Why are YOU single?

I hate that. Most of the girls in my school go for guys who are complete jerks. A friend once told me "The nice guy finishes last"


It's bloody true. If you act like a friend then that's what you'll be, have confidence and be a bit cocky, wether it's to the extent of being an **** hole depends on the girl and if you want to be that guy or not.
There's a lot of confusion in here, similar to a discussion that was going on in the internet dating thread. It's not about being too nice, it's about having no gonads. Girls don't want bad guys but bad guys tend to have attractive qualities.

If you really want to get a girl then be yourself (which I'm assuming is a nice guy) but don't be a pushover. Don't ask if it's alright if you both go to the cinema or you'll do whatever she wants to do. If you want to take her out to the cinema then tell her to meet you there at 8 - if she doesn't want to or can't then she'll let you know and you can let her rearrange.

It's a bit of a silly example but you get the idea.
what if you are a push over? then how can you be yourself but not one of your major character features?

Then accept it and don't complain about finding it hard to get a girl. Either that or stop being (so much of) a pushover. If you've been a pushover for your whole life it doesn't mean you won't be yourself if you change that one thing - like if you shaved your head after having your hair long for 15 years or going to public speaking groups to improve your confidence.
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