Why do people act like this?

Sorry to hear you had a bad time OP,
I've had personal experience of a similar situation, wasn't in a cinema, but it may point out how things turn bad for you when you fight back, not saying you shouldnt theres just other things start to happen when you do.
Was out one night with my other half and a few friends, but looked mainly as if it was just me and the GF. By accident the GF had bumped into one of a group of guys, on saying sorry he grabbed her by the throat and smacked her round the head.
On seeing this I grabbed the bloke and put him on his ass, and gave him a couple of blows to the face.
Then it gets interesting, his mates start on me, whilst I'm literally sat on this guy, so my mates get involved also.
When the police turned up this had all stopped, have a guess who got charged and faced a sentence of up to 5 years (because overall there was more than 3 people involved, it was classed as violent disorder), yep you guessed it me and my friends, even though the police had taken pictures of my GF's injury's at the scene and there were witnesses to state the facts of what happened.
Well it even ended up in crown court because my barrister advised me that I had sod all chance of being successfully prosecuted, so all evidence was heard and everything sounded right, the point that we were acting in self defence came out well.
Guess what the jury found us guilty because the guy who hit the GF got a bust nose and it was deemed that I had used excessive force in defending somebody. I suppose if id followed the letter of the law i should have given him a bitch slap and stopped there.
Luckily the judge saw sense in sentencing us and we all got a very light community sentence, but this thing caused me no end of problems for nigh on a year whilst the thing was being heard etc and the worry awful.

So was just putting this out there as another consideration you got to make when your thinking of making a stand, sometimes the laws an ass and itll bite you on yours.

When my mom, dad & I go watch a movie. we most times sit in a back row. Almost always no others are in there before us, then people with a loud crunchy food come in & sit close to us. When a majority of the seats are still empty!!!

Luckily the judge saw sense in sentencing us and we all got a very light community sentence, but this thing caused me no end of problems for nigh on a year whilst the thing was being heard etc and the worry awful.

Community service is still a bit much, but way better than 5 years. It is stupid you even got arrested having witnesses to back you. It isn't like you broke his leg or something. It took a year in court!!!
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No mate it took a week in court, it was just over a year from getting charged to getting heard in court, so in reality It was a year and a little bit from the event.
But from what I gather the sentance was the bare minimum the judge could have given,
Luckily I had no previous offences for anything, and they all had a ton.
Just the violent disorder charge on my criminal record on paper looks really bad, but if people see it and then its explained in context people seem to understand, I even have copies of the witness statements to this day to back me up if anyone questions it.
But its still there and has an effect on my life, all because some moron and his mates couldn't handle their drink.

But to the OP, I know your worried about seeing them face to face again, but to be honest they probably already have gotten into a copious amount of scrapes after your incident, so your probably a very distant memory. So dont go withdrawing yourself or anything, you will be fine.
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i have tears rolling down my face go on tour with this shizzle its gold :D

OK, I don't know all the "history" on OCUK with this poster/subject......but I agree with what he says, pretty much.

I would advise the OP takes some Krav classes. Any traditional martial art is great self defense too, but you really need a lot of experience in them to be able to use it in the "real world" - with KM you have the basics down in no time and it's useful stuff to get you out of situation quickly.

There's a lot of macho carp surrounding KM but the fact is that anybody can learn useful tactics after just a few classes. I've done both KM and Judo and I love them both....but the first few Judo lessons are almost like learning to dance. With KM within 10 mins I had learned the best 5 places to kick, poke, rake, bite, while backed into a corner by 10 people :p
Congratulations, you just did what 95% of people never do, and stood up for yourself to a group of bullies... that takes real balls, and I genuinely mean that.

Actually, I forgot to chuck that one in, too - props to you, Anant, even though you got a slap for it you're a better person for having made a stand.

Thanks guys. That's what I thought to myself, that nobody else would do anything, so I had to. It does frustrate me that other people don't do things like this, and most of them sit there wishing that someone else would say something. Also, my whole life I've been tired of bullies thinking that they can do what they like, and it perplexes me how they can never see anything from other's perspectives.

There probably is but the OP hasn’t taken it further so we won't know unless he goes back and has a look.

Are you suggesting that I do this? If so, would they have the footage from 2 days ago, and let me see it/ agree to look into it?
*Sorry for wall of text in advance

Personally I rarely have any trouble because generally I look like I can handle myself and am a gym regular (epeen) but there was one occasion which put me in a really awkward situation.

I was out in the town after meeting up with a girl who I was interested in at the time, and so we had decided to spend the day together. I met her in the town center and we had a chat on the bench. During this time a couple of drunken yobs were drinking on a bench about 10 meters away and I could see them eyeing her up and scowling at me. After a while we went off round the shops and were having a generally pleasent day.

Then at some point we ran into these yobs in an underpass and one of them walks up to the girl I was with and asked for her number in a 'gimme ur numba' sorta way. She and I had pretty much decided to start seeing each other, but regardless of that he wasn't someone who she wanted asking for her number and certainly not in the manner that he did.

So at this point I told him to back off and leave us alone, stepping between him and the girl. After a few words and explaining that I had seen him drinking earlier in the center, we started walking off - with them following us 20 feet behind - and this is where it put me in a really awkward position.

I'm walking with the girl and her sister, who we met up with shortly before the confrontation, and have the two lads walking behind with the other one hurling abuse and threats at me. I know with two swift punches I could knock both of these guys out but in doing so would give off the impression to the girl I've just started seeing that I am equally as yobbish - but in trying to ignore them I am stuck with them following us through town shouting all kinds of rubbish at us.

So after a minute or so of weighing up the situation I walked back over to them with a scowl on my face clearly showing them now they don't want to continue. The lad who earlier asked for the number now steps in front of the one mouthing off and says 'sorry mate' and puts his hand out to shake. I tell him I don't want to shake his hand and that he needs to leave us alone because I'm now getting peed off. I then take the girl and her sister into a retail outlet for a browse in the hope these guys would get the hint and thankfully they did, because I would have ended up brawling with them in the street and showing myself up to be no better than them.

Needless to say, the girl later told me she thought I handled it really well and was impressed and eventually allowed me to smash her pasty (although the instance probably contributed nothing towards that I thought I'd include it to boost my internet smash pasty rep).

- but ultimately it did bring down what was a good day. And it's a shame that some people have to put up with idiots like these every day and even outside their own house (something which i would find unbearable).

Thankfully besides that I've never had any problems. I think it largely depends on how you carry yourself and if you make it clear (maybe easier said than done for some as unfortunately for those people not everyone is of a 'fighter' build) that you can handle yourself.

@ the OP, I don't really know how you could have handled the situation. I think the comments saying 'KO the ringleader' are ridiculous, because as I said, unfortunately not everyone is a fighter and you also said you're very small, so KOing the ringleader is something I don't see happening realistically, you'd probably agree with me on that. I'd say next time something like that were to happen, just try and back away or walk through them. You might still get hit but you want to try and get out of the situation as quickly as possible - the longer you hang around the greater the tension of the situation becomes.
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Just read the first post, that's all. You shoulda gone Peckham Terminator on them.

Good to know that you're alright, for the most part, though.
doiks14, sorry to ask again if you answered, where are you from ?

Angeles, Pampanga, Philippines....
It's got the highest prostitution rate, and 2nd highest crime rate in the whole country :o

edit: I'd love to go for a holiday in that Country though.. such a beautiful place, probably a good place to live in if you pick the area/city well..
I wouldn't want to live in that particular City I grew up in though
Thankfully besides that I've never had any problems. I think it largely depends on how you carry yourself and if you make it clear (maybe easier said than done for some as unfortunately for those people not everyone is of a 'fighter' build) that you can handle yourself.

I'm not entirely sure how I carry myself, but as there were 6 of them, and all were bigger than me, I think that my physique said that I wasn't someone to be feared, despite how I carry myself.

@ the OP, I don't really know how you could have handled the situation. I think the comments saying 'KO the ringleader' are ridiculous, because as I said, unfortunately not everyone is a fighter and you also said you're very small, so KOing the ringleader is something I don't see happening realistically, you'd probably agree with me on that. I'd say next time something like that were to happen, just try and back away or walk through them. You might still get hit but you want to try and get out of the situation as quickly as possible - the longer you hang around the greater the tension of the situation becomes.

I tried to do that, when I first walked out the door, they were holding it open and I didn't realise that they were waiting for me, so I said thanks for holding the door and walked right past. But then they followed me and surrounded me. It would have been almost impossible to get out without interacting with them
Sorry to bump, but no one answered my question from above.
Would the cinema still have cctv footage from 5th August?? If so, would I actually be allowed to look at it and pinpoint the incident? Vue's website doesn't have info about this

The staff in these places are normally pretty good at getting rid of scum. They realise that decent people are their source of profit and that they can't afford for their place to get a reputation.

But the disruptive people pay for their ticket too? :confused:
Platinum87 or Twoblacklines?

No mate it took a week in court, it was just over a year from getting charged to getting heard in court, so in reality It was a year and a little bit from the event.

Ya I know, hehe I did say it took a year, my mistake :) Why did it even take a year, that should have been done in a week.
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