Why is Bradford so hated?

On my daily dog walks at the park (Essex) I regularly talk to:

Muslim lady from Manchester who has a dog called Gizmo - She's a locum doctor.
Lady who was born in India but grew up in Saudi Arabia who has a dog called Olive - She's a primary school teacher
A lady from Texas who has an Australian Shepherd - Can't remember that dogs name.
A Hungarian couple who have 2 Vizslas.

I don't know where you think multiculturalism is failing - Maybe go and talk to people?

Yea I have a black friend to.
To be fair it's well known as that at least up here.

It's a diverse city but very split. If you drive through to get to the A1 you see mostly the ugly parts which any city has. But centrally it isn't a bad place like it's made out. There isn't much to see though unless you go to the Media Museum or the smaller museums and Halls. Places like Leeds are a better place to visit really.

I grew up in a town near Bradford called Keighley and it has much of the same problems as bradford where my sister still live. Its not quite the worse place in the UK but its down there with other poop holes like Slough/Bolton/Stoke on trent where I have lived
Does anyone actually think it IS working?

A lot on this forum would say it's working , but in my opinion their thinking is very wishful or biased ;) Of course it's not working, the sheer numbers of ethnics that have come in a relatively short period and decamped into insular groups have made it so, along with the many serious cultural, religious and educational differences. Just because the laws of the land have changed to make voicing strong opinion on the matter almost taboo, it does not mean people all like it, and they go about their opposition to it still, but quietly and at the ballot box. I know many older English inhabitants of Bradford, Blackburn, Leeds et cetera, but only one has ever voiced any support for how multiculturalism has changed the area for the better. Many hold strongly radical views on the matter and are moving out, or have done so already. Definitely not working...
Assume people mean by "integration" that everyone should act British or go home. :cry:
In part... YES!
But in another part, it also means the culture of Britain absorbing, adopting or just being influenced by elements of those cultures, too. That definition of 'British' needs to change, if you want to be properly multicultural. We've already shown we can do it to some extent throughout our history, as is evidenced by the influences on our language and cuisine.

Otherwise you just have multiple cultures simply clashing with each other over values, beliefs and perspectives.
Nations form from groups of people with shared values, beliefs, language, cultures, history and so on. That is what unites them. So we as people of one nation either have to integrate and meld our cultures into a single shared one, or we just end up as a bunch of isolated cultures bleating about multiculturalism while being pretty much the antithesis of multicultural.
It was less than 10 years ago that the 2012 Olympics happened and everyone was feeling a great community spirit and people were proud of the country.

Even though we were deep in to austerity, those seemed like halcyon days.
It was less than 10 years ago that the 2012 Olympics happened and everyone was feeling a great community spirit and people were proud of the country.

Even though we were deep in to austerity, those seemed like halcyon days.

A bit like Commodus' master plan in Gladiator (minus the slaughter of course) :D
A Northerner would say that ...

Nothing wrong with being a northerner :)

Anyway I've worked in Bradford on my travels and yeah it's pretty dire like all the other places i have been on with work, Runcorn,Burnley,Leeds,Huddersfield,Sheffield,Grimsby,Glasgow to parts of London to name a few, Walsall the worst for gangs got offered drugs every time i popped in for a maccys :D
Does anyone actually think it IS working?

The problem is it's being exploited to create division, we're one of the most welcoming and tolerant countries in the world and yet we're being led to believe we're the most racist and intolerant. How do you have a peaceful multicultural society when players are intent on drawing clear lines between the different groups and turning them against one another?

Unless you can stop those who are promoting the division and "us versus them" mentality (in our case the identity politics crowd and groups like BLM) it's a recipe for disaster.
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It was less than 10 years ago that the 2012 Olympics happened and everyone was feeling a great community spirit and people were proud of the country.
Were they?
Most people I encountered couldn't wait for it all to be over and done with.

I am not so sure about that. I think there is a sort of British ethic that is very tolerant but I am not sure how that plays out in reality.
I think that's more of a residual effect from the class system than anything else. People of all colours and cultures are treated equally in respect of those aspects, but you're still ranked according to your social standing.
I admit my little daily dog walk is as anecdotal as it comes, but how/why do you think it isn't working?

It isn't a thing, it's just people living in separate communities within the same geographical area mostly only interacting at work. It fractures populations and communities don't "integrate" like you would expect them to, it's simply a myth. Countries work better when they're largely homogenous with a low level of immigration by people who are genuinely interested in being part of the country they're moving to, not just interested in setting up a small version of their own country within the borders of another. I don't say this with any malice towards people living in the UK nor would I suggest they should "go back home" or anything ridiculous, my opinion applies to every country in the world; I'm sure Spanish people don't like Brits buying up a load of property and turning Spanish coastal towns into little versions of Britain for example, and they'd be within their rights not to.
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It isn't a thing, it's just people living in separate communities within the same geographical area mostly only interacting at work. It fractures populations and communities don't "integrate" like you would expect them to, it's simply a myth. Countries work better when they're largely homogenous with a low level of immigration by people who are genuinely interested in being part of the country they're moving to, not just interested in setting up a small version of their own country within the borders of another. I don't say this with any malice towards people living in the UK nor would I suggest they should "go back home" or anything ridiculous, my opinion applies to every country in the world; I'm sure Spanish people don't like Brits buying up a load of property and turning Spanish coastal towns into little versions of Britain for example, and they'd be within their rights not to.

Both of the 'non white' people in my anecdote are married to white men.

Is that not integration?
Both of the 'non white' people in my anecdote are married to white men.

Is that not integration?

Not really, 2 individuals getting married doesn't mean large communities aren't mostly interacting and socialising within their own groups and setting up mini versions of their own countries within the UK (in this example).
Sadly this sounds like many places in the UK.
you guys probably just paranoid :p

there's very few areas that are anything like that.
if you grew up in a city then you heard all the stories of how rough parts are as you grow up.
if you move to a city and someone says oh that's a rough area your like... really? doesn't seem like it at all.

I live in one of the worst areas of Newcastle apparently, gladly go for walks at midnight and earlier in the morning, never had any trouble.

a few teengers have been stabbed and died over the years but it's not random acts it's groups of kids fighting each other.

BTW if an areas really bad the council does this to every short cut/back path

Where my parents live is like a prison estate pretty much surrounded by a big green fence and everyone is forced to walk down the main streets because all the alley ways and short cuts got fenced off.
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