That ship sailed a long time ago. The government made a big song and dance about levelling up, but then didn't follow it up with anywhere near enough action or additional funding. They did a good job of sticking the logo on things which were already being funded using different pots of money though, like the 'smart motorway' roadworks signs on the M6...The Northern Powerhouse was supposed to be about leveling up the North of England. Not trying to drain more people to London.
Northern Powerhouse rail is a good example. It started out as this 'hs3' idea which would have been revolutionary in east-west train travel in the North, particularly for places like Bradford which aren't well connected. That soon got chucked by the wayside and what they're calling northern Powerhouse rail these days is some rather poorly defined upgrades to the existing routes which won't deliver anywhere near the originally promised connectivity, capacity or speed benefits.
Whatever happens to HS2 there's no way the government will actually use the money to fund HS3 or some other revolutionary 'levelling up' project, it'll just disappear.
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