Who needs aircon when you can just open a window?

I like driving when everything inside the car is so hot it burns you if you touch it and arriving at places soaked in sweat from the seats. ;)
Smiley Man said:
open windows or use loads more fuel due to having an old ineffienct AC system?

ooh, tough one ;)

aircon is a last resort usually, fuel consumption nearly doubles with it on and i cant afford it :p

Doesn't having the windows down and sunroof open at speed totally alter the aerodynamics, and the car now produces about twice as much drag. So really you will be using tonnes more fuel to go at 70mph than you would with windaes up and sunroof closed?
I think Climate is now on my 'essential requirements' list for any new car...

I was half laughing at my mate in his Smart Coupe, he retracted the soft top, sprayed himself with piz buin, then decided it was too hot, closed the roof and turned the aircon on!..

And just imagine how bad it is for bikers in full leathers at this time of year.. sticky ain't the word!

My aircon makes me too cold though at times
Climate is the only way!!!
[TW]Fox said:
Seriously, aircon = win. Opening windows will simply allow 99F air into your car and have nil cooling effect.

Make sure your next car has air conditioning :D

I remember this ... in a car travelling through the Nevada desert, was getting a bit warm to put it mildly, so I stupidly wound down the window to get some cool air in lol. Well you know the blast of heat when you open an oven that's been on for a while :p lol
GlasgowTitan said:
Doesn't having the windows down and sunroof open at speed totally alter the aerodynamics, and the car now produces about twice as much drag. So really you will be using tonnes more fuel to go at 70mph than you would with windaes up and sunroof closed?

i dont have them open fully at that sort of speed, just the front 2 about 2 or 3 inches down, they are fully down when around town though for some elbow out action :)

leaving the back 2 windows about 1/4 down and deadlocking it while parked at work keeps it nice and cool though so i dont roast on the way home :)

having 1 window open though is useless, you need through draft :eek:
loving driving round in my friends focus atm with leather seats, has air con so keep the windows up, then realise its broken and get em down to get at least a little breeze going through.
I get roasted alive in my Micra it's a joke. I went for an interview last week, 40 min drive. The sun just magnifies through the glass anyway. Dispite sunroof and both windows down by the time I got there I was a drowned rat, I was wearing a white t shirt which went see through, it looked like I'd just ran a marathon with sweat. :(
After getting in my car after work when it's been sitting in the baking sun for 8 hrs with half leather i do wish a had aircon and some oven gloves to touch the steering wheel. :D
See my signature :D It lets air in at a decent rate but its still hot, and I got sunburt the other day.

I also have climate control which helps in the really hot weather like the past few weeks.

Sky roof is best for winter.
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