Who is looking forward to GTA V

So pleased i waited instead of the jaggy ps3 version, another couple of dozen frames wouldn't go a miss mind, will be interesting to see what they have done with the pc version.
I stopped playing it not far in on PS3 because I got fed up with the frame rate when driving. Lent it out to a mate and forgot about it. Really glad I did...

Driving in first person is great on this. Get to play it through almost as a new game.

Yeah it's really well done. It feels completely fresh as a fps that is unmatched.
Not sure why people think it looks the same.

It certainly doesn't to me, this is miles better. People should go back and play the 360/PS3 version.
I found it to look underwelming at first, but them at sunset the cars etc looked amazing so its hit or miss. Maybe i was expecting more not sure though! I bet side by side to lSt gen would be night and day! It just looks how i remember it but thats due to it being over a year ago
This new version is completely transformed with the addition of First person view.

Stayed on Solo player mode last night, then did my character transfer and some online meyhem for an hour this morning before work.

All properties, vehicles, CRs and crew membership has transferred across as it should have.
Happy days


too add: the lighting effects are incredible
One thing I find odd is when playing in FPS mode and you go in and out of cover, some things in the background go blurry And then come back into focus.

That'll be the Depth of Field. I think you can turn it off in the settings.

Yeah me, BG and WD were playing online last night for a while. It kept putting us into empty lobbies.

When I was playing alone it was pairing me up with friends/OcUK gang members.

Not entirely sure what's happened to the public lobbies at the moment.

It is nice to play in a lobby without idiots killing you for a change though :).

I think I was in a lobby with you guys for a bit. I was minding my own business in the strip club (no comment), come out from a private dance and see two guys beating everyone up :p and then one of you got in my car outside so I had to 360 no-scope you :o

Not sure why people think it looks the same.

It certainly doesn't to me, this is miles better. People should go back and play the 360/PS3 version.

I'm with you. The detail in first person mode is great. Like when you start a car and the warning lights come on on the dashboard. When you put the handbrake on another light pops up. Same with headlights/full beam :D

Riding a motorbike is definitely more fun in first person. Almost feels easier to dodge traffic, but more fragile as you sure do roll a lot when you go over someone's bonnet :p

After I managed to get the update to download, I didn't have any issues with character transfer or Online. Was playing most of the night. Only issues I had was my gameplay clips repeatedly failing to upload to YouTube. I expect PSN was getting hammered.
It's just a shame they couldn't get the puddles to react to people walking/driving through them. But that would take a lot of grunt work I guess and impact other areas.
Anyone know why I keep getting the following error code when trying to play online (PS4 version)?

An error has occurred.

Are others having this issue? I tried searching for a solution online and it seems this isn't just related to GTA and has happened in the past too :(
Not yet, I even went down the area where you do the deer hunting mission. Lots of lovely grass :p but no deer.

Does anyone know which settings in setting refers to 3rd person as default when driving?

p.s. I think I will have to turn that out of focus thing off, it is giving me a headache shifting focus just because I am back to a wall in 3rd person.
Quick tip which I find improves first person view is changing the FOV to maximum in the controller settings. It felt a little too claustrophobic in cars at times before that.
Sorry that was supposed to be a "?" on the end.

Has anyone seen any wildlife while in ONLINE mode yet?

Not yet, I even went down the area where you do the deer hunting mission. Lots of lovely grass :p but no deer.

Does anyone know which settings in setting refers to 3rd person as default when driving?

p.s. I think I will have to turn that out of focus thing off, it is giving me a headache shifting focus just because I am back to a wall in 3rd person.

That's a shame, Was looking forward to all the wildlife :(

The setting is "dedicated view" or something like that.
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