Why do some people do this? (overtaking related)

Mr_Sukebe said:
As already suggested, the safest way to deal with it, is to make sure that you're overtaking them at a substantially greater speed, giving them no opportunity to try to take the wiz.

Yep. Most people pull out too late when instead they should hang back, position themselves bias to the right side of the lane or in the other lane and go past.
Have this happening to me occasionally - I find that turning very slightly 'into' them during the manuever does the trick 9 times out of 10 and they back off like the ******* they are :D

(thats when I aint in my '2 of course otherwise it's goodnight vienna ;))

I've watched a lot of people follow a car, then pull out and floor it, giving car infront ample time to react.
Personally I always drop back, enjoy the better view of the road ahead and then whack it past them with a run up. I'm nearly always carrying 20mph+ on the car infront and unless they are in a rocket ship, when they accelerate it doesn't matter.

That said I've driven enough slow(er) cars to know that overtaking can be a royal pain when you don't have the power. Even with a run up it can be difficult and that feeling of being stranded on the wrong side is nasty :mad:

The turning in technique works well, often if someone is being silly I'll just drift across slightly, it works with all but boy racers and grumpy old men :D
I double clutch when I go into 5th. But thats more of a gearbox problem.

As for the overtaking this happened a lot to me in the Metro, and that thing would run out off puffat about 60-65 :( The main NSL that i'm in a hurry on is basically straight with a few sweeping bends that are safe at 60(+)mph so everyone tends to do 35-45 around the bends then nail it on the straights which is annoying as you can lose a lot of time staying behind. Technique in the metro was to drop back and build a lot of speed on the corner and then get them as soon as you are on the straight but this is a little dangerous! In the Honda wait for space, drop to 4th or 3rd for a bit more pace and overtake. People who speed up are just building there speed about the VTEC time.
It is not a good to overtake by taking a run up. The reason being as when you pull out to the other lane you will have like 20mph on the other car, if you have missed a car coming the other way then you will run into problems. Your goign 20mph faster then the car your passing, you got a car coming your way that you couldnt see before. It means that you have to brake a lot to get back behind the car your trying to pass, all taking extra time.

The best way is to initiate it by doing 2-3 mph faster then the car and being in the correct passing gear, then go out into the other side of the road, assess the situation (whether any cars coming that you couldnt see). If clear accelerate past and come back in without chopping up the car.
saitrix said:
It is not a good to overtake by taking a run up. The reason being as when you pull out to the other lane you will have like 20mph on the other car, if you have missed a car coming the other way then you will run into problems. Your goign 20mph faster then the car your passing, you got a car coming your way that you couldnt see before. It means that you have to brake a lot to get back behind the car your trying to pass, all taking extra time.

That's why you position yourself onto the other side of the road before you overtake.
The thing that annoys me the most is when you overtake a slower car and they insist on flash their full beam at you? Its like 'yeah and.....?' If they wern't driving so bloody slow arghh

although in a GTi-R you do tend to do a bit of over-taking here and there :p
Sorry Saitrix but IMHO thats very poor advice.

Overtaking is the most dangerous manouver you will ever do when driving, and when doing it, it is imperative you spend as little time as possible on the other side of the road. Pulling out, having a look and THEN accelerating is very foolish indeed and makes the whole thing take far longer than it should.

Instead, adopt the following position several carlengths behind the car in question. Then, when you see it is clear, accelerate hard and move out. By the time you move out, you will be travelling faster than the car you wish to pass and can complete the overtake in a few seconds.
Enfield said:
That's why you position yourself onto the other side of the road before you overtake.

Yup, but do that when your only doing 2-3mph faster then the car infront to allow you to move back in a lot easier.
[TW]Fox said:
Sorry Saitrix but IMHO thats very poor advice.

Overtaking is the most dangerous manouver you will ever do when driving, and when doing it, it is imperative you spend as little time as possible on the other side of the road. Pulling out, having a look and THEN accelerating is very foolish indeed and makes the whole thing take far longer than it should.

Instead, adopt the following position several carlengths behind the car in question. Then, when you see it is clear, accelerate hard and move out. By the time you move out, you will be travelling faster than the car you wish to pass and can complete the overtake in a few seconds.

Interesting you say that, so what did IAM teach you then? ;) Try reading the book given to you again.
saitrix said:
Interesting you say that, so what did IAM teach you then? ;) Try reading the book given to you again.

Roadcraft most certainly does NOT tell you to pull out onto the opposite side of the road in order to check if its clear and THEN start accelerating! Doing it this way takes considerably longer!

You say if you do it my way you are travelling too fast to pull in if a car comes. Well, this won't be an issue, becusae you've already checked to see if a car is coming and there isn't one.
If I am over taking a car I am doing it as quick as possible. Only over taking by a few mph is silly unless you have a road that goes on for ages.

Lorry overtaking another Lorry anyone expect you might have someone comming head on. :p
saitrix said:
It is not a good to overtake by taking a run up. The reason being as when you pull out to the other lane you will have like 20mph on the other car, if you have missed a car coming the other way then you will run into problems. Your goign 20mph faster then the car your passing, you got a car coming your way that you couldnt see before. It means that you have to brake a lot to get back behind the car your trying to pass, all taking extra time.

The best way is to initiate it by doing 2-3 mph faster then the car and being in the correct passing gear, then go out into the other side of the road, assess the situation (whether any cars coming that you couldnt see). If clear accelerate past and come back in without chopping up the car.

Wrong, on so many levels.

The single most dangerous place to be is on the wrong side of the road, therefore you want to minimise this as much as possible.

Your method does not do this, it does entirely the opposite.

I do not know of any advanced driving course that would possibly teach what you are advocating here...

If your IAM instructor taught you this, then quite frankly he shouldn't have a standard driving licence, let alone an advanced one.

I thought IAM members (assuming you're claiming to be one) were supposed to demonstrate heightened road awareness and observation skills.... The method you are suggesting also suggests you have all the observational awareness of a dead slug. You should not simply be looking for specific danger, but should be aware of everything going on around you when you are driving.
Zip said:
Can you get booked for speeding while your over taking :confused:

Yep, absolutely.

Not that that stops me from ensuring the manouver is as safe as possible by using the maximum speed differential..
Dolph said:
Yep, absolutely.

Not that that stops me from ensuring the manouver is as safe as possible by using the maximum speed differential..

Now thats just stupid.
You would think they would want the roads to be safer :rolleyes:
Once im out over that white line my foot is flat to get back over as soon as possible
I also disagree with saitrix and agree with Doph, [TW]Fox and the others

When taught I was taught to drop back and get ready so by the time you pull out you are already moving at a decent pace

It is far safer
Yep when I drove my mums 205 1.8D it was the only possible way of overtaking.

Even on motorways if you get caught behind a Lorry I still had to do run ups and hope no traffic was comming, if there was I would drop back and try the thing over and over again.
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