wait? Now I wouldn't deliberately do something to cause an accident but if the green paused I'd be on the roundabout in a shot.

if he is indicating right YES.

Its shocking that we even have to have this discussion... Its pretty clear that you give way to the right on roundabouts!
How? The other car is opposite. If you both arrive at the same time then you could continue at speed and clear the roundabout before they have even started turning, they are going to be going much slower in order to make the turn. No crashing or anything remotely close to crashing needs to be involved.
I guess the crucial point I missed out on is how big the roundabout is... eg:


And then also whether they cut across the paint or not....
Honestly can't see the point in that roundabout, what is wrong with a T junction? It looks so tight that you'd have no choice but to cut over it when turning right.
Honestly can't see the point in that roundabout, what is wrong with a T junction? It looks so tight that you'd have no choice but to cut over it when turning right.

Because if it was a t-junction the priorities would be all different?

Mini-roundabouts like that are often used as speed reducing measures. If it was a stright road with t-junctions off to the side, the traffic on the straight road never gives way to anything.

But with a mini-roundabout, you have to give-way to anything joining from your right, meaning that most cars would approach with more caution than they would driving past a t-junction.
Means people braking and accelerating for no valid reason if you ask me. More noise pollution for the residents, longer journey times, consuming more fossil fuels, emitting more evil co2.
They have installed a few similar roundabouts in my area over the years, every one has made the road worse, were better before as T junctions.
Means people braking and accelerating for no valid reason if you ask me. More noise pollution for the residents, longer journey times, consuming more fossil fuels, emitting more evil co2.

Same with most speed reducing measures then?
You are all mad if you assume you or someone else has priority based on what you think other drivers *might* do, especially at a mini roundabout. With a stalemate like this, it simply needs some to take the initiative and go first (carefully watching the other drivers) and the situation is quickly resolved.
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