Why do women get in bad moods so easily?

Women get moody because :-
the monthly crimson flood
saggy boobs
grey hair
saggy bum
fat build up in places
bingo wings
they need make up all the time
they get pregnant and have to carry it all the time
they have to give birth which is like pushing a golf gti through a catflap
they get conscious of what they eat
they get touchy on everything because of hormones
they can't drive into parking bays
they can't drive faster than the official road speed limit regardless
they can't do a shopping spree in an hour

Women basically are jealous of men, simple as and thats why they get moody.
Vixen said:
That's because women aren't idiots, they can figure out why men act the way they do ;).

Not a chance men are far too simple for women to work out. They look for complexities and subtleties that just do not exist.

If we say yes we mean yes, if we say no we mean no.

Its all just too straightforward and logical for women ;) :p
Vixen said:
I've never met one.

thats because women use it as blackmail thus making it worse. Want what you cant have scenario, so women use that to there advantage. If you didnt we wouldnt give two *****
Men are simple logical beings, women are game playing, ciniving, and emotionally unstable beings.
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For what it's worth, I never used to argue back and my missus would get in steaming moods. I started to argue back, the rows are bigger but half an hour later she'll apologise, and there's less of them. Because I'm really laid back, I'm not really arguing like she is, so invariably, I'll make sense and she won't. Hence I win a lot more :)
Why do women have periods?

Because they deserve them...

My girlfriend is a pain in the arse with her moods. I can say something, and immediately she will take it in the worst way possible. For example:

"Simon, are we going to the Chinese tomorrow?"
- Yeah sure.
"Are you sure cos I know you're short on money."
- Yeah whatever I'm not fussed either way
"You don't care about me anymore do you!"
- ....huh?
"You're not fussed about seeing me ever, you should WANT to see me, and be falling over yourself to get me to come out with you"
- ....we've been together 18 months. I know you're going to come out with me.

and so on... Given up fighting with her now. If she starts going on she gets ignored now, simple.
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