Who here owns a Renaultsport?

Ideally re-map first, fit exhaust then re-map again to see what gains you have.

If it was me, I'd get the exhaust fitted first, then get it re-mapped to work best with the exhaust rather than pay for 2 re-maps (unless the place you get the re-map done can fit re-map, fit exhaust then re-map again all in the same day!) because it sounds like your going to buy them at separate intervals.

I reckon get em fitted together if you can wait and then you'll be able to see what power your car did have(from stock?), and then how much more bhpzz the milltek gives ya!
I saw around 8hp increase with my Milltek, Remap & panel filter. The car is still down on stock power but it has more torque lower down the revs and revs easier. Obviously the rollers, time of day, temperature of air etc will all affect the reading. I wasn't after numbers per se but everybody likes more power! Transforms the car for the best imo.

I ran the Milltek for a month or so before the remap and it felt less restrictive and climbed through revs a bit easier. The 5k surge was also a bit less noticable.
If its an out of the box remap (RS Tuner) then it will make no difference as its not tuned to the cars specification, its just a stock remap that will set things to the same regardless.

If its a remap done on a rolling road thats tuned to your car properly, then exhaust first.

The 5k surge was also a bit less noticable.

The change to a foam panel filter had this effect on my car. However, the cost of them and zero perceivable power difference means I'm back on stock Renault filter now.
Yep, sounds like diff bearings.

I've found a replacement box for £175, so it's not the end of the world - a couple of tyres would cost more, but it is an annoying job as you need to drop the subframe to do it :/
Not gonna lie...this sunshiiiiiine makes my beast look bang tidy.


Also here is what Matt had to say about the re-map

Hi Anthony,

Unless you are going to decat the car then it will make almost zero
difference to the back pressure and therefore the engine calibration.

Decat is generally worth 1 - 2bhp but does increase noise
significantly which is no good if you intend to track the car as TD
noise limits are getting very strict these days.

Original e-mail...

> Thanks Matt,
> Sounds great but I've just been informed that it's better to put a new
> exhaust on BEFORE getting the car remapped. I intend on getting a milktek
> exhaust fitted so I will do so and then come back to you for the remap!
> Thanks a lot
> Anthony
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Assuming its a cat back exhaust, then it appears it makes no difference which way round you do it.

Where you getting the remap done?
Alex, what product did you use to get your tyres looking so shiny and polished? Original black or similar products don't seem to cut it and getting a high shine is near impossible.
Track/Car Control day up at finmere was epicly fun, almost killed a new set of PE2's and buggered my tracking/alignment up hand brake turning all day. The car was absolutely amazing though. Big grins all round. Oh and i have serious trucker arm, its so painful :(

Alex, what product did you use to get your tyres looking so shiny and polished? Original black or similar products don't seem to cut it and getting a high shine is near impossible.

The one and only
lol this isn't suppose to be a serious lap, just messing about on the last lap of the day. Annoyingly my only video, as my bumper cam failed to record anything for some reason.

No idea how i hit the horn?? haha

Stock exhaust needs to go!

I've got myself something for the summer and dry days...

Clicky Clicky

Have to gain my license which I have been training for and have the first part of the test next weekend.

Totally different kettle of fish :D It's missing 2 wheels and some seats!
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