Who owns a Mondeo ST220 / ST TDCI?

That ******* who won the auction for the exhaust still has not contacted me after messaging him 3 times.

Remember now why i never use eBay for selling anymore.
Yet more problems with mine :( in 5th or 6th below 40 mph I am now getting juddering during acceleration which I believe is a misfire.

Where to start? Plugs, leads coil pack
It's most likely to be one or more of those things.. The leads and plugs aren't the easiest to change though unfortunately!
If you're talking about the 220, then there's not a lot else.

Clutch/DMF is a potential from around the 100k mark. Bank on around a £1k bill for parts and labour.

Auto belt tensioner & crank pulley is common too (see some earlier posts by me). Expect £300 there. You can hear that coming a mile off though.

Rear sub frame bushes are another one, but with the age of ST220's now, I'd expect any one you pick up will have had them done.

I think that's it for major bills really, a few things that can throw up lesser bills (rear wheel bearing at £120 fitted), but nothing common and expensive that are necessarily a given.

Hopefully I can get one where the clutch/DMF either has a few years left in it or has recently been changed. The rest of the bills don't sound to bad! Nice to have an idea of the potential costs though, thanks :)

This is incorrect IMO. Yes if you do a lot of town driving you'll average 20-22mpg but if your driving is more of a "combined" cycle, you should average 25-27 depending on how much stop-start traffic there is. 35MPG is easily achievable on the motorway at 70mph.

If you see your self as a Lewis Hamilton, the MPG is going to be awful.

If you see your self as a Howard, the MPG is going to be better than whats on paper.

Mine MPG is awful and on 17MPG over last 1k miles :D

Give me a set of deserted country roads and my MPG will dip into minus figures. Give me my regular daily work commute and I'll bimble along efficiently and comfortably with all the other traffic. Surely I can't be alone in this logic :p

In other news, Tuesday dispatch for 'zorst most likely :(

Fingers crossed my MPG is more Howard than Lewis Hamilton, but I honestly can't see that happening :D

Thanks for your help guys. I will probably start pestering you for more information when it comes closer to purchase time.
Howard, the pictures. When they are still around 1200x800 but are being shown in a in a smaller box they look like the perfect picture.

How do you do this? When they are shown in there normal size they look crap. I know, buy a better camera. Whats the cheaper solution though?
I was born lost :p

When I change the image size of a photo from 3000x2400 (what ever it is) to 1200x800 it looks pants. Where as a picture that is 3000x2400 that is being shown in a 1200x800 photo viewer looks crisp as anything due to still being 3000x2400.

Is there anyway to still keep this crisp but actually downsize the photo to 1200x800.

As you can tell I am no genius when it comes to computers.
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Hmm. Photoshop should do it nicely, maybe you're saving the images with too low a compression? Otherwise, Paint in Windows 7 resizes fine, and if you upload them to somewhere like www.imgur.com you won't lose quality
This is incorrect IMO. Yes if you do a lot of town driving you'll average 20-22mpg but if your driving is more of a "combined" cycle, you should average 25-27 depending on how much stop-start traffic there is. 35MPG is easily achievable on the motorway at 70mph.

And IME I would say this is incorrect.
I regularly do a journey for work which is prety much dual carriageway the whole way (bit of traffic in stoke but not too bad) and I will do this journey at 60mph, the best MPG I ever acheived was about 28mpg, (I have had the readout in the car saying 30mpg but every time I put anything more than a feather's weight of pressure on the accelerator it started to drop again.
I don't doubt you can achieve these figures howard but please don't go around telling people they are easily achievable when they really aren't.

I have driven my car like a granny and I have driven it normally and it makes between 2 - 4mpg difference by the way.

As for faults, in 18 months of ownership I have replaced
the air intake valve (car was "moosing")
a rear brake caliper
the bonnet lock pin (connects when you put your key in to the actual bonnet lock, not sure of proper name, made of plastic and broke up inside)
1 set of tyres just after I bought it and getting ready for the next set, I average about 15k per annum
coil pack
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If your car only achieves 28MPG at 60mph then something is wrong with it. It's quite simple really. I appreciate that driving styles come in to play with these discussions often rendering them meaningless, but from what you have said above, that isn't the norm.
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Under a controlled test I can get near the figures Howard gets but I still average 22mpg (21 before I increased tyre pressures) due to the way I drive but also difficult to get much better even when trying (so I don't bother anymore). I do a mix of A-roads (interrupted with lots of roundabouts) and town driving but very little motorway driving.

On a typical motorway journey I can get around 28-30mpg end to end if I'm not in a rush.

As for running costs, it's mainly petrol and the usual service items so long as you don't get the modding bug. I've spent quite a bit on mods so far including a JP exhaust, oem xenon retrofit with high-end bulbs and a new head unit. I still want to upgrade the brakes, brake lines, interior lights and boot hydraulics.

Faults (not fixed): 8-way passenger electric seat only wants to work 7-way, passenger wing mirror doesn't have full adjustment.

Faults (fixed): breather hose - cost £20 for diagnostic and about £30 to fix.

Recently replaced front tyres with Goodyear Eagle F1 AS2s for about £120/corner fitted.

I have an ST200 which is quite old now, Just got a new MOT but jeez the front brake pipes were well and truly gone, they just fell off when they where looked at :/

Why do they route the brake pipes in the most stupid of places?

Can't fault the car really through, engine wise its sound, body work not so sound but hey its 13 years old.

MPG for me is around 24 round town and 30 on the motorway, but I do find unless you barely touch the pedal it goes way way down really quickly :)

I'm looking to get rid of it soon actually although its been great to me over the 3 years I have had it, its just too juicy on petrol!
My st tdci gets 61mpg if I'm doing 60mph, 75mph gives around 55mpg and 80mph 50mpg. Around town I get 36-40mpg depending on how I drive.

Right i give up with this image resizing malarkey! That above photo isn't the true colour i am seeing from the 3264x2448 photo that is on my computer even though it has been downsized to 600x450. Again it has gone all blurry and the colours have gone dull compared to the normal image. Popping my head.

The original photo has a true deep blue colour with a brilliant shine and as crisp as anything.

Howard i see some of your photos and they are crisp with no colour loss or blur. what do you use to downsize your image without it ruining the photo?
He probably uses PS Lightroom. Send me the big copy, I'll tart it up and resize it for you :p

Hosting on imgur doesn't help either as they compress images unless you have a pro account.
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