Who here owns a Subaru?

What kind of power do scoobs manage from a td05-18g then? Right now it's top of the shortlist for my Silvia, want 350hp with as much response as possible.
Picked up my first Subaru yesterday:

2003 Forester XT 2.0
Pretty sluggish now, but decent filter and decat are already on the way. Can't see me going any further than that for the time being, but once I'm not a poor student any more then I may have a play. Loving it at the moment, but it needs the front brake pads and holders replaced and new tyres before I really play.
Personally I wouldn't be happy unless it made around 380 on an 18g.

I'll be happy with 300-320 to the wheels on a mustang dyno. Not sure anyone has ever seen 380 on an 18g unless you are talking crank hp. I'm getting it road tuned first though, then I'll hit the dyno.
People pretty much always talk about crank/engine bhp, at least in this country. And while 380 is possible for an 18g, it would seem more sensible to get a 20g if you want that power - IIRC 18Gs are aimed at about 350. There are always tradeoffs in this game, but it strikes me as more sensible to run a turbo at less than absolute pushed maximum.
Hmmm, thoughts on this?


The build thread is quite epic and the chap has clearly put a lot of effort in. Few things bugging me;

(*) 75,000 miles
(*) its had the 2.5 head gasket failure as most seem to, but hasnt been forged so is there still another possibility of repeat failure? Not clued up on the whole 2.5 technicalities.

Wonderful looking car though, love a white hawk even if its a resprayed spec-d.

Still wondering whether to hold out for another widetrack blob...Gurdas....Gurdas....subliminal messages....hear them? :D
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Well you know my thoughts already, just friggen keep the next one you buy! Get a widetrack blob, you'll spend less than a hawk and it's a better car. What you can save you can put towards the mods + an extra couple of k and you can have the same 350bhp car that I have!
Don't worry I'm in no rush to get rid. It will be advertised for a strong price and if it doesn't sell then I'm not fussed. The gauges and baffled sump are worth £1k on their own, let alone all the other stuff.

Work is a bit rubbish at the moment (pay is fine) and I'm looking at avenues to get out. I'd like to take my focus off the car for a while, train myself up a bit better and have a bigger lump sum in the bank for a bit so I can maybe take some chances with my career. Especially now that the wife is earning a full time wage too!

But we'll see what happens when I actually pluck up the courage to put it up for sale!
Kudos mate. I think we've all gone through that stage, I know I have.

I get terrible buyers remorse and although I earn a decent enough salary, I do worry that the business I work for is in a slow decline and often imagine myself in too much debt and out of work. I've had some scary size bank loans for cars in the past couple of years and even since May last year have owned a Golf MK5 R32, then the Impreza STI and now the VXR Nurburgring I'm trying to sell. I lost a fortune on the R32, made £500 on the Impreza but then stand to lose £2500 on the VXR by the looks of it.

I have £4K worth of loan left so have promised myself my car budget will be whatever the Astra sells for - no more loans. I need to start feeling more secure and own a car that owes me nothing (i.e. keep it for several years).

Cars...mugs game :D
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Indeed it is.

I am in no debt other than my mortgage. The car was bought over 5 years ago with savings so doesn't owe me anything in that aspect.

I did have a nice chunk of money in the bank last year, but then.. I got married :D

The plus side is the wife is now starting her first year as a newly qualified teacher and therefore will have an ok income instead of just everything coming from me. So maybe I can take the chances without risking the Subaru. But it's going up for sale and we'll go from there.

If it doesn't sell I may go silly on it... ;)
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