**** off you bit jessy, I've seen fay uglier guys than you (tbh you ain't half bad) get off with lasses that make page 3 girls weep.
You're in KNiVES
**** off you bit jessy, I've seen fay uglier guys than you (tbh you ain't half bad) get off with lasses that make page 3 girls weep.
I meant A few >.<
I don't like Charlie Brooker, he talks about male masturbation WAY to often!
This post is probably more revealing than i like but what the hell.
I work everyday, i really do. Not out of choice but partly family obligations.
My 9-5 jobs i leave the house at 7:15 for the train to go to work, the people who catches the train are mostly the same faces, and are mostly men on this route. Apart from them are school children and 6th form teenagers going to the private school in Worcester. So unless all of the sudden to have a liking to men or want to go to hit on the 16-17 year olds, no go there.
At work, the firm is not that large, about 35 people there, and only like 4 girls are under 30. Of that 4, 1 is married with a kid, 1 has a bf (but i get along with her really well), 1 that i secretly like is leaving and moving aboard, and the one left is great but i am still unsure of dating people you work with.
Then I get home at 6:45 ish, get change and dinner puts the time to around 8 most nights and having to get up early the next day again i am not in the mood to go out nor do i want to these days.
The weekend i am obligated to go help my parents' place, which rules out going out on Saturday and Sunday nights, and it leaves only Friday nights to go out. Which by about 11pm I am usually ready for bed on a Friday after a whole week of early starts.
So there it is, unless my life suddenly turns into a romantic comedies where i can pick up woman during my lunch break in town or the customers that comes to the Chinese thinks that guy behind the till is a a great guy to date, my chances of finding someone at the moment is pretty slim.
EDIT - i suppose forgot I can also meet people over the net, itsonlyme, feel free to drop me an email
Dude, I'm up at 5 every day and don't get home till 630pm yet I still get myself out during the week and I'm older than you! Don't be a boring fart!!
You can be my wingman anytime
Same.Oh, and I am too broke to even consider dating at the moment
At the moment I've been going out with my GF for 2.5 yrs and I moved away from my work in Aberdeen to be with her and we currently live together.
6 bottles of "old speckled hen"