Who is looking forward to GTA V

The streets are no way near as busy as I thought they would be. It plays smoothly though and everything is very crisp, it looks amazing.

Trouble is that now when I play AC:Unity that feels awfully choppy, even though it felt fine before, because going from smooth GTA makes AC:Unity feel worse.
Thanks for info regarding DOF, I shall have a fiddle with that. One issue I have with games like this is I always have to rely on the map because of how big it all is. I rarely learn my way around the place. My GF came in last night just as I was having a lap dance, in first person of course.
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Oh boy....

To claim the GTA V in GTA Online (along with a bonus for pre-ordering on the PlayStation Store):

Enter GTA Online, select the PlayStation Store tab via the Pause Menu and download the bonus pack.
Please Note: Note: You must visit the PlayStation Store once in Story Mode, and once in GTA Online, to receive both bonuses.
Are people actually playing this online on the PS4?

I am playing it online but the servers weren't that busy and most people must be new, I would say the busiest lobby I were had 10 people and the highest ranking were 105 and the majority were new players.
Can't say I had the smoothest of experiences with the PS4 digital download of this last night. Seems to be a common issue but the install time is utterly ridiculous.

I think there were a few factors. Servers getting hammered at the PSN end meaning the download was slow was one perhaps. I'm on an 80mb line but it was slow as hell. But also it's largely just due to the way the PS4 tells you a download is ready to play when, in fact, only a tiny percent of the game has been downloaded. So I when you boot it up, you get an 'install' screen in GTA V which is actually both an install process and a continuation of the download itself. This gives the illusion of a very slow installation but it's actually a download.

I quit the game and went to the information screen on the PS4 dashboard for GTA V and it had only downloaded 8gb. So I put the console in rest mode.... checked this morning and.... still only 8gb!!! WTF? I don't get it at all. Rest mode is meant to continue downloading?

So I've left for work and just kept my PS4 on. Hopefully it will finish today when I get back but I bet it shuts down and pauses the download. I will NEVER buy a digital copy of a game on PS4 again after this. Half tempted to try and get a refund but I don't think I will be able to get Sony to do it.
I got the disc, actually install time to 100% I would put it around 30min.

Then the patch which didn't take long.

Actually so far, PSN has been okay, for a launch day, I'm quite impressed!
Took me around 25 mins from inserting the disc to the when it installed select options to download tbe patch before starting the game, so install and downloading the patch took me around 25 mins or so.. psn was fine last night.

I got mlb the show digitally from psn, it took forever to download, disc is quicker..
But you need the disc which is a right pain. I just wish digital downloads had more competitive prices.
Haven't noticed any frame dips yet, but have seen some texture pop-ins.

Also, at 2:28, you see me go down the hill and as I'm about to go under the bridge, it seems the car spawns from nowhere (causing me to go for a tumble :p)

Frame Drops

It just looks very weird when you are going really fast. I guess it's because I'm used to a very smooth 60fps on PC and jumping down to 30fps is quite a difference.

Guess I need to stop acting so spoilt and critical :P

PSN ID: drunkdrumlegend

Add me so we can play online XD
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