Who is looking forward to GTA V

How does everyone feel about the free cash in single player ? Does this not remove the feeling of reward ?

I've said many times, free cash in single player is utterly meaningless. I had like $7billion in every character from stocks after 33% of the game. You can get rich FAST in single player.
Anyone else who originally bought the SE/LE not able to get the free bullpup shotgun/pistol at ammu nation?

The hammer unlocked, do they unlock as you progress? I thought they were unlocked straight away on the 360, but I may be wrong.
Had a few issues earlier with the update but all working ok now. It's incredible, detail, draw distance and lighting effects.. total eye candy!

I had to fire up my 360 version to register in the social club, my god, the difference in graphics hits home instantly. I got my character transferred without a hitch.

MP is very hit and miss, more miss with empty sessions and drop outs. But I expect that to improve quickly.
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Got the $500k for single player but still not got it for online, strange.

Anyway, first person view is weird, especially when driving and you hit someone and have a car accident, it totally throws you and you lose orientation, just like a real car crash ! If you scratch someone's car they give you the finger in much closer proximity which is funny. Jumping off a parachute in a awkward landing into the grass :p you roll around loads, really surreal. Oh, and the hookers, WTF ! Before they try to block you with camera angles that you can see anything, now they put you totally into it...

Only traffic still too light for my liking, had a few issues trying to connect to a lobby earlier but just seems to be okay now.
Can anyone tell me if your cash collected is shared across all characters you create or just one. I have a lot transferd from the PS3 but want to start afresh on ps4 but with the extra cash.
I bought this game hoping to be blown away on the gfx, given i already own the PS3 version. Perhaps I was being a little too optimistic that it was going to be an amazing improvement over the PS3.

To me it pretty much looks the same. I much prefer the PS4 controller, but graphically, nothing immediately hits you that its better. Yes, I know there's more cars, greater distances, better foliage, but the thing is, you need to look for it to notice it. The frame rate is still the same. Admittedly i've not fired up the PS3 ver for some time. But truth be told i was a little disappointed. Now don't get me wrong, it still is an amazing looking game, as it was on the PS3.. But I was hoping for a smoother frame rate being that its now on next gen, i guess, which we did not get..

I do need to stop being a frame rate whore, and just enjoy what we've got.. Not sure GTA would feel the same if it was 60fps.
I bought this game hoping to be blown away on the gfx, given i already own the PS3 version. Perhaps I was being a little too optimistic that it was going to be an amazing improvement over the PS3.

To me it pretty much looks the same. I much prefer the PS4 controller, but graphically, nothing immediately hits you that its better. Yes, I know there's more cars, greater distances, better foliage, but the thing is, you need to look for it to notice it. The frame rate is still the same. Admittedly i've not fired up the PS3 ver for some time. But truth be told i was a little disappointed. Now don't get me wrong, it still is an amazing looking game, as it was on the PS3.. But I was hoping for a smoother frame rate being that its now on next gen, i guess, which we did not get..

I do need to stop being a frame rate whore, and just enjoy what we've got.. Not sure GTA would feel the same if it was 60fps.

I feel the same. I was blown away by the ps3 version but this one not so much. The jaggies are off putting but I've been playing pc games with little to no jaggies for the past couple of months so I am spoiled in that regard.
Can't wait till the pc version arrives with 60fps.

Oh and one more think I'm really crap using the ps4 controller. Ive only played about 45 minutes but wow its going to take at least 4-5 hours to get used to it. Not saying that the ps4 pad is crape its just a lot different from the Xbox one controller I have been using for the past couple of months on the pc
Anyone tryed played online? i jsut get dumped in empty lobbies.

Yeah me, BG and WD were playing online last night for a while. It kept putting us into empty lobbies.

When I was playing alone it was pairing me up with friends/OcUK gang members.

Not entirely sure what's happened to the public lobbies at the moment.

It is nice to play in a lobby without idiots killing you for a change though :).
I stopped playing it not far in on PS3 because I got fed up with the frame rate when driving. Lent it out to a mate and forgot about it. Really glad I did...

Driving in first person is great on this. Get to play it through almost as a new game.
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