Why do people act like this?

There is an awful lot of ignorance, racism and intolerance in this thread. I grew up in Uganda/Kenya as my dad worked for an oil company out there. Going to the cinema there and it is quite an experience. It's culturally acceptable to talk, comment, shout, etc during the movie (especially at exciting parts), it's just the way they enjoy the experience.

Erm what? It has nothing to do with the fact it was a group of black people

These people were shouting and talking about completely irrelevant stuff. They were using abusive and rude language, while there were many children in the screen. During the moments when there is silence in the film, that is a time when people are totally absorbed into what is happening on screen, and yet one of them started beatboxing.

Are you telling me that this group got their enjoyment from the experience by ruining it for others? :rolleyes:

It's perfectly acceptable to wait outside after the film to beat them? It's not about one particular group of people, that's the point you've missed. It's about anybody who ruins the enjoyment of other people.
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You just don't make a racket during a film at the cinema and ruin other peoples experience. Cultural or not this isn't Uganda or wherever and I enjoy my movies at the cinema in piece, it's why I pay almost £8 for a damn ticket. End of story!

If I'm at home enjoying a movie night in with friends/family and someone starts being noisy, they get sent to the naughty corner where they get bum raped later that night.

It's just not on y0.
You guys really need to check yourselves and think about their culture or their parents culture, because IMO that's perfectly acceptable behaviour and you guys are showing a lot of intolerance.

It's not acceptable behaviour here though. It's not intolerance it's just common courtesy that you don't talk/throw things at people/act like a **** in the cinema.
Next time you see someone behaving inappropriately in the cinema go and complain to staff, they will ask the troublemakers to leave the cinema (at least this was the way troublemakers were dealt with in Odeon my brother worked in).
Luckily for us we are in neither Uganda/Kenya or an urban cinema in the States. We are in the UK, watching the cinema how it is watched in the UK. There's a difference between 'culture' and 'disrespect'. I'd be amazed if you could find one ounce of 'culture' amongst all of the troublemakers mentioned in the thread.

They do what they do to look hard/cool in front of their mates. If it was a culture thing then they would do it if there was 1 or 2 of them. Instead, it is only when there are 5 or 6 of them egging each other on.

Oh, and if I was there with my 10yr old brother, do you consider it 'culturally acceptable' to be called racist insults, swear words and general insulting sentances throughout the film? There's a big difference between 'shouting at the exciting parts' and trying to insult someone's race.

I hope that you choose to go to the cinema in the near future and sit right in front of 6 people shouting things, throwing popcorn at your head, playing music, talking on their mobiles etc. Then you can picture me and every other person in this thread sitting on your shoulder saying "Think about their culture and the culture of their parents, this is perfectly acceptable behaviour".
yea i got into some minor scrape in the park near my house with some guys we were playing football with, because we beat them...

cue their mates coming down on bikes and a bit of a scuffle.. fast forward on a couple of months, we go to a park further into town center to play tennis...low and behold whos sat there with 20 of their mates? so they come over, giving it this and that. 2 of my mates ran, i stayed with my other mate who was never gonna make it out... they took his tennis racket and banged him with it, i took some shots, helped me mate get out and we left.

was only about 14-16 at the time so not massivley bad hiding.

but yea, the moral he is, keep your eyes open. people dont forget things like that overnight - and you might find yourself in a situation again with them, or more of them.

keep your head up, your eyes open and dont walk into any situations where u are going to become easy pickings for them.
Let us assume that we were only talking about black people. This is now a hypothetical situation.

YOU are the one who is being ignorant. You are saying with that post that all black people shout during films :confused:
In fact you've gone so far as to say that it is a characteristic of black people to shout during a film. That is closest thing that this thread has to racism. Also, didn't you read the 1st post? The BNP hate me too :rolleyes:
It's not acceptable behaviour here though. It's not intolerance it's just common courtesy that you don't talk/throw things at people/act like a **** in the cinema.

Not where they are from. And it's not just the cinema, if you've ever been to an African church you'll see it there too. It's perfectly acceptable cultural behaviour.

Would you go to a Black Baptist church in the USA, or an African Church and start telling people to STFU because they are too loud?? I would hope not!
Not where they are from. And it's not just the cinema, if you've ever been to an African church you'll see it there too. It's perfectly acceptable cultural behaviour.

Would you go to a Black Baptist church in the USA, or an African Church and start telling people to STFU because they are too loud?? I would hope not!

I'm sorry, but you are a complete idiot.

You have missed the point that everyone has made entirely and probably haven't even read the thread.

Seriously :confused:
Not where they are from. And it's not just the cinema, if you've ever been to an African church you'll see it there too. It's perfectly acceptable cultural behaviour.

Would you go to a Black Baptist church in the USA, or an African Church and start telling people to STFU because they are too loud?? I would hope not!

Once again, I must stress that these people were not just being loud. They were using foul language, throwing things at people, beatboxing etc. One of them even got a phonecall in the middle of the film, with a very loud ringtone, and they answered it and started talking!
Not where they are from. And it's not just the cinema, if you've ever been to an African church you'll see it there too. It's perfectly acceptable cultural behaviour.

Would you go to a Black Baptist church in the USA, or an African Church and start telling people to STFU because they are too loud?? I would hope not!

You seem to have completely missed the point of the entire thread. I suspect deliberately.

In this country, with our values, and our society, everything you say, is just NOT acceptable.

A cinema is not a black African church. How you can confuse the two I don't know, considering you've experienced it in person.
If you find yourself in that position again take out the ringleader and the rest will crumble.

Why did you tell them you werent going to beg ? Thats like telling them to hit you!
I already suggested this but as someone said if it's a small town it could cause ongoing problems... I'd worry about that after though. No way I'd stand for that crap.

Letting yourself be a victim leads to more ongoing problems, like being bullied everytime they see you!
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