why is eve-online so good?

i played for 7 months and just started a new 14 day trial.

you really do have to commit a lot of game time (at least 6 months training REAL 6 months so expect to have fun 2007) to it before you can really do anything important, or you will just be a tackler nub and get constantly blown to bits.

The thing about eve is the skill traning which is good for casual players but really dosnt help the MMo grinders with lots of time to play.

Ive heard its a good game when you get there, but this is one where you are at a serious mega disadvatage until you learn all the skills.
Mmm, really tempted to give EvE another go, gave up last time after buying my first battleship, forgetting in insure it and getting it blown up by pirates on its maiden voyage :rolleyes: .
when you start get to 0.0 with your corp and get involved in PVP, pirate hunting etc,
as you're new your gonna have to spend some time training before you can do any damage, but you CAN use warp scrams etc with little SP dedicated to it and thats ALWAYS helpfull in a gang.
it CAN be fun when you start, it just takes a little work aswell.
Eve bored me to death, but my friends played it so I gave it a go. Found the 2 week trial boring. Nearly didnt bother paying, but I did.

Joined the OcUK corp - much more interesting, stayed there for a few months but felt I wanted more.

Joined my current corp in November and WOW. The game has totally changed - it's totally awesome, thoroughly enjoyable, the sense of teamwork is epic and the things I do are great fun.

I don't really play any other game now.
[TW]Fox said:
Eve bored me to death, but my friends played it so I gave it a go. Found the 2 week trial boring. Nearly didnt bother paying, but I did.

Joined the OcUK corp - much more interesting, stayed there for a few months but felt I wanted more.

Joined my current corp in November and WOW. The game has totally changed - it's totally awesome, thoroughly enjoyable, the sense of teamwork is epic and the things I do are great fun.

I don't really play any other game now.
its all about the people, and using TS is a MUST
Ive just started EVE up myself. It's been 2 weeks now but I am slowly getting into it. A good corp helps. Still have no idea what I am doing though :D .
Inquisitor said:
Possibly the most convincing argument I've seen all month.

Fantastic isnt it! :D

Well that was my sole reason for cancelling subscription. Probably out of the 19 hours I played it, 15 of them were spent sitting there watching my ship on autopilot. Woooo fantastic. I did TRY to get into it, and jutst couldnt, its a good game, just very, very boring
badgermonkey said:
Yeah but i dont want to have to pay £20-30 worth of game time BEFORE i get anywhere interesting.

lol!!! I hate paying £20-£0 to have the game done and dusted and put away in my drawer in 10 hours.

You get 30days with the purchase I think? (been a long time) in 30 days you can easily make it into whatever you want without buying a subscription (I think you get 30 days free)
A couple of nights back I started the 2 week trial to see what all the fuss is about. Have to admit I'm a bit lost with the whole thing though I'm determined to play it out for a bit due to the commments about the start is quite a boring time for noobs.

Currently I'm doing a lot of set destination - autopilot and trying to earn a few isk doing level I runs for agents. Trying to read up as much as I can on forums etc.. but at the minute it's abit of a lonely experience, not a lot of interaction between folks apart from finding what's what in the rookie channel.

I'll maybe contact the OcUK corp as folks say it's better to play with a corp etc... Can't say I've much to offer anyone though but if it makes for an enjoyable gaming etc.. then that's great. :)
Been playing for 6 weeks now started with a 2 week trial i thought its ok, abit boring though running parcels + mining for a few grand in the rubbish noob ship you get free with a packet of cornflakes.But once youve got enough money/skills to fly for a decent cruiser then the game opens up its much better makin 300000 isks a trip rather than 3000isks :D + theres so much todo still havnt decided what trade to take up yet. Just runnin lvl 2 missions at the mo for exp and isks eveonline i want my life back :D
danoliver1 said:
Been playing for 6 weeks now started with a 2 week trial i thought its ok, abit boring though running parcels + mining for a few grand in the rubbish noob ship you get free with a packet of cornflakes.But once youve got enough money/skills to fly for a decent cruiser then the game opens up its much better makin 300000 isks a trip rather than 3000isks :D + theres so much todo still havnt decided what trade to take up yet. Just runnin lvl 2 missions at the mo for exp and isks eveonline i want my life back :D

it all changes when you jump to deep 0.0, poping rat groups that are worth 4-5mill+ (before loot).
makes it worth doing tbh.
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