why is eve-online so good?

Efour2 said:
Yes, I call it ganking defenceless people . Why do EVE players think its tactical ?
Because in the majority of cases it is? :confused:

Granted, if you come across a pirate in low sec space and you're unprepared, chances are you're going to die, but what would you expect? That's what pirates do.

It's most definitely not just down to the number of skills points you have and the strength of your tank, and if you think it is, you haven't done enough PvP to be able to give a balanced opinion on it. Back in the days of old, a fully tanked BS would not have stood a chance against a Gankageddon at close range.
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Boogle said:
Thats all a very fair set of points. I think it comes down to the player his or herself.

Having said that, if I were involved in a massive alliance fighting on the fringes of it's borders, then ye, I would be thoroughly addicted. But Eve Online isn't just combat :( So much mining and trading :(
I've not mined or traded in YEARS
made 100mill last night just from killing NPCs so I could buy a new command ship (T2 battlecruiser).
if you wish there is no need to grind.
VeNT said:
I've not mined or traded in YEARS
made 100mill last night just from killing NPCs so I could buy a new command ship (T2 battlecruiser).
if you wish there is no need to grind.

The years is the important quote. How long did you play for before you NEVER mined or traded?
badgermonkey said:
The years is the important quote. How long did you play for before you NEVER mined or traded?
I mined a bit in the first few months of the game (as it WAS the first few months of the game, I started the day eve went gold, my oldest char was born 17/05/2003) but I started a NEW account about 2 years ago now, and didn't give it any funding from my first/main, it was in a megathron BS doing lvl 3 missions within a month, 0 mining/trades involved.
I never mined for myself. Done a bit for the OcUK corporation but that was about it really.

You can get ISK other ways. I haven't read the whole thread yet but if no ones mentioned it here's some examples.

1 Trading items
1a Self made items
1b Self made ships
1c Buying low / selling high

2 Manufacturing
2a Ships
2b Modules

3 NPC'ing
3a In empire (not an amazing amout of ISK)
3b 0.0 (lots of ISK and a nice sec hit)

4 PvP (Bounty hunting)
5 PvP (pirating - not much ISK)
6 Running agent missions
7 Running a corporation (income tax)

My income at the moment comes in at around 400-500million ISK per month and recently I haven't been playing much. This is through NPCin' in 0.0 for a few hours and the rest (205 Million ISK) comes in from Teamspeak servers that I have been selling for ISK :). Provides a very healthly income. Admittidly (sp?) not everyone can do this but if you can it's worth it.

As for why is Eve such a good game? I think its due to a majority of the player base being relativly mature. In turn this has built a stable economy ingame which is one of the games strongest points in my opinion. It really does seem to work fairly similarly to that of real world economies.
Agent_matt said:
As for why is Eve such a good game? I think its due to a majority of the player base being relativly mature. In turn this has built a stable economy ingame which is one of the games strongest points in my opinion. It really does seem to work fairly similarly to that of real world economies.

Which is why im trying this out, and liking it so far. After 12+ months in Warcraft i've had enough of the immature attitude of the majority of the players, and the immaturity comes from people that should know better not just kids.

The beauty of this type of game the learning curve puts most of the idiots off, tbh ive not found it that hard, completed the tutorial and run a few errands.
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Inquisitor said:
Because in the majority of cases it is? :confused:

Granted, if you come across a pirate in low sec space and you're unprepared, chances are you're going to die, but what would you expect? That's what pirates do.

It's most definitely not just down to the number of skills points you have and the strength of your tank, and if you think it is, you haven't done enough PvP to be able to give a balanced opinion on it. Back in the days of old, a fully tanked BS would not have stood a chance against a Gankageddon at close range.

I do agree with you im not being silly, but if you are looking for a fight you will be fitted for it. Now if you find another grop of people kitted up looking for the fight sure you have a tactical match a real fight.

but like you say/ I say most fights are heavily bias to superior numbers, superior skills(skills=better ships, better modules, big wallets so loss means little) Ganks were you know you cant lose, and people run at the first site of a challenge.

Sure 2 big blobs = tactics co-ordiantion and lag .

5 guys going about scrambling and jamming 1 noob at a time is just BS.

im not bitter, honest :)
i've been playing just under 2 months & in that time have mined for myself just once. Have mined a few times for the OC corp to help pay the bills.
Only time i mined was when i needed a zillion tritanium and hauling it about would have been a nightmare.
[TW]Fox said:
Good point, closer to 3 ;)
true, and if you started again now you could run that down to 0.
I'll bet you I can start a trail account and have it making money without mining or trading within the alloted time.
VeNT said:
true, and if you started again now you could run that down to 0.
I'll bet you I can start a trail account and have it making money without mining or trading within the alloted time.

7 days? Possible :)
Mining like ratting in 0.0 is far more profitable, NPC'in is nice but with the right equpiment like:


You can make billions a month, Fox just dosen't belive me thou :(
Mining is a good way of making money in 0.0 just depends if you can be bothered the silly amount of time it takes to train for the barges.

I can fly a hulk now but no way I can afford one so I'm stuck in a covetor.

I tried the whole buy low sell high thing but I mus tbe lacking the trading skills I always bought the wrong things lol.
Btw pirating Can be v v v profitable, long as your very good and know what you can and cant take out.

Finding a n00b with loads of money and no sense in an Apoc when your in a taranis = gold :P. Poor n00b paid me 200 mil to leave him alone. I call that profitable. Fear the t2 neutron blaster taranis with Void :) and t2 drones :p
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