Why do women get in bad moods so easily?

My gf can errupt over something so small. Its all my fault tho, always.

If i notice her a bit down ill ask whats wrong? I can then get hit in the face with a full mood.

I dont understand females, i dont think i want to try either. Sometimes shes gone off on one called me names and doesnt wanna speak to me anymore and i dont even know why :confused:
Ouch Mrs Sormicoft just skelped me in the back of the head for posting on an internet form that shes a grumpy bint
i'd say she was violent but i'm too scared
Strange creatures indeed...

Scenario 1

"are you OK?"
"you sure cause you don't look it"
"GOD WHAT IS IT WITH YOU I'VE SAID I'M FINE" (Queue 30min rant at you just for asking how she is)

Scenario 2

"Are you OK?"
..... 10mins later
"You don't care about me you never ask whats up with me ever!"
"So whats wrong hon?"
"It doesn't matter now!"
RaohNS said:
Strange creatures indeed...

Scenario 1

"are you OK?"
"you sure cause you don't look it"
"GOD WHAT IS IT WITH YOU I'VE SAID I'M FINE" (Queue 30min rant at you just for asking how she is)

Its so true :eek:
RaohNS said:
Strange creatures indeed...

Scenario 1

"are you OK?"
"you sure cause you don't look it"
"GOD WHAT IS IT WITH YOU I'VE SAID I'M FINE" (Queue 30min rant at you just for asking how she is)

Scenario 2

"Are you OK?"
..... 10mins later
"You don't care about me you never ask whats up with me ever!"
"So whats wrong hon?"
"It doesn't matter now!"

Bunny boiler much? Not all women are like this ^_^!
RaohNS said:
Strange creatures indeed...

Scenario 1

"are you OK?"
"you sure cause you don't look it"
"GOD WHAT IS IT WITH YOU I'VE SAID I'M FINE" (Queue 30min rant at you just for asking how she is)

Let her rant say her piece and hopefully she should stfu. Preferably leave the room or the house if you can.

RaohNS said:
Scenario 2

"Are you OK?"
..... 10mins later
"You don't care about me you never ask whats up with me ever!"
"So whats wrong hon?"
"It doesn't matter now!"

You need to follow up with the following... no I really want to know... tell me etc - convince her that you REALLY do want to know and it is important to you - she needs reassurance, cos obviously she wants to tell you. She eventually will and usually (hopefully!) it won't be about you anyway.

Some women are also worried that you think they are being a) stupid b) come across as weird or c) there really is nothing wrong. In these situations you just need to be patient and reassure them.

Its all about communication.


Aunty BB x

NB this may not be the solution to every case ;)
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For those who are subject to this kind of moodyness and emotional instability, when did it start? Was it like this in your first year of going out or is it something that has developed since living together etc?
BrightonBelle said:
You need to follow up with the following... no I really want to know... tell me etc - convince her that you REALLY do want to know and it is important to you - she needs reassurance, cos obviously she wants to tell you. She eventually will and usually (hopefully!) it won't be about you anyway.

Some women are also worried that you think they are being a) stupid b) come across as weird or c) there really is nothing wrong. In these situations you just need to be patient and reassure them.

I do this with my gf, she gets even more p off at me for "going on". So i leave it...and i get ignored for the rest of the day.

She will stil give me the "doesnt matter" line if i ask her about a mood swing that happend 3 years ago.

I dont know about you lot but im very sensetive and i feel like im "shut out" most of the time and "pushed away" :(
BrightonBelle said:
Some women are also worried that you think they are being a) stupid b) come across as weird or c) there really is nothing wrong. In these situations you just need to be patient and reassure them.
Which I think is the difference. Men don't really care.
Some women are also worried that you think they are being a) stupid b) come across as weird or c) there really is nothing wrong.

More often not they are all 3 :p

Some times women will push you just to see where you stand.

I have never understood this and I used to back down as I wasn't that bothered and didnt want to upset her. By standing my ground and thus upsetting her in the short term she is happier in the long term. Why push in the first place?
MookJong said:
when did it start?

Unfortunately can occur at any time... certain weeks of the month being the most common, but most girls are conscious not to react like this in the first couple of months (I should hope) as most men would leave them.

Camalot said:
I do this with my gf, she gets even more p off at me for "going on". So i leave it...and i get ignored for the rest of the day.

Sounds like you are in a no win situation bud.

I do feel for you. Don't let it get to you though. You have tried to help and she clearly doesn't want you to.

Can't understand why girls have to be like that esp when their men obviously give a **** about them :(

platypus said:
Which I think is the difference. Men don't really care.

Which is where the trouble lies... I often find myself wishing I didn't give a **** so much about things and why things **** me off so much! Something we all have to deal with unfortunately. :(

BB x
One of the most annoying things is when they go into a mood with you for the following scenario:

You have a problem that you need to sort out. You go about it in the usual male way - quiet contemplation, working the problem through - staring into the fire if you will.

Then all you get is the constant "whats the matter", "talk to me about it", "why will you never talk to me about anything", "this is so typical of you, you bottle up all your feelings and refuse to talk about anything"

When truth of the matter is you were trying to work out how to set your surround sound speakers up. Only now you have still got to work out how to set your speakers up but also how to make things up with the upset other half.
Bar said:
When truth of the matter is you were trying to work out how to set your surround sound speakers up. Only now you have still got to work out how to set your speakers up but also how to make things up with the upset other half.
And explain to the other half why the surround sound speakers need to be positioned just so. Which, as everyone knows, is impossible to explain to a woman! :p
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