Why are tradesmen so expensive

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In this thread. Cheapskates looking for one man band outfits rather than using a professional contractor and paying the true value of the job.

I feel there is a lot of truth to that.

When I lived in the South East companies you contacted were much more professional they turned up quickly to view jobs, quoted quickly and you might wait for the job but they were keen and organised. I live in South Wales now and the professional contractors don't call back because they're probably busy and all you are left with is the one man bands who can be very variable. I reckon 50% of companies I agree a viewing with don't turn up, 50% of those that do don't quote and even when they have viewed quoted and agreed a date, a proportion just don't turn up to do the job. It amazes me in the South East they are keen even when they're expensive.
My issue with tradesmen boils down to a few things.

Punctuality: If you agree a time to come look at something, you better be there, or give me a heads up why you will be late. I had a sparky moan his face off last year because he turned up at 7pm on the way back from a job and took an hour long detour on his way home to quote. He was supposed to be there at 5, didnt call or let me know he was delayed. When I told him I wasnt interested in his quote he got quite irate about it. Not my problem mate.

Condescension: You better sure as hell expect I have done my research before getting you in for a quote for something specific, and I have a good working knowledge, but may not be certified. Speaking to me like I'm a clueless idiot will get you shown the door. I get a lot of people may not have an idea, but at least be respectful about it.

Price: I am happy to pay fair cash for fair work. If a job takes longer than expected, I will pay extra. If you come in and quote over the odds, then you have no chance.
On that price point though, a majority of tradesmen we used tried to charge us for more than the original quote. Unless what we asked for changed or what was required was vastly different then as far as I'm concerned that's their error in not being able to quote correctly.

I get that removing things reveals and leads to other issues etc and that's absolutely fine, but when that's not the case and it's just a "it took longer than I thought" then that really grinds my gears.
I get that removing things reveals and leads to other issues etc and that's absolutely fine, but when that's not the case and it's just a "it took longer than I thought" then that really grinds my gears.

This is how I do it, if youre just slow then you'll get the rate agreed, if you opened up and found something horrendous that needed fixing, then obviously will be happy to do so...
On that price point though, a majority of tradesmen we used tried to charge us for more than the original quote. Unless what we asked for changed or what was required was vastly different then as far as I'm concerned that's their error in not being able to quote correctly.

I get that removing things reveals and leads to other issues etc and that's absolutely fine, but when that's not the case and it's just a "it took longer than I thought" then that really grinds my gears.
Yea they've quoted wrong. That's the danger with going down the cheap and cheerful route, you should be quoting with the knowledge that something might crop up that takes an extra half day to put right.

A previous poster made a good point. Tradesmen are tradesmen and not business men. They might be highly skilled at their job but they aren't taught and probably never pick up on customer service skills. Before I became an electrician I worked in supermarkets, restaurants and retail stores so I picked up a lot of those skills and it has transferred well into my trade now.
The nice customers get the best prices, people like the OP get the highest, its just the way is it, its not so much down to skill but down to psychological damage and how much you're willing to work for someone who will at the end of the job want you questing life its self..
First company i worked for the guys in IT had all sorts of problems with the sparks. They would insist on using a pen knife to strip and terminate the network cables despite being told numerous times there was a proper tool and it worked far better and faster. The response was always "ive been a spark for xxx years, i know what I am doing, don't need some young IT geek telling me how to do my job"

Regular sparkies should not be allowed anywhere near data cabling jobs imo.
But if they do it correctly why not?
If they fluke test and honour nexans warranty for example then great. And know the different requirements of the types of cable and modules.

Unfortunately most sparkies know stuff all about data cabling and just follow the pretty pictures. Thats how you end up with sockets punched down in crossover and wonder why something like your video over ethernet isn't working. Nor do they give a stuff how the cable is run, for example near to power.
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I believe a lot of that comes down to the fact that a lot of trades people aren't business minded, they can run a business, sure. But probably not a thriving one that does consider things like reputation and customer service.

It mainly comes down to a lot of trades people not being gifted in basic literacy, that's not to say they're thick but traditionally people that didn't excel at school were either pushed down the route of manual work and trades or had a family member in the trade they just dropped into straight out of school.

Being good at a trade doesn't mean you should be top of the class when it comes to running the business side of things and dealing with paperwork and numbers.

I work on average on about two different building sites every week all year, so that is about 100+ site inductions, many struggle to fill in the basic induction form, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't let them work on my house or judge their quality of work on how well laid out their invoice was..

Same goes for book smart people that don't know which end of a spanner to hold, you'd think with a degree and lots of education simply operating a hand tool would be child's play and yet their knowledge ends at their elbows.
Why is there so many stupid references to these trades, Just a question you would ask anyone that is employed how much do you get payed, if you work for a company how much do you think they charge for that service that you cover.. Say I want a ball valve fitted or float valve on a cistern, it bottom fills in the cistern what should I be concerned with as a customer.

How about an electric shower its on the 2nd floor at 90ft away I bought a replacement what should I be concerned with when it’s replaced with this.

I change my boiler from a 30 year old boiler to a modern one what should I be concerned with.

These are all uneducated things so maybe you can or can’t answer. My Fez.
Why is there so many stupid references to these trades, Just a question you would ask anyone that is employed how much do you get payed, if you work for a company how much do you think they charge for that service that you cover.. Say I want a ball valve fitted or float valve on a cistern, it bottom fills in the cistern what should I be concerned with as a customer.

How about an electric shower its on the 2nd floor at 90ft away I bought a replacement what should I be concerned with when it’s replaced with this.

I change my boiler from a 30 year old boiler to a modern one what should I be concerned with.

These are all uneducated things so maybe you can or can’t answer. My Fez.

Welcome to the forums :)
Sorry, what education level do you need to become an electrician? A levels, degree. Thats what people consider an education. Every job required training. There are plenty that require exams to become certified but to become a doctor you do 2 years of a-levels, 5 years of medical school, 2 years pre-reg and then you have plenty of other exams if you want to progress.

Also by your wisdom we should pay lorry and bus drivers a lot because they could potentially kill lots of people. Christ, they could kill 20 or more houses worth of people so they should be on god knows what.

I know I'm not a qualified electrician. That doesn't have anything to do with the fact that you don't have to be particularly bright to be one and you don't have to have a high level of education. I'm sure there are plenty of electricians out there who are much brighter than I am but again, thats entirely beside the point. We don't pay people based on their intelligence, we pay them based on the job they do.

You can be back and forth to college to get a beauticians qualification for years, whats that got to do with anything. I don't know why you are taking this as a personal insult to your intelligence unless you are insecure about it. As I have said above, your job doesn't dictate your intelligence or capacity to learn. The intelligence required to do a job doesn't mean that everyone doing that job is of that intellect. Do you think that every bin man is borderline retarded because their job could be done by literally any able bodied person?

My very simple point is that a lot of trades charge a lot of money for a job that is not massively skilled. In every job there are people who are more skilled than others as well. Your local pubs chef probably isn't as good as a michelin star chef and their salaries reflect that. The simple fact is that the work that residential electricians do is not very hard from a technical standpoint. Same for plumbing etc.

Upon your reference to intelligent which again is an unintelligent argument - A taxi driver doesn’t need intelligence, how many with phd’s there are plenty of people out there who are over qualified in there line of work.

Again local pup chef are you for real do you actually talk to humanity, talking to different chefs, where their ability and skills are that high but not in that job and it bewilders me why they do not run a restaurant of the same quality. Then we are talking about the psychology of our society-industry as well as the psychology of the individual chef.

Stacking shelf’s does not need much intelligence and if you were to check the intelligence or qualification of people doing this you will be surprised.

If you’re not running a plumbing/electrician company or doing the job don’t judge the skills that are required through the range of skills or intelligence required, as it is attitudes like that, that often we get called out for. Such as I tried to change a tap, I ran my waste pipe. When I first trained I was working as hevac engineer, covering jobs such as fridge freezers, cold rooms, unvented hot water systems, plumbing, electrics, boilers & heating. So much has been stolen from the industry because of attitudes like yours, including politics which has misled the public in thinking that there are not enough people in the industry in the 80’s and are industry is flooded with people leaving their jobs to do this industry. This is without the fly boys who think they can do the job and miss out safety devices in the plumbing on installations, thats without missing out safety devices in unvented hot water systems. Very much like the poor old couple because someone forgot to put to pierce can before placing in a pan and boiling, a potential bomb.

Most issues in the industry can be broken down to people issues very much like the post office scandal, programming, to how it was managed from the company that knew it sold a faulty program to the post office management of it. Often issues are broken down to the responsible person being the customer who thinks he knows better because he is a lawyer, a Dr in science, an engineer. So pushes for things to be done his way. Sometimes its the architect who drives it a particular way. There are several blocks of flats in Hampshire area that built with heating systems and controls that are not regulations due to misunderstanding of the building regulations.

So when you demean a persons intelligence which is an abuse by the way, is arrogant, ignorant and shows a lack of intelligence in itself.
So when you demean a persons intelligence which is an abuse by the way, is arrogant, ignorant and shows a lack of intelligence in itself.

If you actually read what I have written rather than going off on one due to some perceived slight you would see that I haven't suggested that anyone doing any job is a thicko. There will be people who are fantastically intelligent who are bin men but obviously I wouldn't want to offend you and suggest that being a bin man isn't a skilled job...

As a generalisation (yes, those are allowed and are how the world works as much as it seems to annoy people) there are certain careers that attract people who are not the brightest. That doesn't mean their work doesn't take skill, dexterity, knowledge and understanding but they are fundamentally not hard jobs to pick up or understand. Those jobs are usually paid accordingly. If you can replace someone easily, their work is probably not well paid.

People are not all of equal intelligence and that is totally OK in the same way that everyone is different heights, shapes, strengths and has different abilities. Its something you can't change and its not something you should be ashamed of. Its this stupid rhetoric that has been pushed for years. You are beautiful, you are strong, you are smart. Nope. Most people aren't and the fact we tell people that despite evidence to the contrary is damaging and essentially tells them that those qualities are very desirable and deep down most people know where they are lacking.
I hate when tradesmen seem to pluck numbers out of the air for jobs. I have a fair amount of experience with all things central heating / plumbing related (through necessity rather than choice, as I was unable to get a problem resolved without eventually figuring it out myself). So I have a very good idea what is entailed in a job and how long it is likely to take when I call someone to quote.

Some of the quotes are mad. One guy said £1200 labour for a job which would take no more than one man day. I asked him to break it down for me so I could understand where the cost is coming from - his response "I quote for a job mate, I dont break it down". He was not an isolated case.

He didnt get the job.
It's quite easy to hire a van set up a company/sole trader and just go start working. I suppose that's how you get people who are useless still doing it as no one else would hire them lol.
It's all about word of mouth and/or knowing the person for me so there's a bit more personal responsibility. Luckily through me playing rugby and my mum being an estate agent I know people who can basically do everything I could ever want and I already trust them.
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