Why don't they make smaller OLED TVs?

why then ?

vsync / 120hz - but do we have the games console/card power to drive them at 4k
hdr improvements - but the nits will not be any greater for oled or led , and Pan and somewhat LG, already have good transfer functions and frame by frame brightness evaluation.
media - will we have 4k player or streaming box (eg. skyQ) upgrades to 2.1
panel cost - new production capability and sub-pixel lifetime/burn-in improvements should democatize the bigger panels, and, allow smaller panels/PCmonitors to be viable

- the latter is the best reason to wait till 2019 if you don't need 4k yet ?
I think you would be mad to buy a high end TV this year unless you are absolutely loaded.

HDMI 2.1 will be on all the 2019 sets and will be a game changer.

The standard might come 2019/2020, but it will still be a few years after that before this country gets any content or things that can actually be used against it like always.
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