I wear leathers every single day. I walk around town quite happily. I even spend most of the working day wearing them, as I can't be bothered to get changed. Incidentally, I'm still wearing my 'Winter' leathers...
Those who complain about leathers being restrictive, hot, uncomfortable, etc are simply wearing the wrong ones.
Surely it should be compulsory to wear full body protection? Or would you disagree?
Yes indeed.
Also, make it compulsory for rider to wear full neck braces, for bikes to have these massive leg protectors along their sides, full roll cages all around them, reduce their power to 12BHP *and* install devices that instantly switch the bike off if it detects you're going too fast for what "it thinks" the local speed limit is... particularly if you're banked over in a corner.
All of this and more should be compulsory... so say the lobbyists, anyway. Have a quick browse of the MAG website and see some of the insane things people (usually those who've never ever ridden a bike either) want to slap on bikes in the name of safety.
IMO there should be a motorcycle clothing regulation, stamped on all gear at a minimum level of protection and a law that states you must be wearing said approved gear.
Suddenly the number of bike gear shops doubles, along with the demand and consequential cost of now having to get approved-only kit...
even at slow spills ive had it fetch the skin off yet the textile jacket has been untouched,idk how it manages to do that
You wearing cotton trousers right now?
Reach down and scratch your leg as if it itches... press hard.
Did you tear your trousers open?
Unless you're Wolverine, I bet you didn't, right?
Same effect.