Why do women get in bad moods so easily?

From my experience it is down to attention seeking. They want to know you care, but also throw it back in your face. They like us triyng to make up to them and being the one in control.

Men want s a simple easy life and we don't really care about how we look, etc etc. I've found not lowering yourself or trying to sort things out helps, let them calm down, and act as normal.

Some woman can't be helped and want constant attention, Men loose when we try to help them as we are natural problem solvers.

We also know if we don't make up we wont be getting sex for the duration of the mood.

I'm just sort of starting a new relationship, and i was with my ex for 5 years, i lost everything including my sanity, this times different, i'm looking out for number one, no molly-cuddling and beconing to her every call.
[ASSE]Hinchy said:
- Yeah whatever I'm not fussed either way
"You don't care about me anymore do you!"

Lol, you sure you didnt miss out half the conversation between those two comments?!
Ahh but she can deny you sex as a means of gaining power.

You deny her for whatever reason and expect the following:

"It's cause I'm too fat isn't it?"
"You dont find me attractive anymore"
"So who is she?"
"Why dont you like me anymore?"
Bar said:
Ahh but she can deny you sex as a means of gaining power.

You deny her for whatever reason and expect the following:

"It's cause I'm too fat isn't it?"
"You dont find me attractive anymore"
"So who is she?"
"Why dont you like me anymore?"
What a thread! It's a common theme with women. Some are far worse than others, but some never throw moods at all. Periods aren't the direct cause, but they certainly don't help :p Anyone who's being split open from the inside out is bound to be a bit touchy!

My gf has her moods. I find sucking up to her prolongs it, which lends wait to the attention seeking/manipulation theory.

Once it starts, I say my piece just once, in a nice caring way, and then pretend the arguement is over (regardless of what she says next). I let her simmer down (sometimes that takes a whole day). If there's a problem to fix, I do it in the background, I don't make a song and dance about it, and don't even tell her I'm doing it. As has been said above, women don't want quick fixes.

Like children, adults will stop throwing tantrums if the tantrums are ignored. It's particularly hard for new boyfriends to understand why girls behave like that. It takes time to get used to a womans emotions.

Advice to women - ignoring/not talking to your man is probably the worst thing you can do, especially with a new fella! We don't understand and we don't take it well at all. You're warned!
bfar said:
Advice to women - ignoring/not talking to your man is probably the worst thing you can do, especially with a new fella! We don't understand and we don't take it well at all. You're warned!
No? I just think 'oh well no sex tonight, thats fine' and go for a row/run :)
Women over think things and make situations worse by doing so.

Men often don't think and thus something that would be deemed as random and harmless would be read into and explode into an unecessary argument.

[ASSE]Hinchy said:
"Simon, are we going to the Chinese tomorrow?"
- Yeah sure.
"Are you sure cos I know you're short on money."
- Yeah whatever I'm not fussed either way
"You don't care about me anymore do you!"
- ....huh?
"You're not fussed about seeing me ever, you should WANT to see me, and be falling over yourself to get me to come out with you"
- ....we've been together 18 months. I know you're going to come out with me.

and so on... Given up fighting with her now. If she starts going on she gets ignored now, simple.

Is a bit far though, some women I just don't get and I am one of the species! :p

As for witholding nookie, in my experience it works both ways :( but 9/10 times the bloke is the first to cave in ;)

BB x
I think the main reason why women get in bad moods with men, is that they know that in 99.99% of cases, they can say what they like and a man won't respond the way he would with another man, plus the fact that they're all mad as hatters as well.
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