i played for 7 months and just started a new 14 day trial.
you really do have to commit a lot of game time (at least 6 months training REAL 6 months so expect to have fun 2007) to it before you can really do anything important, or you will just be a tackler nub and get constantly blown to bits.
The thing about eve is the skill traning which is good for casual players but really dosnt help the MMo grinders with lots of time to play.
Ive heard its a good game when you get there, but this is one where you are at a serious mega disadvatage until you learn all the skills.
you really do have to commit a lot of game time (at least 6 months training REAL 6 months so expect to have fun 2007) to it before you can really do anything important, or you will just be a tackler nub and get constantly blown to bits.
The thing about eve is the skill traning which is good for casual players but really dosnt help the MMo grinders with lots of time to play.
Ive heard its a good game when you get there, but this is one where you are at a serious mega disadvatage until you learn all the skills.