Actually, its the other way around, the numbers you quoted were impacted by the 'investment' to fix and strengthen the railway line at dawlish, which was severed in 2014, cutting nearly the entire south west off from the rail network. This led to a short term (approx 2-3 years) bump in transport spending down here that temporarily lifted the south west from propping up the bottom of the table.
It's not just transport, by the way.
The North, especially the North East, tends to moan a lot, but actually gets a lot per head spent on them by the state compared to other areas... In England, the North East is second only to London in per captia spending.
The figures look rather different on a net basis, by the way.
But the common thing is that the various parts of the North are already more heavily subsidised than the South West. Perhaps we just don't moan enough.