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why do gpus randomly need reseating?

Something else is wrong if you need to reseat a GPU constantly… Plug in and forget…
I agree, but his is not constantly, it was random, and the first time for this PC,
the point is that I've seen this happen on other PCs where everything else has been tried but the reseat fixes it,.
So, I was confident that others would have experienced this too, but only two have, many haven't
I'm now wondering if it could be anything to do with the gpu contacts being made of gold, being soft thus being dented by the pcie contacts? then shrinking after being turned off for a while , removing contact tbetween the gpu and the socket contacts? but saying that, my kids always got my old gpus in new motherboards, so i'm clutching at straws here
maybe the two metals of the gpu, and the pcie react to one another over time? but doubtful because gold is pretty inert, and AFAIKpure gold does not tarnish, idk what the socket contacts are made of, nor if the gpu contacts are pure gold..
..it's a mystery to me, that is why I'm asking!
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I'm now wondering if it could be anything to do with the gpu contacts being made of gold, being soft thus being dented by the pcie contacts?
Absolutely nothing at all to do with it.

I'm sure there's no need to reseat the GPU and it's far more likely unplugging and plugging in the display cable would achieve whatever you think a reseat is doing
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Absolutely nothing at all to do with it.

I'm sure there's no need to reseat the GPU and it's far more likely unplugging and plugging in the display cable would achieve whatever you think a reseat is doing
well,the reseat fixes it when everything else has failed over multiple computers, fixing the problem, is what I've *seen* it doing, not what I might* think* it is doing! everything else is tried before the reseat, because, ' duh!' the reseat is the last ditch attempt, and it has worked so often, just like a few days ago
i sneak into your house from time to time and wiggle the card loose in revenge for that time 12 years ago when you cut me off at a round about
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