why is eve-online so good?

Tachyon said:
A couple of nights back I started the 2 week trial to see what all the fuss is about. Have to admit I'm a bit lost with the whole thing though I'm determined to play it out for a bit due to the commments about the start is quite a boring time for noobs.

Currently I'm doing a lot of set destination - autopilot and trying to earn a few isk doing level I runs for agents. Trying to read up as much as I can on forums etc.. but at the minute it's abit of a lonely experience, not a lot of interaction between folks apart from finding what's what in the rookie channel.

I'll maybe contact the OcUK corp as folks say it's better to play with a corp etc... Can't say I've much to offer anyone though but if it makes for an enjoyable gaming etc.. then that's great. :)
Stick with it mate, being with a player corp makes all the difference. It'll also become a lot more enjoyable if and when you move out to 0.0 space :)
At least there not qutting because they got ganked, I can introduce you to that side, gets your heart going one last time before you quit

Fox can have your stuff too

But seriously, eve isn't fun fun fun, there is grinding isk in volved to have the toys to go ut in pvp (pim fleets ***) - mining is my favoirt past time :D
is this the game you have to pay by the month then watch a big pretty space station floating around? The graphics do look class but I dont really see the gameplay, sorry if im being stupid but i liked strategy games where some action happened aswell like total war games, c&c age of empires etc
geeza said:
is this the game you have to pay by the month then watch a big pretty space station floating around? The graphics do look class but I dont really see the gameplay, sorry if im being stupid but i liked strategy games where some action happened aswell like total war games, c&c age of empires etc
250 man fleet battles? Battleships pounding eachother, torpedos, cruise missiles, and tackler frigates flying all over the place, locking down targets? Electronic warfare platform ships cycle jamming the enemy fleet? Fleet commanders shouting out orders over TeamSpeak, calling primaries and secondaries?

Sounds like action to me :)

Granted, battles that big are pretty rare, but they are great fun when they happen :cool:

At the end of the day though, EVE is a game for patient people who can stand the thought of playing a game for more than 30 minutes without blowing something up or pwning some noob.
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Had the best time tonight ... big gate camp ... not much action, but I love strategy, was chatting to some cov ops ... trying to figure out an alliances tactics, where they have their capital ship fleet, where a single carrier was warping to cyno'ing to over and over ... I spent 3 hours in the map trying to se if I could guess their next move ... between me and another guy we had some good ideas.

But we had some rubbish intel telling us that a carrier was unable to jump in 1 to a cyno field nearby ... I alt-tabbed ... checked in jump planner and noticed they could make it in one ... reinforcing one of my possible theories :D

While everyone else was drooling over a woman on TS ... a few of use were proactively trying to figure out strategies ... such a shame that some of the command are too arrogant to allow theories :( As it is, I'll write it up, post it on our corp forums and see what develops. If I am right, I can say see! if not I will be able to use that and learn from it.

:D All that fun from 4 hours sitting at a gate doing nothing ... in Eve you make your own game!!!
man this game is confusing, been playing for one day now with Vaders help. The tutorial takes like 3hours :eek:

edit: i cant work out who the fightings against, is it race vs race? or what?
I know skillpoints isnt everything but if you meet and equaly skilled person the one with the better tank is going to win.
Andr3w said:
man this game is confusing, been playing for one day now with Vaders help. The tutorial takes like 3hours :eek:

edit: i cant work out who the fightings against, is it race vs race? or what?

Worthwhile going through the tutorial though. People who skip parts of it tend to get lost quickly and quit the game.
Efour2 said:
I know skillpoints isnt everything but if you meet and equaly skilled person the one with the better tank is going to win.
Incorrect :)

It's impossible to simplify things to that level in EVE, it's all about the situation, who's better prepared, who has what modules fitted, what ship they're flying, and at the end of the day, actual player experience plays a very big role in determining the outcome of a fight.

Also, one on one PvP fights aren't that common, and when fights go beyond one or two players on each side, tactics, organisation and discipline all become factors.
Andr3w said:
edit: i cant work out who the fightings against, is it race vs race? or what?
Generally, PvP happens between alliances. Alliances tend to be fighting for territory, or simply because they don't like their neighbours :p

Andr3w said:
ive done the tutorial now and im lost :p

No idea what i should be doing now :rolleyes:
Join a player corp (OcUK would probably be a good choice) :)
Andr3w said:
How do i join the ocuk corp?
My ingame name is N3din

also are alliance's like guilds?
Corps are EVE's equivelant of guilds. An alliance is a group of corps acting together. You also get even larger groups sometimes, composed of several neighbouring alliances, usually called coalitions.

As a rule of thumb, corps are typically between 30-200 members. Alliances vary a lot in their sizes, some being just handful of corps (e.g. BoB, The Five, etc.), and some, like ASCN being made up of 30+.

As for joining OcUk, just drop into the OcUK channel and they'll help you :) You can join the channel by clicking on the channels and mailing lists button near the bottom of the neocom bar on the left, then clicking create/join and typing in the name.
badgermonkey said:
Yeah but i dont want to have to pay £20-30 worth of game time BEFORE i get anywhere interesting.

I agree. Plus life is to short to spend 40hrs (I'm assuming thats 2 months?) doing something boring to get to something entertaining.
Boogle said:
I agree. Plus life is to short to spend 40hrs (I'm assuming thats 2 months?) doing something boring to get to something entertaining.
But it will provide you with years (and I mean this literally - I'm still playing after well over 3 years) of entertainment after that. :)
Inquisitor said:
But it will provide you with years (and I mean this literally - I'm still playing after well over 3 years) of entertainment after that. :)

But there are games coming out all the time to provide an even higher level of entertainment over those years :p
Boogle said:
But there are games coming out all the time to provide an even higher level of entertainment over those years :p
Well, if you're impatient and want immediate short term entertainment, then I agree, EVE isn't for you ;)
Boogle said:
But there are games coming out all the time to provide an even higher level of entertainment over those years :p

That's not entirely true, Ive played for over 2 years ... Say around £240 over two years. Say 10 hours a week play (more likely to be around 20+) has given me 1040 hours of entertainment.

Now say a game like Age of Empires III or Prey costs £30 say ... I could have bought 8-9 games ... say on average 15 hours of gameplay from each. Thats around 135 hours.

Because the majority of Eve is player driven, and non-linear sort of ... I have yet to come across a game to beat it in terms of gameplay, sure you might be happy mindlessly buzing around a map killing computer controlled opponents. Or setting up trade routes in a closed, single player environment (X3) personally, I much prefer a player vs player orientated or player + player game :)
Thats all a very fair set of points. I think it comes down to the player his or herself.

Having said that, if I were involved in a massive alliance fighting on the fringes of it's borders, then ye, I would be thoroughly addicted. But Eve Online isn't just combat :( So much mining and trading :(
Inquisitor said:
Incorrect :)

It's impossible to simplify things to that level in EVE, it's all about the situation, who's better prepared, who has what modules fitted, what ship they're flying, and at the end of the day, actual player experience plays a very big role in determining the outcome of a fight.

Also, one on one PvP fights aren't that common, and when fights go beyond one or two players on each side, tactics, organisation and discipline all become factors.

Yes, I call it ganking defenceless people . Why do EVE players think its tactical ?
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